Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Yep... LOL
Many blacks on TV today are admitting how wrong Will Smith was. Will USMB blacks admit what he did was wrong? If they don't, they need to realize this Will Smith story is a perfect example of what is wrong with black people. They want to justify this. I hear TJ Holmes trying to defend him because he was defending his wife. But the other black panelists are very carefully trying to tap dance around the fact that this is not how you do things.

I love it! I started a thread called Black People Don't Know How To Act and this black guy just said what I've been telling blacks here. You can not put your hands on someone because they offend your wife or call you the N word. Black people seem to think this gives them the green light to get violent. It doesn't.

Will is lucky Chris Rock is not pressing charges.

Oh, and before anyone calls me a racist, before this incident, I would have considered voting for Will Smith if he ran for president. This incident and his wife cuckholding him publicly has made me lose all respect for this guy. Sad. He should have smacked his wife

And does what's going on in Russia/Ukraine says something about white people ?
Yes it says something about the human race.

What's happening in Detroit, what's happening in Russia and what happened at the Oscars are all great examples of what's wrong with people.

I'm hearing all kinds of black people today admitting that what I've been telling you is true. Him talking about his wife is no excuse to put your hands on someone. And I'm sure then they must know being called the N word doesn't give you the right either.

I'm sure you believe what happened between those two black men was perfectly acceptable because you've said before if someone called you a bad name, you'd hit them. Right? So I'm sure you believe he was completely justified in putting his hands on Chris Rock. Right? At least admit it. Own it. Like Trump, lean in don't back peddle. You clearly agree with Will Smith for smacking Chris right? He did the right thing. He did exactly what you would have done ESPECIALLY if it was a white dude like Ricky Gervais.
interesting that Smith was not escorted out of the building, won an award later, did a speech and then,

They are a protected species now. Any white man would have been dragged out for doing what Will did. Not be allowed to sit the entire night like he's entitled. Wrong message to send. Police should have escorted Will out. Then later Chris Rock could have refused to press charges but in the meantime Will should have been in a cell not front row. Unbelievable.
3 pampered, rich democrats had a moment of stupidity....

Chris Rock, rich democrat made a joke about jada pinkett smith, another rich democrat, about her bald head. She is suffering from alopecia, and shaved her head. Will smith, another rich democrat didn't like the joke about his wife, likely having laughed at jokes about everyone else in the room.....and slapped chris rock.......

The whole point of being a presenter and host of the show is to mock and make jokes about those in the room......

Will smith, a rich democrat, didn't like the joke and being rich and a democrat realized the rules of normal behavior don't apply to him...
And then we see Will Smith crying and snotting up like every politician before him after they done or said something out of line, even if what was said or done was warranted due to the circumstance. Hope he had tears of regret over what he said he was being called for in life after commiting to violence, and not tears of regret over what hollyweird thinks about him.. I wouldn't expect him to handle such a thing in that way, but were those tears because he violated the hollyweird woke code, where as you give to others until they cry, and then run back to the porch saying it was him just being funny or hey it's only comedy right.?... Pathetic.

How about this, Will should have left to cool off right after the slap, but his wife stays, and then accepts the award for him. She explains that they've been through a lot lately, and she'll give him their love when she see's him. Rock would've been a man on an island with no where to turn by what he caused with his arrogance, and Will would have saved his man card instead of shedding all those tears as if he was groveling for acceptance by the WOKIE'S again.
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I know the intersections are a little complicated here. All I’m saying is that if America wasn’t so racist, Smith would be in jail by now. But then Rock hardly comes out of all this particularly well, either. He would never have made fun of Jada Pinkett Smith’s head if that bald pate had belonged to a white woman. He wouldn’t have dared. The considerable professionalism with which Rock received Smith’s right hand cannot obscure his internalised anti-blackness and selective ableism.

One more thing. Am I the only one thinking that there would be more sympathy for the Pinkett Smiths today if it wasn’t for our society’s bigoted disdain for open relationships, polyamory and alternative family structures? All those ‘hilarious’ tweets about Will Smith saying ‘keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth’, while being otherwise relaxed about what she and other men and their mouths get up to, reflect our society’s dogged refusal to understand that letting younger men shag your wife is what progress looks like in 2022.

So no, this was not just one clearly unstable actor slapping a comedian who made fun of his wife. If only it were that simple. That slap and the reaction to it have served as a chilling reminder of various things I’ve been saying for years. And it’s about time we all woke up to that.

So Putin is slaughtering tons of white people in Ukraine bringing the propspect of WW3 that's not a problem to you.

Will Smith slaps someone on stage for dissing his wife and that's a problem to you

Only a white supremacist can rationalize something like that
What a race baiter you are. So, we are supposed to just let blacks do whatever they want too? If someone says something about it than they are a racist? Same old racism that you have posted before. You are the RACIST!
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And does what's going on in Russia/Ukraine says something about white people ?
I love it when black Americans act badly you always point to the worst whites on the planet and ask us to compare blacks to them.

We all know Putin is bad and wrong. Do you know Will Smith was bad and wrong? What if it were a white person and they called Will the N word? Would that give him the right to put his hands on that person? No it would not.

I love it that this happened because I'm hearing black commentators like TJ Holmes saying nothing a person says gives you the right to put your hands on them. So now at least blacks realize hopefully that disrespecting your wife doesn't give you the freedom to get violent. NOW, the next question is, do they realize they can't get violent if someone calls them the N word? I believe far too many of you think that gives you the green light to get violent and I'm sorry but it doesn't. If you believe it does you prove my opinion that black people don't know how to act.
It’s those pesky things there… Whaddya call em’? Oh, yeah! Laws… Some folks simply cannot, or will abide by them.
There's such a thing as breaking the law.......and then accepting punishment and apologizing too.

And then there's the snivelers who do nothing when their SOs are insulted. Case in point, Cancun Cruz.
And then we see Will Smith crying and snotting up like every politician before him after they done or said something out of line, even if what was said or done was warranted due to the circumstance. Hope he had tears of regret over what he said he was being called for in life after commiting to violence, and not tears of regret over what hollyweird thinks about him.. I wouldn't expect him to handle such a thing in that way, but were those tears because he violated the hollyweird woke code, where as you give to others until they cry, and then run back to the porch saying it was him just being funny or hey it's only comedy right.?... Pathetic.

How about this, Will should have left to cool off right after the slap, but his wife stays, and then accepts the award for him. She explains that they've been through a lot lately, and she'll give him their love when she see's him. Rock would've been a man on an island with no where to turn by what he caused with his arrogance, and Will would have saved his man card instead of shedding all those tears as if he was groveling for acceptance by the WOKIE'S again.
Will should have ripped into him when he won the Oscar, VERBALLY.
I know the intersections are a little complicated here. All I’m saying is that if America wasn’t so racist, Smith would be in jail by now. But then Rock hardly comes out of all this particularly well, either. He would never have made fun of Jada Pinkett Smith’s head if that bald pate had belonged to a white woman. He wouldn’t have dared. The considerable professionalism with which Rock received Smith’s right hand cannot obscure his internalised anti-blackness and selective ableism.

One more thing. Am I the only one thinking that there would be more sympathy for the Pinkett Smiths today if it wasn’t for our society’s bigoted disdain for open relationships, polyamory and alternative family structures? All those ‘hilarious’ tweets about Will Smith saying ‘keep my wife’s name out your fucking mouth’, while being otherwise relaxed about what she and other men and their mouths get up to, reflect our society’s dogged refusal to understand that letting younger men shag your wife is what progress looks like in 2022.

So no, this was not just one clearly unstable actor slapping a comedian who made fun of his wife. If only it were that simple. That slap and the reaction to it have served as a chilling reminder of various things I’ve been saying for years. And it’s about time we all woke up to that.

Don't know all that hollyweird gossip stuff, so I can't make any comments beyond what I witnessed on the video of the event.

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