Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

Just for the record, any man who advocates hitting a woman isn't really one. Hitting a man is (outside of extreme circumstances) pretty childish too, but hitting a woman or even promoting the idea of it is beneath low.
dont sit in the front row at the comedy store then ! comedians have made fun of audience members for yrs .... another assault on comedy from the left .
An interesting observation. And one I was thinking about in regard to the suggestions that this might have been staged. Tin foil hat time——

If you were gonna stage a thing like this why? Ratings? Maybe. But if you weren’t tuned in then. There’s no going back now. So… Why? What if you wanted to popularize, and demonstrate lack of consequence for assault, predicated on being “offended”? Hmmm…
What a completely hen pecked PUSSY. He was LAUGHING at the joke. But ole baldy got upset so he had to change his tune and make an ass of himself.

Man what a clown.
It was probably just a nervous laugh.

It was the Oscars, not a comedy show.
it was a comedian on stage telling jokes ! did you not expect him to make fun of the elites ? its what they do at the Oscars ! yeah its sad that the she has a condition that causes baldness but rest assured the left will somehow use the incident to go after comedy and free speech ....AGAIN !
Just for the record, any man who advocates hitting a woman isn't really one. Hitting a man is (outside of extreme circumstances) pretty childish too, but hitting a woman or even promoting the idea of it is beneath low.
You’re a misogynist.

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