Will the GOP ever be fiscally conservative as the GOP was in the 1990s?

Basically, that is the real MOST IMPORTANT issue.

Government was in control in the 1990s because Newt kept it tight. Budgets that cut both spending and taxes in the 1990s produced budget surplus and booming economy.

The GOP has not been for fiscal conservatism since 1998.

The problem on that issue, of course, is the whole Israel/Zionism issue, and the fact that pro Israel Christians are incapable of understanding fiscal conservatism since they do not understand


The rest of the GOP needs to wake up and remember that math matters. We were under $6 trillion in debt when W took office with a mandate to continue Gingrich's success. W, of course, the worst traitor in American history, spent and grew government faster than LBJ, complete with free opium pills....
Aren't you a leftwinger?
Fiscal conservatism is a campaign canard to win elections. The duopoly does not want to reign in spending!

Correction. "CINO's" use fiscal conservatism as a campaign canard. There's a few fiscal conservatives in DC, who need to be made more public. Especially their voting records to show Trumpbots and others what and how a fiscal conservative voting record looks.

It irks me to death to hear some new anchor (even on Fox News) call people like Trump a conservative. Apparently they don't know WTF one even is.
1. Agree that both parties add too much to the Debt. There will need to be big changes to the Federal Budget. SS will go bankrupt in 2034 so the munchkins need to be happy with 70% of promised benefits.
2. The Department of Education will be eliminated, total responsibility of the States
3. The US military budget will be cut to about $600b a year
4. Eliminate ALL Foreign Aid
5.. Cut Welfare and Medicaid by half
6. On the income side we'd need to implement a new Federal Sales Tax to raise about $400b a year.
7. Will the US default on its $30T Debt? As interest rates rise that interest bites into spending. Printing money is a bad idea. There are no good ideas how to pay back $30T.
8. I think you're old enough to remember the "Grace Commission"? All of their great recommendations were ignored. I suggest another "Grace Commission" to cut waste and get us out of the fiscal mess.

So if you want to be Fiscally Responsible it will take a lot of pain, and no party wants to bite the bullet until the fiscal ax falls.

Remember, the US government still have a constitutional authority to create (coin) money. So we print out thirty one $1 trillion dollar bills, hand it to the fed, and the debt is paid.
If the Fed won't accept it, then we repeal the Fed. Res. Act and put them out of business.

I know, I know. It's a pipe dream. And will never happen. But that's one way of doing it. The Fed knows that if the Fed Res. act is repealed, all of them, including their investors will loose enough money to put them back to middle class. At least some of them. So I doubt they'd call the bluff.
Remember, the US government still have a constitutional authority to create (coin) money. So we print out thirty one $1 trillion dollar bills, hand it to the fed, and the debt is paid.
If the Fed won't accept it, then we repeal the Fed. Res. Act and put them out of business.

I know, I know. It's a pipe dream. And will never happen. But that's one way of doing it. The Fed knows that if the Fed Res. act is repealed, all of them, including their investors will loose enough money to put them back to middle class. At least some of them. So I doubt they'd call the bluff.

So we print out thirty one $1 trillion dollar bills, hand it to the fed, and the debt is paid.
If the Fed won't accept it, then we repeal the Fed. Res. Act and put them out of business.

The Fed doesn't hold $31 trillion in US debt.

The Fed knows that if the Fed Res. act is repealed, all of them, including their investors will loose enough money to put them back to middle class. At least some of them. So I doubt they'd call the bluff.

What Fed investors?
So we print out thirty one $1 trillion dollar bills, hand it to the fed, and the debt is paid.
If the Fed won't accept it, then we repeal the Fed. Res. Act and put them out of business.

The Fed doesn't hold $31 trillion in US debt.

Do tell? I know China and Japan owns like $2 trillion of that. But it goes through the Fed. And we pay the fed. And they pay who ever bought the bonds.
Do tell? I know China and Japan owns like $2 trillion of that. But it goes through the Fed. And we pay the fed. And they pay who ever bought the bonds.

Goes through the Fed? What does that mean? We owe the owners. Whether the Fed existed or not.
As long as his tax codes are still in effect, he isn't really gone.

If/when republican voters ever get the memo about what a fiscal conservative is, maybe we can get enough of them (conservatives) in DC to do something about the tax code, value of the US and the buy now, pay later government we have.

Until then, we're stuck with liberals like Biden and Trump.
Correction. "CINO's" use fiscal conservatism as a campaign canard. There's a few fiscal conservatives in DC, who need to be made more public. Especially their voting records to show Trumpbots and others what and how a fiscal conservative voting record looks.

It irks me to death to hear some new anchor (even on Fox News) call people like Trump a conservative. Apparently they don't know WTF one even is.
How does the voting record of a CINO look, asshole?
If/when republican voters ever get the memo about what a fiscal conservative is, maybe we can get enough of them (conservatives) in DC to do something about the tax code, value of the US and the buy now, pay later government we have.

Until then, we're stuck with liberals like Biden and Trump.
Trump was the most conservative president we've had in 90 years, dumbass.
Remember, the US government still have a constitutional authority to create (coin) money. So we print out thirty one $1 trillion dollar bills, hand it to the fed, and the debt is paid.
If the Fed won't accept it, then we repeal the Fed. Res. Act and put them out of business.

I know, I know. It's a pipe dream. And will never happen. But that's one way of doing it. The Fed knows that if the Fed Res. act is repealed, all of them, including their investors will loose enough money to put them back to middle class. At least some of them. So I doubt they'd call the bluff.
1. All printing money does is devalue the dollar and create inflation.
You want to take a wheelbarrow of cash to buy a loaf of bread?
2. Correct, never happen. The Fed is here to stay.
3. Cutting spending and raising taxes is the only solution, back to a balanced budget amendment.
Remember, the US government still have a constitutional authority to create (coin) money. So we print out thirty one $1 trillion dollar bills, hand it to the fed, and the debt is paid.
If the Fed won't accept it, then we repeal the Fed. Res. Act and put them out of business.

I know, I know. It's a pipe dream. And will never happen. But that's one way of doing it. The Fed knows that if the Fed Res. act is repealed, all of them, including their investors will loose enough money to put them back to middle class. At least some of them. So I doubt they'd call the bluff.
Paying government debt by printing money is what creates inflation, moron. That's essentially what we are doing now, only the government magicians do a good job of hiding what's going on. What do you imagine adding $30 trillion to the money supply will do to the value of a dollar?
Paying government debt by printing money is what creates inflation, moron. That's essentially what we are doing now, only the government magicians do a good job of hiding what's going on. What do you imagine adding $30 trillion to the money supply will do to the value of a dollar?

Because we're borrowing the money from the Fed, initially. That's what creates the debt and the interest on the debt. The government has the constitutional authority to create money, without interest.
It's stupid to borrow something you can create yourself.
And big whoop ti do, if we pay off the Federal Reserve with money the government created. All they can do is save of spend it.
They will not be able to have so much power over us and our government from the money we owe them.
I'm trying to figure out what your point is.
We "OWE" the owners of the US debt. US taxpayers owe.

We owe because our elected official borrowed from the Fed. So it has to be paid back.
Other countries buy our debt from the Fed. The fed is the middle man.
We don't own the fed.
Trump was the most conservative president we've had in 90 years, dumbass.

Trump spent only $2 trillion less in 4 years, than Obama spent in 8. And that's NEW spending. Not reoccurring debt. He only vetoed 1 spending bill in his entire 4 years. And that was because it didn't spend enough.
Trump is the King of Debt., bro. He even calls himself the king of debt. He himself brags about it.

So WTF is fiscally conservative about that?
I have proposed several solutions to the federal debt problem many, many times on this forum. You've been on this forum longer than I have, so you must have noticed by now it is my number one issue.

1. Ban all tax expenditures. These add up to $1.4 trillion of hidden spending every year.

2. Raise the Social Security and Medicare eligibility ages to 70 and index to 9 percent of the population going forward. We are living longer, we should be working longer.

3. Eliminate the federal income tax and institute the Fair Tax. Taxes on consumption are superior to taxes on production. It is also harder to hide a tax increase in the Fair Tax. Most people don't even know how much they paid in taxes last year, they just remember how much their refund was. Everyone would notice the instant the Fair Tax increased.

All of this would provide a massive surplus which would allow us to lower taxes on everyone and pay back the federal debt. And once the debt was paid off, we could lower taxes even more.

More money to send to Ukraine!
How does the voting record of a CINO look, asshole?

It looks about like Romney's or McConnell's. And Trumps record of signing spending bills into law that pay for things like Gender Studies, Planned Parenthood, border fences in the middle east, the NDAA.

Want to see an actual conservative's voting record? Look like Chip Roy, Mike Lee, Thomas Massie
It looks about like Romney's or McConnell's.
Trump doesn't have a voting record, moron. He's never been an elected official before.

And Trumps record of signing spending bills into law that pay for things like Gender Studies, Planned Parenthood, border fences in the middle east, the NDAA.
Then there's no such thing as a conservative, because every member of congress has voted for stuff you don't like

Want to see an actual conservative's voting record? Look like Chip Roy, Mike Lee, Thomas Massie

They don't qualify according to your criteria, dipstick.

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