Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Wifes got one.

A friend of mine has an odd affliction where she constantly pulls at her hair. Eventually it got to the point of her having less hair than a marine so we went wig shopping. I gotta say she looks beautiful in it. I was jealous, lol!
I never said what he did was right, I understand his reaction.
Thank you for being honest. I'll be honest too. If someone said that about my wife, I'd want to smack them too. A part of me now that you got me thinking says good for Will for not allowing it. Now I can see his side of this.

Sometimes first the other side needs to admit what they did was wrong. I was expecting people would be defending Will because the other day some blacks here said they are justified hitting someone who calls them the N word. I told them no they are not. They had a hard time understanding that. This story perfectly illustrates that no matter what someone says to you, you do not have the right to put your hands on them.

In fact, I would say making fun of someones wife is worse than calling them the N word.
My wife just read it somewhere. I then spent some time trying to find a link. Have come up empty (aside from some “analysis.”) It is legally true that the cops don’t “need” for Rock to press a complaint which he is evidently not going to do. But it is often true that cops won’t arrest otherwise.
My wife just read it somewhere. I then spent some time trying to find a link. Have come up empty (aside from some “analysis.”) It is legally true that the cops don’t “need” for Rock to press a complaint which he is evidently not going to do. But it is often true that cops won’t arrest otherwise.
Yeah especially true when it come to arresting celebs.
Apparently the LAPD is now going to arrest Will Smith.
Yeah. Maybe not all that “apparent.” I have read that Rock isn’t going to “press” charges. And while that isn’t legally required, I doubt the LAPD will proceed without Rock.
That's how I feel.

I understand his reaction. It was not a proper reaction...but I understand it.
We all understand his reaction. It's why politicians have passed Stand Your Ground legislation. Because too many Americans believe you can put your hands on someone who offends you. Too many are justifying his actions.

Now I'm not justifying Chris Rock's actions either. The more I think about it, the more I wonder what the fuck he was thinking. Apparently he thought he knew the Smith's better but I guess he don't.
like you i'm not completely sure if it was staged or not .... either way it is disturbing .. and if it was staged for some reason i'd feel even more disgusted ..
Yes, I agree. Staging it is even worse. Has American sunk so low, and the caliber of citizens so poor, that it’s seen as a “ratings boost” to have a black man punch another black man and then yell the f word across the auditorium?
My wife just read it somewhere. I then spent some time trying to find a link. Have come up empty (aside from some “analysis.”) It is legally true that the cops don’t “need” for Rock to press a complaint which he is evidently not going to do. But it is often true that cops won’t arrest otherwise.
I bet if Rock was a woman, there wouldn't be any delay, or discussion on the matter. Where's the equality..?
Yes, I agree. Staging it is even worse. Has American sunk so low, and the caliber of citizens so poor, that it’s seen as a “ratings boost” to have a black man punch another black man and then yell the f word across the auditorium?
I bet if Rock was a woman, there wouldn't be any delay, or discussion on the matter. Where's the equality..?
I am guessing here: but there is a belief in parts of our society that any cooperation with the police is basically snitching. It’s a “bitch” move, supposedly. We’ve likely all heard the derisive saying that “snitches get stitches.”

I wonder if Chris Rock is just being “street” in that way? I don’t think he’d get jumped for filing his report to the police. But maybe he’s concerned that it would make him “look” like a bitch.
Insulting a man wife as always gotten your head smack even when we were kids, so guess what?

Yeah, we have been Nazis since Adam and Eve…

Chris Rock is a punk and Will Smith did what most men would do and slap the shit out of the punk, and Chris should be lucky it was just a slap and not a beat down like he should have gotten.
I agree with that analysis, and I have said so.

However, this is a black tie, televised event, he is a professional comedian, and they are all celebrities. If you don't understand that context matters?

Perhaps this topic is not for you.

Shit, I have listened to, and watched some pretty atrocious acts, seventy years ago, of black folks tolerating some really vulgar shit from Lenny Bruce, that today? Would get a comic killed, because of where we are letting our nation descend, in regards to our relationship to letting comedians have the right to practice their craft.


Not some jag off, who walked off the street looking to provoke and insult a guy's wife with villainous intent. If you don't like that shit, you walk out in protest.

Just for the record, any man who advocates hitting a woman isn't really one. Hitting a man is (outside of extreme circumstances) pretty childish too, but hitting a woman or even promoting the idea of it is beneath low.
What's the difference between a woman and Rick Moranis?

And no one is advocating hitting women. What I said is if a man did that to a woman, the woman wouldn't have to press charges. He'd be charged. So why does Chris need to press charges in order for Will to be charged? It was caught on tape.

Remember Ray Rice? I doubt his wife pressed charges. It was caught on tape. His attorney described the incident between Rice and Janay Palmer as a “very minor physical altercation.”

Is that what black people call a very minor physical altercation?

Ray Rice’s wife posts message criticising media for coverage of assault on her by ‘the man I love’​


“I have to be strong for my wife. She is so strong,” he said. “We are in good spirits. We have a lot of people praying for us and we will continue to support each other.

Didn't Will also invoke God after he smacked Chris Rock? Interesting

Rice was arrested after the incident and charged with domestic violence assault, but avoided prosecution by entering into a pre-trial intervention program.

Rice apologised for his actions in May and again in July, when pre-season workouts began, saying his actions were “totally inexcusable.”
I am guessing here: but there is a belief in parts of our society that any cooperation with the police is basically snitching. It’s a “bitch” move, supposedly. We’ve likely all heard the derisive saying that “snitches get stitches.”

I wonder if Chris Rock is just being “street” in that way? I don’t think he’d get jumped for filing his report to the police. But maybe he’s concerned that it would make him “look” like a bitch.
Maybe. But I suspect it's just stoicism. After all... All the gossip is about Smiths Cuckoldry, his wife's public insults at Smiths performance between the sheets, and various other rather non flattering gossip about Smith. Smith did more damage than Rock could ever do, and he gets to come out looking like the bigger man.
Will Smith should have punched Rocks lights out.
Even here you can talk about someone's race but you can't talk about someone's family. Chris did tell a bad joke but it didn't justify being slapped. That was way out of line.

I wish Will would have grabbed Chris by the lapels and yelled at him instead of the bitch slap. Boy was that weird. Unbelievable really.
Will Smith seemed to laugh at first

I think his wife gave him the stink eye because he didn’t do anything so he stormed the stage to “defend her honor”

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