Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Can anyone explain to a non American what happened there?

3 pampered, rich democrats had a moment of stupidity....

Chris Rock, rich democrat made a joke about jada pinkett smith, another rich democrat, about her bald head. She is suffering from alopecia, and shaved her head. Will smith, another rich democrat didn't like the joke about his wife, likely having laughed at jokes about everyone else in the room.....and slapped chris rock.......

The whole point of being a presenter and host of the show is to mock and make jokes about those in the room......

Will smith, a rich democrat, didn't like the joke and being rich and a democrat realized the rules of normal behavior don't apply to him...
The comment was made, by Turtlesoup, that there were "several".

For some odd reason, that member seems unable to support that assertion...
If several = “more than one,” he’d be done. But assuming (as I do) that “several” means “more than two,” the he has only to show one more.
Rock did nothing illegal---it's a crime to assault someone. Smith assaulted Rock like he has done several others. Smith belongs in prison if this was not just a publicity stunt.
You call that an assault? Father used to hit me harder than Will hit Chris. Regardless its Chris’s decision on whether or not to press charges. He declined.
I get how the Right doesn't get this.....they are used to rolling over if their SO is insulted. Just look to Cancun Cruz.
You get insulted regularly. Do you “do” anything about it? You also insult others, regularly. Are you suggesting anything needs to be “done” about it?

And besides, you’re trying (obviously) to reframe the discussion. Cruz responded. Rather clearly and well. If he had done anything more, hypocrites like you would use it as an alternative way of bashing the “right.” You’d say he’s too thin-skinned to take a verbal hit and thereby shows that he is too emotionally driven to be President.

You’re a poseur.
You get insulted regularly. Do you “do” anything about it? You also insult others, regularly. Are you suggesting anything needs to be “done” about it?

And besides, you’re trying (obviously) to reframe the discussion. Cruz responded. Rather clearly and well. If he had done anything more, hypocrites like you would use it as an alternative way of bashing the “right.” You’d say he’s too thin-skinned to take a verbal hit and thereby shows that he is too emotionally driven to be President.

You’re a poseur.
Insult ME all you want......I just con-sider the source.
If several = “more than one,” he’d be done. But assuming (as I do) that “several” means “more than two,” the he has only to show one more.

In your opinion.

To me, "several" is synonymous with "many"; a half dozen maybe...
Insult ME all you want......I just con-sider the source.
I don’t care what you consider. I doubt that what you do involves any consideration (no matter how trite your spelling). I wasn’t so much “insulting” you, in any event, as I was just noting your hypocrisy and the basic fallacy of your prior post. It is what it is.
In your opinion.

To me, "several" is synonymous with "many"; a half dozen maybe...
I would say 3 or 4 is pushing the low limit of "several" which can be many more than 3 or 4.

P.S. As a kid, the word "Several" made me think about the word "Seven" for some reason. I wonder if the two words have a common origin.
It isn’t “none.” It isn’t “one.” It can be a “couple,” but it can also mean “more than two. So since the word choice being discussed wasn’t “a couple,” the actual definition boils down to “more than two.”
I don’t care what you consider. I doubt that what you do involves any consideration (no matter how trite your spelling). I wasn’t so much “insulting” you, in any event, as I was just noting your hypocrisy and the basic fallacy of your prior post. It is what it is.
This is pretty much where I feel sorry for you. :itsok: and all those you would not defend.
interesting that Smith was not escorted out of the building, won an award later, did a speech and then,
I get how the Right doesn't get this.....they are used to rolling over if their SO is insulted. Just look to Cancun Cruz.
It’s those pesky things there… Whaddya call em’? Oh, yeah! Laws… Some folks simply cannot, or will abide by them.
I am not a fan of Will Smith but he was nice with what he did to Rock because Chris should have had his head kicked in for verbally assaulting another man wife even if it was in a tasteless joke.

Rock has always been a punk and someone finally slapped him for being the pathetic piece of trash he is…
Oh please. The assholes on this board tell more offensive jokes and the posters here are fine with it.

Other than the fact that it is very amusing when Hollywood dimwits turn on each other in public. They are still a bunch of whiny elitist hypocrites.

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