Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Thank you for being honest. I'll be honest too. If someone said that about my wife, I'd want to smack them too. A part of me now that you got me thinking says good for Will for not allowing it. Now I can see his side of this.

Sometimes first the other side needs to admit what they did was wrong. I was expecting people would be defending Will because the other day some blacks here said they are justified hitting someone who calls them the N word. I told them no they are not. They had a hard time understanding that. This story perfectly illustrates that no matter what someone says to you, you do not have the right to put your hands on them.

In fact, I would say making fun of someones wife is worse than calling them the N word.
I agree, but 9 times out of 10 if you call the right black man the N word you are probably going to catch them hands. Will probably regrets the manner in which he handled it, but I am pretty sure any woman is proud that her husband/man has her back and will not allow another man to disrespect her without there being some consequences and repercussions.
Also let me add that I am fucking sick of those using the word Nazi when they debate because it truly show how ignorant you are!

Free speech has it limits and believe it or not we used to have duals here over insults and Hamilton got his ass killed during one!

So no one is being a Nazi in this and to even make such comment show me what type of person you are!
I was being snarky fool.

When Trump was in office, far lefties and antifa had a campaign of, "punch a Nazi," where they defined anyone that remotely identified as "alt-right," as a Nazi, and that justified violence. This is why, then, the far-left and Antifa subsequently shut down many very previously liberal universities like Berkley, when a very conservative speaker would come to speak to conservative student groups.

I am very, VERY aware of what a Nazi is, and how it has been distorted, I pay attention to the culture, and have studied political science at university.

I am probably too educated on this. You calling me "ignorant?" Is the height of irony. I respect your opinion, driven by your emotion and informed by your public education and TEE VEE, but? It is, in the final analysis, largely irrelevant. It is clear to me, you don't ever do a whole lot of reading, or deep thinking on any these topics.

I will tolerate it though, because I like you Bruce.

whacking each other like Nazis if they don't approve of speech they don't like.

hahahha....oh I forgot, I ain't really black cause Joey Xiden says I am not, since I don't support his regime.
You are black, you just choose to boot lick instead of being a strong black woman. I have noticed you will attack black, but you are quiet as a church mouse when it comes to all the racist remarks made by whites on this forum. That is a dead giveaway.
Even here you can talk about someone's race but you can't talk about someone's family. Chris did tell a bad joke but it didn't justify being slapped. That was way out of line.

I wish Will would have grabbed Chris by the lapels and yelled at him instead of the bitch slap. Boy was that weird. Unbelievable really.
Nah, I'm from the days where a quick slap was the shortest, straight to the point and final punishment/answer. This pussy naughty step and talking about it is a waste of time. If you don't want smacked, keep your mouth shut. Smith should had punched Rocks front tooth out, imo.
I bet if Rock was a woman, there wouldn't be any delay, or discussion on the matter. Where's the equality..?
There's a happy thought. Next Oscars: some black man will punch Cate Blanchett on stage. Gotta keep the public watching!
I figured Jeremy would make a video on it, I didn’t know the guy Jada slept with was her son’s age. Yikes.

In the old days, the offended man would have challenged the transgressor to a duel. Wouldn't that be cool?
Such is the way most blacks are raised in Africa and America.
I have a hard time taking you seriously when you post shit like this.

The poor are pretty much the same, doesn't matter if you are white, black or Hispanic.

Your perceptions are being purposely manipulated by the propaganda, and this is a divide and rule strategy.

You need to stop watching the propaganda. It is balkanizing you, and making you as bigoted as some of the worst on here. . . I never saw you write this way before.

Most POOR people are raised this way. And most black folks happen to be poor. . . implicit bias keep them that way.

Free speech has it limits

No, actually, if you are a TRUE AMERICAN, there is only really, legally, only one prior restraint to free speech in America.

Any speech that seeks to appeal to "prurient interest," can and should be censored a priori, in the public spaces. Otherwise? Free speech in America has no limits. If you believe otherwise? You have been brain washed by socialists, communists, authoritarians, and STATISTS.

This has been the ruling of the courts.
You are black, you just choose to boot lick instead of being a strong black woman. I have noticed you will attack black, but you are quiet as a church mouse when it comes to all the racist remarks made by whites on this forum. That is a dead giveaway.
sorry your Plantaton boss said i ain’t really black….

sorry i can’t lick a old white man’s boats that thinks he can tell me who i am simply because i don’t fall in line with his agenda

you go right ahead
I don't believe this was staged. And the color is irrelevant. The joke about his wife crossed the line. Smith responded.

Chris Rock is an insult comic. It's what he does. That's why they hired him, to a certain extent. Poking fun at hollywood, aka, the rich and powerful was his job. Nowhere was that more evident than at the Oscars where you can assault a host and still get your award at the end of the night and make your speech for as long as you want.

I don't care about their sex life. That is between the two of them.

But if she had cancer and lost her hair because of chemo, would the joke be acceptable? If she was in a wheelchair and he joked about her not dancing, would it be acceptable? If he made a joke about Marlee Maitlin's singing voice, would it be acceptable?

There are lines you don't cross. Will Smith defended his wife.

But...........she doesn't have cancer or any other debilitating disease. Her life isn't in danger either. This is equivalent to having bad male pattern baldness, so your analogy really doesn't make any sense. Another thing that should be noted here, Jada Pinkett has shaven her head before the alopecia. She has rocked extremely short hair or possibly a shaved look before. This is not some look that is some huge departure for her.
He might have to give the Oscar he won back.

i disagree with that. He won for what he did in the movie, and while his actions might overshadow his getting the award, it doesn’t take away from the work he put into the role that won it

frankly he should be charged, and maybe forced to get some anger management treatment…or sent to Bel-Air
I musta missed where you told me that but you are correct and I am wrong. CR is from S Carolina......always thought he was Jamaican. Such is life.

Don't worry about, no big deal. :113:

The crown is busy tryna retake, or take over the whole world.
With the help of Klaus Schwab and the Pope, one day, they will achieve their goal. . . . We'll all be owned, and subjects, to do their bidding.

If Russia doesn't nuke it all first. :ack-1:
Back in the day when more men walked the earth they believed in free speech so much so that a popular saying was that "you have every right to speak your mind to my face and I have every right to knock you down for it!"

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