Will The DOJ Please Charge This A*hole With A Crime & Shut Him The F* Up Already?

Adam Schiff is mentally unstable, willing to do anything he has to, obsessed with destroying the President, and powerful...just not as powerful as he believes.

He is even threatening the Department of Justice!

So NOW, after being threatened by this little prick, will the DOJ please respond by putting him in his place by CHARGING HIM FOR HIS CRIME of leaking classified information, which HE ADMITTED TO!!!

Schiff: Dems 'absolutely' will take DOJ to court over Mueller report if necessary
Don't you want to see the Mueller report in full?
If not, why not?

We have all been saying, on both sides of the aisle, for 2 years, ''we'll see what Mueller's report will say, about that'' or ''you'll have to wait and see what Mueller has...'' or '' we don't know what mueller actually has on this, because it is an on going investigation and his team can't tell us until the investigation is over and we get his report''

Hiding any of it, looks like there is SOMETHING to HIDE from the American people...

SUNSHINE is the BEST disinfectant...

Let the sun shine, let the sun shine in!
While I agree, it is obvious you have learned very little about the Left & our govt. What we want does not matter. We will see next to nothing, if anyrhing, in Mueller's report.
Robert Mueller is a Republican, Rod Rosenstein is a Republican, Jim Comey was a Republican, and most all of the worker bees and agents in the FBI, CIA, NSA ARE CONSERVATIVES as well.... only a handful, at most, are liberal or left leaning.

.....and all the Traitors are Trump-haters and proven criminals.
No BS...

These departments of law enforcement have ALWAYS leaned conservative.... trying to re-write history to fit your narrative and conspiracies ain't fooling no one!

Trump is not a conservative nor a leftie.... he's a chronic if not pathological liar and thief and a con artist and a cheater and is simply another billionaire like Epstein, who believes he is ABOVE the law, and laws are only for the peons and poor people... :eek:
Poor attempt to divert from the fact that Schiff admitted to leaking classified, that evidence and testimony has blow exposed Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI for their seditious conspira and attempt to affect a coup d'etat.
Look who’s suddenly against transparency!

Mueller is not trustworthy. It will simply be a he-said piece of "strongly likely" without proof for madcow to read excerpts on a loop.

An equal rebuttal is required. Marked up line by line. If it takes two more years.

A Political Dem hit peice should not be allowed.
Evidence has proven Mueller has both manipulated and withheld evidence in the past to send innocent people to jail AND hid evidence of Russian intimidation, bribery, and extortion in 2014.
-- His credibility, honor, and integrity are justifiably in question.

Evidence shows the FBI has a history of intentionally misleading FISA courts to acquire illegal warrants. Mueller himself had to explain at least 75 incidents when he was Director of the FBI.
-- That is 75 serious violations of people's Constitutional Rights.

The US IG exposed the FBI criminally altered witness testimony AFTER it had been given, demonstrated a level of bias by charging people connected to Trump with Lying to the FBI while refusing to indict people connected to Hillary for the same crime.

ALL of that already means the FBI are compromised - nothing has changed, at least until the Firing of Comey and McCabe (who should have both been Perp-walked by now: Perjury, Leaking Classified, Obstruction, Seditious Conspiracy...)

Mueller's report will NOT recommend indictment of the President because there was never any crime perpetrated by the President - no evidence of a crime - warranting an investigation let alone the appointment of a (co-conspiratorial) Special Counsel.

Mueller's report will be an attempt to justify the last 2 1/2 years of the exposed attempted coup and will be an attack on the President.

Mueller will point to the indictment of people associated with the President and argue if they were proven guilty then Trump had to be guilty, LOOKED dirty, despite being unable to show any evidence that false accusation is true.

Were I a member of the a Senate committee, no matter what he reports - either way - I would demand Mueller appear before Congress and answer these questions:

- Why were you collaborating with Ohr (DOJ) & Steele, a Trump-hating foreign spy, on the Russian-authored Dossier BEFORE an investigation had begun and BEFORE you were appointed Special Counsel, as Ohr testified under oath?

- Ohr testified before Congress and stated he told EVERONE connected with the Trump investigation that Steele was a biased Trump-Hater and that his report was UN-reliable...why did you and the FBI still put so much stock into it, why was it such a cornerstone of your investigation?

- Having been called before the FISA Court to answer for 75 illegal incidents of lying to the FISA Court when you were the Director of the FBI, why did it take a seperate investigation held by the US IG to find out in / under YOUR investigation that the FBI and DOJ's Rod Rosenstein did the same thing - broke laws during their investigation of the President and his associates? Why didn't YOU discover this? Or did you? If you did, why did you not pursue it / investigate?

- Why has illegal / inappropriate collusion, Quid Pro Quo, and crimes committed by the DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI come out ONLY as a result of PUBLIC FOIA requests and the US IG's reports and NOT by your investigation?
- Why were the crimes not pursued?

Would you recommend a Special Counsel be appointed to investigate the FBI, all of their crimes exposed, especially their attempted coup d'etat against the President? If not, why in the hell not?

- During your investigation evidence was exposed proving Hillary Clinton, Huma Abedin, and Cheryl Mills committed crimes and were protected from the consequences of those crimes by the FBI...and YOUR investigation - why didn't you and your team identify these, investigate these?

- Why was Hillary Clinton not investigated for working with and Paying foreign spies and Russians in 2016, as evidence shows she did, in an attempt to alter the outcome of the election?

- In investigating Russian collusion / interference, why did you not investigate when it began - in 2014?

Barak Obama and his administration were informed in 2014 of Russian hacking, counter Intel programs, and paying violent liberal groups to spread racial division and violence. WHY would an investigator not start at the beginning where a crime began and only start in the middle?

- Why should the US a Senate not recommend YOU be investigated / indicted when YOU broke the law by violating ... refusing to comply with Congressional subpoenas?

Mueller has a shitty rep, history, and performance record, especially the last 2+ years. He has a lot to answer for himself...

As such, his report is already tainted before it ever comes out.
Dems will have to take it to Court, where it will be tied up with the hundreds of other things they've wasted the Courts time with.


The man sitting in the White House has the power to release it in full at any time that he chooses.]

If he does not do so, it is because he is hiding something.
He can release all the fbi papers and Hillary emails too.............oh wait!

Wait what ? She turned over all the sec of state emails. She kept her private emails to herself .

Yet the FBI found deleted emails that were work related. Why do you insist on lying?

As was stated in Comey's testimony before congress, the work related emails the FBI found, were not deleted by her or her staff, they did not copy correctly when they upgraded their server... the FBI found them in a file that she and her team could not possibly find and unscramble.

Stop lying, to make it sound like they did something for nefarious reasons....she and her team didn't.

Child you might want to listen to that testimony again, as usual your characterization is BS.

BTW, don't think your disregarding the post about you demanding more lawlessness went unnoticed.

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Evidence has proven Mueller has both manipulated and withheld evidence in the past to send innocent people to jail AND hid evidence of Russian intimidation, bribery, and extortion in 2014.
Mueller left the FBI director's position in 2013 silly one! :rolleyes:
Evidence has proven Mueller has both manipulated and withheld evidence in the past to send innocent people to jail AND hid evidence of Russian intimidation, bribery, and extortion in 2014.
Mueller left the FBI director's position in 2013 silly one! :rolleyes:
Which does not change the fact of what I said. Your comment just made you look ignorant, as in unaware of Mueller's documented past.
It's a good time being a D.C. attorney padding your bank account with all those wasted taxpayer dollars.

You're right about that. Traitor trump is blowing off billions. For nothing.

OTOH, nothing is more important to patriotic Americans than our constitution, our republic. RWNJs just don't care.

Dems will have to take it to Court, where it will be tied up with the hundreds of other things they've wasted the Courts time with.


Please refer to the post directly above yours.

Why don't RWs want the ffacts? Why are they in favor of Putin controlling our elections?n Even if you like that trump is stealing you blind and wrecking the country, ending the middle class, putting your kids in the poor house


(Note to OP - sorry to break it to you but the orange traitor squatting in the WH has not been able to end the US Constitution.)

We already know the truth, so why do the Demon-crats want us to know a twisted biased version of the truth ? You mean to end the Constitution that the Demon-crats have figured out a way to hide behind in their dasterdly deeds ? No the Constitution doesn't have to end in order to deal with the anti-Americanism going on in our body politic today.

We did not know the truth of what has already come to light.

Disturbing that RWNJs want to give our country away to dictators.

The TRUTH is Barry learned of Russian activity in 2014 and didn't do shit about it ... Except let Russia gave uranium, top secret data, and Crimea.

The TRUTH is Hillary broke laws, was protected, GIVEN the DNC nomination, illegally colluded and PAID foreign spies and Russians, and lost the election.

The TRUTH is the FBI got pissed Comey was fired and disagreed with Trump's foreign picy and opened up an illegal investigation.

The TRUTH is Obama's DOJ, NSA, CIA, and FBI illegally collaborated together to attempt a coup d'etat....and all the evidence of crimes points to the Democrats.

The FACT is Schiff admitted to leaking classified...

Evidence has proven Mueller has both manipulated and withheld evidence in the past to send innocent people to jail AND hid evidence of Russian intimidation, bribery, and extortion in 2014.
Mueller left the FBI director's position in 2013 silly one! :rolleyes:
Which does not change the fact of what I said. Your comment just made you look ignorant, as in unaware of Mueller's documented past.
you posted a whole bunch of BS propaganda....
that's your problem,

not mine. ;)
Evidence has proven Mueller has both manipulated and withheld evidence in the past to send innocent people to jail AND hid evidence of Russian intimidation, bribery, and extortion in 2014.
Mueller left the FBI director's position in 2013 silly one! :rolleyes:
Which does not change the fact of what I said. Your comment just made you look ignorant, as in unaware of Mueller's documented past.
you posted a whole bunch of BS propaganda....
that's your problem,

not mine. ;)
As usual, everything I stated has been repeatedly been backed with links, reports, testimony, evidence, etc...

As usual, you respond with insults, personal attacks, & 'Nuh-uh'!

They are holding your chair at the kids table for you. Why don't you go back and let the adults talk? You are obviously not emotionally developed and mature enough to be able to converse at this level yet.
Evidence has proven Mueller has both manipulated and withheld evidence in the past to send innocent people to jail AND hid evidence of Russian intimidation, bribery, and extortion in 2014.
Mueller left the FBI director's position in 2013 silly one! :rolleyes:
Which does not change the fact of what I said. Your comment just made you look ignorant, as in unaware of Mueller's documented past.
you posted a whole bunch of BS propaganda....
that's your problem,

not mine. ;)
As usual, everything I stated has been repeatedly been backed with links, reports, testimony, evidence, etc...

As usual, you respond with insults, personal attacks, & 'Nuh-uh'!

They are holding your chair at the kids table for you. Why don't you go back and let the adults talk? You are obviously not emotionally developed and mature enough to be able to converse at this level yet.
Hahahaha! Why be a liar Easy? I didn't attack you with insults in my post.:cuckoo:

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