Will The Democrats Finally Admit They Are a Socialist Party?

Sure. Social Security and fire departments are pure socialism. You against those too?

Many fire departments, particularly in the northeast where I am originally from, are volunteer forces. As for Social Security, yes, I do oppose it because it is heading towards insolvency due to Baby Boomer greed and I will never be able to withdraw a dime that I have put into it.

Lots of volunteer fire departments, and I honor every single person who participates, but public fire departments are much more effective. That's why most small towns scramble at the first opportunity to set one up. How effective do you think a volunteer fire department would have been on 9/11?

Dear BULLDOG One of the most effective actions in 9/11 was led by the safety director of Morgan Stanley
who didn't depend on first responders or govt, but made sure his own employees knew how to save themselves.

Rick Rescorla - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Because of his foresight and leadership in training his company in regular drills,
following the 1993 World Trade Bombing that he took as the signal for worse to come,
he successfully led all 2687 employees of Morgan Stanley out of the building to safety,
and only died because he went back inside to help other people who weren't as fortunate.

excerpt from Wikipedia said:
Rescorla gained credibility and authority after the bombing, which resulted in a change to the culture of Morgan Stanley,[8] which he believed should have moved out of the building because he continued to feel, as did Hill, that the World Trade Center was still a target for terrorists, and that the next attack could involve a plane crashing into one of the towers.[9] He recommended to his superiors at Morgan Stanley that the company leave Manhattan office space, mentioning that labor costs were lower in New Jersey, and that the firm's employees and equipment would be safer in a proposed four-story building. However, this recommendation was not followed as the company's lease at the World Trade Center did not terminate until 2006. At Rescorla's insistence, all employees, including senior executives, then practiced emergency evacuations every three months.[10]

After Dean Witter merged with Morgan Stanley in 1997, the company eventually occupied twenty-two floors in the South Tower, and several floors in a building nearby. Rescorla's office was on the forty-fourth floor of the South Tower.[3] Feeling that the authorities lost legitimacy after they failed to respond to his 1990 warnings, he concluded that employees of Morgan Stanley, which was the largest tenant in the World Trade Center, could not rely on first responders in an emergency, and needed to empower themselves through surprise fire drills, in which he trained employees to meet in the hallway between stairwells and go down the stairs, two by two, to the 44th floor.[8] Rescorla's strict approach to these drills put him into conflict with some high-powered executives who resented the interruption to their daily activities, but he nonetheless insisted that these rehearsals were necessary to train the employees in the event of an actual emergency. He timed employees with a stopwatch when they moved too slowly and lectured them on fire emergency basics.[8][10]
Stanley executive Bill McMahon stated that even a group of 250 people visiting the offices for a stockbroker training class knew what to do because they had been shown the nearest stairway.

Rescorla had boosted morale among his men in Vietnam by singing Cornish songs from his youth, and now he did the same in the stairwell, singing songs like one based on the Welsh song "Men of Harlech":

"Men of Cornwall stop your dreaming, Can’t you see their spearpoints gleaming?,
See their warriors’ pennants streaming, To this battlefield.
Men of Cornwall stand ye steady, It cannot be ever said ye for the battle were not ready
Stand and never yield!"

Between songs, Rescorla called his wife, telling her, "Stop crying. I have to get these people out safely. If something should happen to me, I want you to know I've never been happier. You made my life." After successfully evacuating most of Morgan Stanley's 2,687 employees, he went back into the building.[3][11][12] When one of his colleagues told him he too had to evacuate the World Trade Center, Rescorla replied, "As soon as I make sure everyone else is out".[13] He was last seen on the 10th floor, heading upward, shortly before the South Tower collapsed at 9:59 A.M. His remains were never found.[10][11][12] Rescorla was declared dead three weeks after the attacks.[3]

That's quite a case for getting rid of first responders.

Jesus Christ.
Sure. Social Security and fire departments are pure socialism. You against those too?

Social Security is a federal insurance program and fire departments are funded from property taxes. That is not pure socialism.
What ever socialism is, America might have had a few socialist programs as soon as the ink was dry on the Constitution. So I wonder how many socialist programs a nation must have before it can be labeled a socialist nation.
What ever socialism might be.
The Republicans have the Tea Party and the Democrats have the social democrats, and most of us are somewhere in between the two.

The question to me is whether the conservatives will either figure out or admit that the goal is Sweden & Germany, not Cuba & Venezuela.

The conservatives are fighting something that doesn't exist right now, and it's helping the social democrats big time.

The Republicans have the Tea Party and the Democrats have the social democrats, and most of us are somewhere in between the two.

The question to me is whether the conservatives will either figure out or admit that the goal is Sweden & Germany, not Cuba & Venezuela.

The conservatives are fighting something that doesn't exist right now, and it's helping the social democrats big time.


Is that your goal? Sweden & Germany? You said something accurate here....yet you seem to be holding your nose.

The OP hopes to use the fact that many Americans are uniformed about what socialism is.....and are unaware that there are many varieties of socialism........to bludgeon Sanders with a word.

You seem to recognize the facts.....but stop short of stating where you stand.
The Republicans have the Tea Party and the Democrats have the social democrats, and most of us are somewhere in between the two.

The question to me is whether the conservatives will either figure out or admit that the goal is Sweden & Germany, not Cuba & Venezuela.

The conservatives are fighting something that doesn't exist right now, and it's helping the social democrats big time.

The Democrats promise Sweden and deliver Venezuela.
The Republicans have the Tea Party and the Democrats have the social democrats, and most of us are somewhere in between the two.

The question to me is whether the conservatives will either figure out or admit that the goal is Sweden & Germany, not Cuba & Venezuela.

The conservatives are fighting something that doesn't exist right now, and it's helping the social democrats big time.

The Democrats promise Sweden and deliver Venezuela.

The Republicans have the Tea Party and the Democrats have the social democrats, and most of us are somewhere in between the two.

The question to me is whether the conservatives will either figure out or admit that the goal is Sweden & Germany, not Cuba & Venezuela.

The conservatives are fighting something that doesn't exist right now, and it's helping the social democrats big time.

The Democrats promise Sweden and deliver Venezuela.
That would actually be the argument to make. But the problem with just screaming "socialism" is that it makes it easy for the social democrats to point out existing "socialist" stuff like cops, roads, social security, Medicare, etc., and suddenly the conservatives have to either (1) defend the absurd or (2) call for the end of social security and Medicare, which is just a freakin' brilliant idea.

Just sayin' - while conservatives are screaming "socialism", the liberals are easily poking holes in that argument and then making gains with their own arguments. They need a more nuanced approach.

When Marx added a new socialism, "Scientific Socialism" to the list of the various types of socialism, Republicans were pretty happy they could now make the claim that socialism, any type, led to communism. It was repeated so often, by so many, that many Americans began to believe it.
The USSR dumped scientific socialism a few years after their revolution, because scientific socialism didn't work. Then the USSR discovered that communism didn't work either, so they dumped that too.
Sure. Social Security and fire departments are pure socialism. You against those too?

the fire dept. is not a socialist organization.......Socialism controls the means of production.......concentrating economic decisions in the hands of the government......totalitarian socialism gathers up every other aspect of life.

The general welfare is part of the Constitution...except they don"t mean just giving money from one person to another.
The question to me is whether the conservatives will either figure out or admit that the goal is Sweden & Germany, not Cuba & Venezuela.

of course that's too stupid and liberal.

1) We have already passed Sweden and Germany with higher corporate taxes and more dependence on the top 1% for govt revenue
2) The USA created Europe after WW2 and it is our conservatives that prevent them from going the way of Cuba
3) to a liberal, govt is never big enough you idiot. The programs fail and they correct the greater problems that result with greater programs until you get to Cuba.
4) Bush introduced first $2 trillion and 3 $trillion budgets. Obama jumped to $4 trillion and now, surprise, they need Bernie Sanders and open communist. Does the genius liberal spot the trend??
Sure. Social Security and fire departments are pure socialism. You against those too?

Many fire departments, particularly in the northeast where I am originally from, are volunteer forces. As for Social Security, yes, I do oppose it because it is heading towards insolvency due to Baby Boomer greed and I will never be able to withdraw a dime that I have put into it.

Social Security is stealing. You steal money from one citizen and give it to another....since there is no money in the social security kitty right now...it is a panzi scheme you can't opt out of...
The general welfare is part of the Constitution...except they don"t mean just giving money from one person to another.

exactly, they meant the general welfare possible within the enumerated powers granted to the Federal govt.

If they meant it otherwise the remainder of the Constitution would not be needed. Their charge would be to take care of the general welfare any way they defined it and anyway they saw fit.
It's kind of hard to get offended by the label anymore when you've got thousands of enthusiastic Democrats lining up to hear Bernie Sanders' populist Scandinavian style welfare state plan for our nation. The man is, after all, the only self admitted Socialist elected to the U.S. Senate and he is edging closer and closer to toppling Hillary each day.

Define the standard for determining if a political party should be rightly described as socialist, and then everyone can decide whether or not the Democratic Party fits that definition.
If they support increasing the government's control over the economy whenever an economic issue comes up, then they're socialist.
The topic of this thread should be, "Will the democrats admit that they're a social-democracy party." YES!!! They support some socialist policies with a public sector and helping out the poor.

They're actually a Stalinist party.

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