Will Smith assaults Chris Rock at Oscars

this explains his prior comment about me being married to a white man…
I must have missed something. Are you a black woman, married to a white guy? That would upset male black supremacists, such as that poster.
If a woman said it and Will hit her, they wouldn't have given the woman the option to not press charges.

If it happened anywhere else to almost anyone else he would have been arrested.

Remember what Trump said. He could shoot someone and get away with it. Well apparently so can Will.
Are you comparing murder to a slap in the face? Kinda sounds like it.
Smith shouldn’t have yelled the f word across the entire audience. Kids may have been watching.

Our entire country is going to hell in a hand basket.
If it's such a crime why were no charges filed?
It's a case of Chris fucking up and Will giving him a receipt.
“LAPD investigative entities are aware of an incident between two individuals during the Academy Awards program. The incident involved one individual slapping another. The individual involved has declined to file a police report. If the involved party desires a police report at a later date, LAPD will be available to complete an investigative report.”
Wrong again. You shared an opinion about the “meaning” of the word to you. But, see, your opinion isn’t the definition. And your opinion doesn’t supplant the meaning as used by the Board Member whose choice of words you were commenting about.

Of course, I never claimed any of that. I never claimed my opinion was the definition, so stop lying.

As for the forum member who made the comment, there have been no further examples provided...

Your comment wasn’t exactly critical. But you were wrong. And you still are.

No, I wasn't.

I like scrambled eggs. I don't like them over-done. I refer to how I like them as "loose". Other people I know refer to them as "wet".

Neither of those, however, are a dictionary definition of how I like my scrambled eggs.

But, it's pretty clear that being "right" is of paramount performance to you. I guess you weren't hugged enough as a child. So, as I couldn't really give a flying fuck about any of this, I'll let you claim some sort of victory in being "right".

Your pathetic but, apparently, that's all you've really got going for you...
what.. She got alopecia. Maybe the smith's should start an alopecia foundation. Batch can afford a warehouse full of wigs. Other people have it, deal with like real people do and they don't go round having someone slap somebody for mentioning it. Asholes.
Wow... y'all got me curious... I had no idea how fucked up Will Smith is in real life.
One of his sons files to legally separate from him at 15 years old, his wife cheated multiple times on him... after apparently Smith told the guy it was ok... they were separated. sort of, not legally, she wanted to start fucking this guy and Will said ok.
But that isn't the real deal... the real deal is they played this out on live television in front of a live audience on some show.
And Will sat there looking like a whipped little boy while his wife joked about it.
Then she gets on another show and laughs and brags about the sex!!
I will never look at this dude the same.
Not me. If your white did you always do what you wanted?
Your a joke and the woke agenda you pander too are killing this country. So, in my opinion you are killing this country, and should be arrested for treason and sentenced to life in prison.
Wait a second there! Why should we pay to house and feed him?
Are you comparing murder to a slap in the face? Kinda sounds like it.
Only to a retard.
I'll be honest I don't approve of the joke. I wouldn't have told it. It wasn't a roast. Probably why Chris Rock didn't press charges. But what Will did was not appropriate. We don't live in a society where what he did is appropriate.

What he did goes exactly opposite of what stand your ground laws say. If Chris Rock knew Will was coming to hit him, and he had a gun, by law, he would have had the right to pull out the gun and shoot Will dead for attacking him. He would have no reason to know that Will would stop after one slap. So in a different situation, Chris could have legally killed Will for what he did.

What he did was to appease his wife who busted him laughing at a joke at her expense.
Wow... y'all got me curious... I had no idea how fucked up Will Smith is in real life.
One of his sons files to legally separate from him at 15 years old, his wife cheated multiple times on him... after apparently Smith told the guy it was ok... they were separated. sort of, not legally, she wanted to start fucking this guy and Will said ok.
But that isn't the real deal... the real deal is they played this out on live television in front of a live audience on some show.
And Will sat there looking like a whipped little boy while his wife joked about it.
Then she gets on another show and laughs and brags about the sex!!
I will never look at this dude the same.
He’s a completely demasculated Cuck. I’d almost feel bad for him if I could be given to care.
A stupid self-championing awards show with a bunch of out of touch, elitist Limousine Libtard fucks patting themselves on the back and the masses stopped tuning out, so they go "Hey, why don't we have two ethnically protected classes fake-fight on stage over the honor of one cuckold's weird looking wife. That'll rake in the viewers!"


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