Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Someone defended his wife's honor and you fucks think that is a bad thing.

its the hypocrisy on violence from the left thats been exposed not the fact that a man defended his wife . for example Sarah Sanders was treated much worse by Michelle Wolf at the correspondents dinner ! if Sanders had gotten up and slapped the shit out of Wolf the left would have went nuts calling her a violent racist with thin skin ect .... and is making fun of bald men ok ? remember the left says theres no major difference between men and women so why shouldnt a bald actor be able to assault someone for making fun of his baldness ....
Chris Rock made a tasteless and idiotic joke.

Will Smith should have maintained his composure and dealt with it after the broadcast.

Smacking someone is unacceptable in every case whether it is on TV or not

I give Rock credit for maintaining his composure though.
There's such a thing as breaking the law.......and then accepting punishment and apologizing too.

And then there's the snivelers who do nothing when their SOs are insulted. Case in point, Cancun Cruz.
That’s twice in a row, genius. Try “they’re.”

You appear to be one of the snivelers, btw. Funny, that.

Meanwhile, try to focus. The thread topic is not Ted Cruz or President Trump. If you imagine that you have something of any significance to discuss about either or both of them (as unlikely as that is), find the right thread. 👍
Hmm, who excused it? I understand it, I am betting you are married to a white man.
you excused it. Why would you make such a racist prejudicial assumption? you think black men are more likely to resort to criminal behavior? why?

Will was laughing until he saw the look on Jada's face, and she wasn't looking at Chris ...
When he slapped Chris, he was in recovery mode and trying not to end up sleeping on the couch.

When he caught her cheating she swore she didn't do it. Wasn't me she said. He said swear you didn't? She said "if I did may my hair fall out"

Is it just me or does Jada look like Jerry's girlfriend?

Sure you would....and then there'd be this evidence that you did it in order to get a payday. Nice morals there...must be a Rightie.
What can I say? It’s a trick I’ve seen work well for the Democrat constituency. Why not take it for a spin?
I don't keep up with an ounce of Hollywood gossip, but looking at this video, curious if it was staged or real... and learned that Will Smith's family is pretty fucked up. A mess. His son at 15 filed to legally separate from his father.
So... gonna say he must not be the father of the year.
Instead of going to fancy award ceremonies, dinners and viewings... maybe he should try and repair the damage and ruin his family is in.
It isn’t “none.” It isn’t “one.” It can be a “couple,” but it can also mean “more than two. So since the word choice being discussed wasn’t “a couple,” the actual definition boils down to “more than two.”

Wow, obsess much?
I don't keep up with an ounce of Hollywood gossip, but looking at this video, curious if it was staged or real... and learned that Will Smith's family is pretty fucked up. A mess. His son at 15 filed to legally separate from his father.
So... gonna say he must not be the father of the year.
Instead of going to fancy award ceremonies, dinners and viewings... maybe he should try and repair the damage and ruin his family is in.
Or divorce. The kids are old enough now. Life is too short. And sorry but the public is never going to forget this or that she cheated on you.

He should have smacked her for cheating on him.
Chris Rock made a tasteless and idiotic joke.

Will Smith should have maintained his composure and dealt with it after the broadcast.

Smacking someone is unacceptable in every case whether it is on TV or not

I give Rock credit for maintaining his composure though.
He was so composed it almost seems unbelievable.

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