Will socialism happen here?

If you ever saw the documentary "Where to invade next," you would know that most if not all of the European countries are far more socialist than we are. And they seem to be doing just fine. (That is except for letting overpopulating, women hating, clit removing, women raping, mostly gay, lying and often violent pedophile muslims into their countries) I hear that an extension to stopping evictions is part of the new stimulus package deal. But how long will that last. How long can it last. All the while, the amount of rent renters owe just keeps building up. No doubt, for many who have found themselves out of work due to the coronavirus, the rent they probably owe is already far more than they could afford to pay back. Even if they did so a little at a time.

Seeing how it isn't likely that renters are going to receive a $12,000 dollar rent payment stimulus check, I think the only way out is an extension of socialism in this country. Because I doubt if this country is just going to tell landlords that they have to eat their lost rent. Though there could be other ways for the government to compensate landlords. If that can't be done, maybe what the government needs to do is to outright buy the rental properties from the landlords. Make it a sort of section 8 housing. Where what renters pay for rent depends on their earnings. What do you think.
America is still paying for the Socialism parts that it has undertaken in the past. It's called National Debt.
If you ever saw the documentary "Where to invade next," you would know that most if not all of the European countries are far more socialist than we are. And they seem to be doing just fine. (That is except for letting overpopulating, women hating, clit removing, women raping, mostly gay, lying and often violent pedophile muslims into their countries) I hear that an extension to stopping evictions is part of the new stimulus package deal. But how long will that last. How long can it last. All the while, the amount of rent renters owe just keeps building up. No doubt, for many who have found themselves out of work due to the coronavirus, the rent they probably owe is already far more than they could afford to pay back. Even if they did so a little at a time.

Seeing how it isn't likely that renters are going to receive a $12,000 dollar rent payment stimulus check, I think the only way out is an extension of socialism in this country. Because I doubt if this country is just going to tell landlords that they have to eat their lost rent. Though there could be other ways for the government to compensate landlords. If that can't be done, maybe what the government needs to do is to outright buy the rental properties from the landlords. Make it a sort of section 8 housing. Where what renters pay for rent depends on their earnings. What do you think.
America is still paying for the Socialism parts that it has undertaken in the past. It's called National Debt.

What social programs cost isn't the issue. It is the quality of people's lives that matter. As things now stand, the top 1% owns about 95% of the wealth. Also, not long ago, top managers of companies were making around 400 times what the average worker makes. Today it is closer to 300 times.

As for debt, different websites I've looked at had different things to say. Our yearly trade deficit with China alone is anywhere from around 300 billion dollar to over 700 billion. That kind of debt can add up. Also, China makes most of our products. But we can't tax them, can we. And if an American is out of work, you can't tax them at all. That loss of tax revenue will add up too.
So many posts and hand-wringing about becoming a socialist nation.

I only wish more people understood the differences between being a Marxist socialist, a communist, and a Democratic Socialist. A Democratic Socialist is still a capitalist. They simply want to restrain the destructive excesses of unrestrained capitalism. And they want to gov't's use of tax dollars to be used for the betterment of all citizens, not just the few.
You cant have a capitalist economy with government intervention.
Give the federal govt more power because states fucked everyone over.
Great idea!

Did you not hear me mention European countries. They are only the size of states to begin with. But they are actual countries. If what they do works, we should do the same. But minus all those who are ready, willing and able to bend tacos. Things can't get bad enough here to make all the illegals want to keep out. Let alone leave.
No, i read it :rolleyes:
It is intellectually lazy just think a country with 1/12th of our economy and population is a good example of what we should be.
The plutocrats here will ensure it doesn't happen. Nothing to worry about. The 1 percent call the shots.
Socialism is already here. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to take advantage of Social Security, Police/Fire department, Interstate highways, military defense, or library's, schools, and all the other wonderful things that socialism provides for us..
That's not socialism you idiot
So many posts and hand-wringing about becoming a socialist nation.

I only wish more people understood the differences between being a Marxist socialist, a communist, and a Democratic Socialist. A Democratic Socialist is still a capitalist. They simply want to restrain the destructive excesses of unrestrained capitalism. And they want to gov't's use of tax dollars to be used for the betterment of all citizens, not just the few.
You cant have a capitalist economy with government intervention.

So you're an anarchist?
Socialism is already here. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to take advantage of Social Security, Police/Fire department, Interstate highways, military defense, or library's, schools, and all the other wonderful things that socialism provides for us..
That's not socialism you idiot
Of course it is.
Socialism is already here. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to take advantage of Social Security, Police/Fire department, Interstate highways, military defense, or library's, schools, and all the other wonderful things that socialism provides for us..
That's not socialism you idiot
Of course it is.
So every basic necessities is socialism in your mind?

Buy a dictionary
Socialism is already here. If you don't like it, nobody is forcing you to take advantage of Social Security, Police/Fire department, Interstate highways, military defense, or library's, schools, and all the other wonderful things that socialism provides for us..
That's not socialism you idiot
Of course it is.
So every basic necessities is socialism in your mind?

Buy a dictionary

So you think capitalism supplies the things I listed? What company paid for our roads or schools or SS or fire departments or etc. etc.
So many posts and hand-wringing about becoming a socialist nation.

I only wish more people understood the differences between being a Marxist socialist, a communist, and a Democratic Socialist. A Democratic Socialist is still a capitalist. They simply want to restrain the destructive excesses of unrestrained capitalism. And they want to gov't's use of tax dollars to be used for the betterment of all citizens, not just the few.
You cant have a capitalist economy with government intervention.

So you're an anarchist?
I dont believe in Central government. Especially ours. Its a complete failure.
Loki argues that we really crave subjugation. This is a valid observation when you look at subservient, culty Trumpers. Me, I’m fine will a little Democratic Socialism.

I would be finer with some National Socialism. Too many illegals want in on our "democracy" to basically vote the gringos into submission.
Give the federal govt more power because states fucked everyone over.
Great idea!

Did you not hear me mention European countries. They are only the size of states to begin with. But they are actual countries. If what they do works, we should do the same. But minus all those who are ready, willing and able to bend tacos. Things can't get bad enough here to make all the illegals want to keep out. Let alone leave.
No, i read it :rolleyes:
It is intellectually lazy just think a country with 1/12th of our economy and population is a good example of what we should be.

Well if a smaller country with a smaller population is doing well for itself, what would be wrong with a larger country with a larger population like ours doing well too.
So many posts and hand-wringing about becoming a socialist nation.

I only wish more people understood the differences between being a Marxist socialist, a communist, and a Democratic Socialist. A Democratic Socialist is still a capitalist. They simply want to restrain the destructive excesses of unrestrained capitalism. And they want to gov't's use of tax dollars to be used for the betterment of all citizens, not just the few.
You cant have a capitalist economy with government intervention.

So you're an anarchist?
I dont believe in Central government. Especially ours. Its a complete failure.

That is oddly funny. Similar to saying I don't believe in this cup of coffee I'm sipping right now

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