Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

I was reading some news about it and in a comment left by someone, he said he used to do her hair some years ago...and she began losing it due to continually coloring her hair, chemicals to straighten it, and in general poorly done head/scalp treatments to get straighter hair...and her claim of a disease/condition is due to herself.

With that said, my opinion is....IF he was so offended, he could have walked out with his wife to show their opinion but he didn't because he wanted that statue. Instead he assaulted the comedic host (who is no worse than Don Rickles...remember him?)...then spewed vulgarities from the audience not once but twice. Just another example of the usual McD Weekly Rampage by certain people who carry that dna....which is overrun with violence even against their own.

To me, this is like asking a fleet of vikings to an English tea party and expecting them to politely ask for the grey poupon to be passed down the table. Ain't gonna happen.

Diversity my ass. Now its the Attack Whomever awards if offended. AND, I have seen Smith deride others just as nastily either in shows or movies or wherever. He is no innocent. He is a hypocrite and so are those in the audience who laughed and applauded it.

This is why we can't have nice things.
Completely agree.

I was thinking the same thing just this morning.

You want to protest? You want to take the moral high ground? You walk out. . . even it it means, you forsake your chance to accept that award. That SHOWS how much you are offended.

. . . but it is all for show, all selfish virtue signalling.

All of these folks are conceited, have huge egos, egos bigger than the industry or society, and are degrading the culture.
I have not watched the Oscar's in years. Now that they are talentless wokeists I have no interest.
I think the last movie I have seen was "American Sniper" I wasn't impressed. There is no talent in the entertainment industry anymore and the writers and producers are just as bad. The only thing coming out of Hollywood is social engineering--big screen or small.
Apparently the LAPD is now going to arrest Will Smith.
He did assault someone. If Will really wanted justice he shoulda got mouth by himself and beat him senseless.
It was a practice. Not so much with today's pussies.
Chris Rock reveals learning disorder diagnosis, says he has 7 hours of therapy a week
(Sept 20, 2020)
Chris Rock reveals learning disorder diagnosis, says he has 7 hours of therapy a week
(Sept 20, 2020)
Lol, the blitz has started!
You are black, you just choose to boot lick instead of being a strong black woman. I have noticed you will attack black, but you are quiet as a church mouse when it comes to all the racist remarks made by whites on this forum. That is a dead giveaway.
If you were coming from a stand point really caring about your race you might have a point here. However, you like so many other blacks on this forum call anyone who try's to point out problems going on within the black race a racist. I don't hear you pointing out to other blacks on this forum about father absence in the black home. That is the number 1 cause for them to end up going to jail. Or that half of all murders is committed by black offenders who are killing other blacks. On these issues YOU are as quiet as a church mouse. I don't see ANY black leaders pointing this out at all. So, why is it racist if whites or any other color besides blacks point this out?
They can take the a-- out of the jungle, but they can't take the jungle out of the -pe...

The Oscars are a joke. They should be called the "Leroys."
I have a hard time taking you seriously when you post shit like this.

The poor are pretty much the same, doesn't matter if you are white, black or Hispanic.

Your perceptions are being purposely manipulated by the propaganda, and this is a divide and rule strategy.

You need to stop watching the propaganda. It is balkanizing you, and making you as bigoted as some of the worst on here. . . I never saw you write this way before.

Most POOR people are raised this way. And most black folks happen to be poor. . . implicit bias keep them that way.

MOST? Many are of course but MOST? I've been around poor people a lot and never felt the urge to tread warily....though of course a significant number are probably in that category. I agree with the first part though. Poverty is though imo a "co-morbidity" type of thing with many bashers; not a cause.

i disagree with that. He won for what he did in the movie, and while his actions might overshadow his getting the award, it doesn’t take away from the work he put into the role that won it

frankly he should be charged, and maybe forced to get some anger management treatment…or sent to Bel-Air
I agree.
We are used to seeing these things from the perspective of I Phones. Perhaps someone recorded it with an I Phone at the Oscars.
Wow, so your kids are being raised by actors.

You know, as well as I, that the biggest influence on kids, is yes, parents.

But after that, next is their peer group. However, their peer group is largely influenced by music, movies and social media (which has replace print media.) This is what is the root cause of "teenage rebellion."

Don't be disingenuous. There is no need for us to argue about the facts.
Yep. Smith bitch slapped (or punched) Chris Rock for cracking a joke about Jada’s bald head. It was a fucking joke. The slap or punch appears to have been real. The sound went off due to the ensuing “language.” Rock seemed genuinely stunned, but the guy can take a hit.

Will Smith is kind of :cuckoo:
Will Smith is just another spoiled Hollywood brat.
he was defending his wife's honor
There have been a lot of folks in this thread, making this argument, and? They have all been categorically wrong.

They do not understand, when Rock poked fun at her appearance? It has NOTHING to do with honor. But such is the problem with a forum littered with Low IQ, emotion driven, TEE VEE watching, absent critical thinking people. HE could have poked fun at anyones appearance, it would not have been a reason for folks to throw down and brawl. Was it in poor taste? Sure, but it had nothing to do with. . . "honor." :rolleyes:

A few folks, early on, noted her VERY LACK of honor. However, this is beside the point. Personal appearance? HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH HONOR OR CHARACTER.

Sicking one's husband upon another man to bitch slap them? THAT, indeed, DOES have to do with honor... Jada besmirched her own honor, and degraded it further by such a very act.

"Honour (British English) or honor (American English; see spelling differences) is the idea of a bond between an individual and a society as a quality of a person that is both of social teaching and of personal ethos, that manifests itself as a code of conduct, and has various elements such as valour, chivalry, honesty, and compassion. It is an abstract concept entailing a perceived quality of worthiness and respectability that affects both the social standing and the self-evaluation of an individual or institution such as a family, school, regiment or nation. Accordingly, individuals (or institutions) are assigned worth and stature based on the harmony of their actions with a specific code of honour, and the moral code of the society at large.

Samuel Johnson, in his A Dictionary of the English Language (1755), defined honour as having several senses, the first of which was "nobility of soul, magnanimity, and a scorn of meanness". This sort of honour derives from the perceived virtuous conduct and personal integrity of the person endowed with it. On the other hand, Johnson also defined honour in relationship to "reputation" and "fame"; to "privileges of rank or birth", and as "respect" of the kind which "places an individual socially and determines his right to precedence". This sort of honour is often not so much a function of moral or ethical excellence, as it is a consequence of power. Finally, with respect to sexuality, honour has traditionally been associated with (or identical to) "chastity" or "virginity", or in case of married men and women, "fidelity". Some have argued that honour should be seen more as a rhetoric, or set of possible actions, than as a code."

The absolute absurdity of folks on here saying, "oh, he deserves it, for making a bald joke, about my famous wife."

Honor has to do with a woman's sex life. If Rock had commented on how she sleeps around?

Why would Smith slap him, if it wasn't just a stunt? If Smith was being a bona fide manly-man, he'd have punched his fucking lights out.
Ok, will was emasculated by the fact that his wife cheated on him. Bent over and spreadem in the very room and bed they are in now. Who knows how loud she was but this August railed her and she even made it public that will wasn't all that good in bed. That has a very specific psychological effect.

What's more is the entire public knew about it, since she made it public.

So, many things came into play at a moment. Mainly his slut wife emasculating him in public.
Well....it all has to do with what the left considers "Civilized".

For example....it's difficult to be civilized when people walk into stores and rob the place blind.....and if you try to stop them...YOU go to jail....not the criminal.
We have these socialists in Washington and NYC telling us how to act....but everything we do that is decent seems to be a joke to them.
The whole thing ends up degrading your society to the point where you can't love your own country and you can't defend your country because you want to be "Civilized".

So we end up with a society filled with victims who are subjugated by the authorities.....and criminals encouraged to do whatever the hell they want.

Sounds like Somalia to me. Somalia really doesn't have a country or a government anymore. Just a bunch of clans that can't stand each other. It all starts with how their kids were raised. Their fathers never around to raise their kids. Such is the way most blacks are raised in Africa and America.
When were you in Somalia,?
I'd guess Will Smith has a drinking problem.
I wrote somewhere else on the forum it looked to me like he had some drinks, possible mixed with some anti-anxiety/anti-depressants.

No reason he should have been losing control of his emotions like that.

It reminded me of the time Kanye went through that time in his life when he was acting bizarre, jumping up on stage, saying weird things, being carted off to facilities, etc.

His whole demeanor is off. . .

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