Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

What he did was to appease his wife who busted him laughing at a joke at her expense.
Even if he was faking the laugh, that's what she should have done too. Then he could have let Chris have it later when he accepted his award.

Now we will NEVER stop making fun of Will and Jada. They opened up pandora's box. You know what they say to kids who are getting picked on? Don't let them know it bothers you then they'll stop. Now Will has become a punch line.

But I can't help think of Mel Gibson. If he was able to overcome the embarrassment of that tape, I think Will will get over this.
POC getting murdered by police is a reality.
And… More white people are killed by police, than blacks every year. And always have been.
I apologize about the retard comment earlier. It was just “off the cuff”. Had I known you actually were. I’d never have said it. Now I know how Mad Max felt when he pulled back the mask on Master Blaster…
Of course, I never claimed any of that. I never claimed my opinion was the definition, so stop lying.

As for the forum member who made the comment, there have been no further examples provided...

No, I wasn't.

I like scrambled eggs. I don't like them over-done. I refer to how I like them as "loose". Other people I know refer to them as "wet".

Neither of those, however, are a dictionary definition of how I like my scrambled eggs.

But, it's pretty clear that being "right" is of paramount performance to you. I guess you weren't hugged enough as a child. So, as I couldn't really give a flying fuck about any of this, I'll let you claim some sort of victory in being "right".

Your pathetic but, apparently, that's all you've really got going for you...
Wow. You’re quite obtuse. I shared the definition. As I said. You replied with your “opinion” as I said. I didn’t claim you used a definition. In fact, I clearly said that your opinion is not a definition.

Your quibbling bullshit was with Tutlesoup. Will Smith slaps Chris Rock on stage, “keep my wife’s name out yo f***in’ mouth”.

I correctly noted what “several” means. That’s all. Everything which followed from that was me backing up what I said and you sharing your ignorant and erroneous opinion, then bitching about the fact that I corrected you. Get your panties out of their knot, kid.

And let’s see if there are any other incidents of asshole Will Smith resorting to violence. One more completes the picture and would prove that Turtlesoup was right all along.
And… More white people are killed by police, than blacks every year. And always have been.
I apologize about the retard comment earlier. It was just “off the cuff”. Had I known you actually were. I’d never have said it. Now I know how Mad Max felt when he pulled back the mask on Master Blaster…
So Putin is slaughtering tons of white people in Ukraine bringing the propspect of WW3 that's not a problem to you.

Will Smith slaps someone on stage for dissing his wife and that's a problem to you

Only a white supremacist can rationalize something like that
This deflection ricocheted off your forehead.

Will Smith, whom I respect, acted a fool. Should be charged.
It says they are stupid following a man who thinks of them as goy. A Godless Jew like Zelensky gets off on seeing white Christians killing each other. That’s why the Marxist lefties here love him so much. That’s why you are programmed to support him.
Putin is a maniac
And… More white people are killed by police, than blacks every year. And always have been.
I apologize about the retard comment earlier. It was just “off the cuff”. Had I known you actually were. I’d never have said it. Now I know how Mad Max felt when he pulled back the mask on Master Blaster…
The number of unarmed black men who are not threatening and who are killed despite that is minuscule in relation to the tens of millions of police encounters per year, many with defiant, high, or drunk criminals. That so few are killed is a testament to the cops’ restraint.
And it may be that Turtlesouo WAS correct.
Shortly before he was cast [as the Fresh Prince, when he was about 22], Smith was arrested in relation to an alleged assault on his record promoter, William Hendricks. He was charged with aggravated assault, criminal conspiracy, simple assault and recklessly endangering another person, but all charges were later dismissed.

‘To hide the coward’: how Will Smith’s personal history may explain his Oscars violence

If so, we are now up to “several.” 👍
Can anyone explain to a non American what happened there?
We don't understand it either.

I guess it's a total collapse of this movie award show --- like when they gave the best picture award to totally the wrong movie, and took it away again while everyone was on stage cheering. Now THAT was bad.

It's all just industry stuff for movie promotion, and movies are in so much trouble now with theaters going out and streaming screwing up the Star System.
Whether real or not (could be just a way to garner controversy and watchers, since their viewership is in the toilet now), this is the typical behavior we see on videos in inner-city fast food chains and restaurants, as well as in the streets and in airport terminals and airplanes. Low class.
She could wear a wig like most women do. After all, baldness in women is common with all the cancer treatment going on. People just wear a wig. Why doesn't she? Wants attention?? Humph.
I'll be honest I don't approve of the joke. I wouldn't have told it. It wasn't a roast. Probably why Chris Rock didn't press charges. But what Will did was not appropriate. We don't live in a society where what he did is appropriate.

What he did goes exactly opposite of what stand your ground laws say. If Chris Rock knew Will was coming to hit him, and he had a gun, by law, he would have had the right to pull out the gun and shoot Will dead for attacking him. He would have no reason to know that Will would stop after one slap. So in a different situation, Chris could have legally killed Will for what he did.
I never said what he did was right, I understand his reaction.
I don't "support" what Smith did, but I understand why he did it. If someone says something demeaning about my smokin' hot Puerto Rican girlfriend I'll beat him until he stops bleeding. I'm not saying it's right, nor would I be looking for support from anyone. But I'm not going to sit there and just let it happen.

I think the reason Rock isn't pressing charges is because he realizes he crossed a line that shouldn't have been crossed...
dont sit in the front row at the comedy store then ! comedians have made fun of audience members for yrs .... another assault on comedy from the left .

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