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Will the labor shortage now end? Millions of Americans Set to Lose Pandemic Unemployment Benefits Next Week, No Signs of States Extending

You know that guy on the street corner already has a full time job right? He makes a lot of money from idiots who give him money. A LOT. I don't give them shit.

The left isn't ruining this country. Look at how the rich have never been richer. Things are out of wack. Workers aren't making enough and the people at the top have never been richer. Yes things are out of wack and assbackward. It started in the late 70's and 80's with Reagan. Corporations broke the social contract with workers. And things haven't been the same since.

Remember the late 90's? Ford and GM had record profits and paid their employees record profit sharing. But then in the 2000's Republicans said unions were the problem and they sent all those high paying manufacturing jobs overseas.

No longer can a person graduate high school and walk into a factory job that will support a family. It's blue collar hurting the most right? So what do you suggest we do for them?

We on the right believe people should do for themselves. Especially now with millions of jobs available nobody wants to work. So what should we do for those people, pay them more to not work?

You need to stop with those leftist lies. Republicans didn't send our jobs anywhere. They didn't have the ability to send them anywhere. The left has taxed them to death, regulated them to death, supported the unions that drove these companies nearly broke, and then you want to blame Republicans for sending jobs overseas? Let me remind you that since Reagan, we had two Democrat Presidents that each served two terms, two of those years each with a Democrat led Congress. Why didn't they change things back to like it was before Reagan if things were so great?

The rich have never been richer, so what do you want to do about that? Tax them? Okay, and all that does is make government richer. Which one is worse, and who does that help besides government.

Correct that you can't get out of high school and get a job paying enough to raise a family. That's why it's up to YOU to learn a skill or trade that will pay enough to raise a family. Look at the California ports. What's the problem there? They can't find enough dock workers or truck drivers. I'm a retired truck driver, and I can tell you it's a pretty good paying job. It doesn't take a lot of education either. You can find schools that take less than a month. They will train you, get you certified, and even guarantee you a job. It can't get much easier than that, but you have to be willing to take the necessary steps to secure such a career.
You are a shameless hypocrite. Of course that is typical for a Democrat.
Well I'm not blue collar and I have a college education and no student loans and no dependents so I'm doing fine. Can't imagine being poor like you with how many kids? 2? Does your wife work? How much collectively do you make?
....I'm doing fine. Can't imagine being poor like you.....
Seems like you can't imagine ever lifting one fucking finger to actually do anything for any of the people you pretend to give a shit about.
We on the right believe people should do for themselves. Especially now with millions of jobs available nobody wants to work. So what should we do for those people, pay them more to not work?

You need to stop with those leftist lies. Republicans didn't send our jobs anywhere. They didn't have the ability to send them anywhere. The left has taxed them to death, regulated them to death, supported the unions that drove these companies nearly broke, and then you want to blame Republicans for sending jobs overseas? Let me remind you that since Reagan, we had two Democrat Presidents that each served two terms, two of those years each with a Democrat led Congress. Why didn't they change things back to like it was before Reagan if things were so great?

The rich have never been richer, so what do you want to do about that? Tax them? Okay, and all that does is make government richer. Which one is worse, and who does that help besides government.

Correct that you can't get out of high school and get a job paying enough to raise a family. That's why it's up to YOU to learn a skill or trade that will pay enough to raise a family. Look at the California ports. What's the problem there? They can't find enough dock workers or truck drivers. I'm a retired truck driver, and I can tell you it's a pretty good paying job. It doesn't take a lot of education either. You can find schools that take less than a month. They will train you, get you certified, and even guarantee you a job. It can't get much easier than that, but you have to be willing to take the necessary steps to secure such a career.

Really Ray?

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said.

“Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade,” said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. “More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that’s a good thing.”

“I’ve got a feeling this report was prepared by the same people who brought us the intelligence on Iraq,” John Kerry said.

Although trade expansion inevitably hurts some domestic workers, the benefits eventually will outweigh the costs as Americans are able to buy cheaper goods and services and as new jobs are created in growing sectors of the economy, the report said.

The president’s report endorses the relatively new phenomenon of outsourcing high-end, white-collar work to India and other countries, a trend that has stirred concern within such affected occupations as computer programming and medical diagnostics.

2004 article.
Big business can afford to pay more. So they should do that. Employers should not expect to get good workers simply because they have a vacancy. Want good work provide good pay. Want poor work pay with poor pay. Economics 101
We on the right believe people should do for themselves. Especially now with millions of jobs available nobody wants to work. So what should we do for those people, pay them more to not work?

You need to stop with those leftist lies. Republicans didn't send our jobs anywhere. They didn't have the ability to send them anywhere. The left has taxed them to death, regulated them to death, supported the unions that drove these companies nearly broke, and then you want to blame Republicans for sending jobs overseas? Let me remind you that since Reagan, we had two Democrat Presidents that each served two terms, two of those years each with a Democrat led Congress. Why didn't they change things back to like it was before Reagan if things were so great?

The rich have never been richer, so what do you want to do about that? Tax them? Okay, and all that does is make government richer. Which one is worse, and who does that help besides government.

Correct that you can't get out of high school and get a job paying enough to raise a family. That's why it's up to YOU to learn a skill or trade that will pay enough to raise a family. Look at the California ports. What's the problem there? They can't find enough dock workers or truck drivers. I'm a retired truck driver, and I can tell you it's a pretty good paying job. It doesn't take a lot of education either. You can find schools that take less than a month. They will train you, get you certified, and even guarantee you a job. It can't get much easier than that, but you have to be willing to take
necessary steps to secure such a career.

All I know is we can look at why the gap between rich and poor got so much wider starting in the Reagan years. I know many of the reasons. You deny those reasons. So what we should do is undo a lot of the things that caused the problem in the first place. Some of the things we can never undo. Like bringing Ford plants back home from Mexico.

How about this. Any company who's ceo makes too much more than the average worker, doesn't get tax breaks. They pay higher taxes. It's a tax on greed.

And anyone who makes over $10 million a year gets a higher tax on every dollar over $10 million.

Profit sharing for Walmart employees. That would take unionizing.


How about this. Any company who's ceo makes too much more than the average worker, doesn't get tax breaks. They pay higher taxes. It's a tax on greed.

And anyone who makes over $10 million a year gets a higher tax on every dollar over $10 million.

Profit sharing for Walmart employees. That would take unionizing.

How about this? You get thrown down with your face in the pavement and a dollar is taken from your pocket to be given to that homeless guy in the intersection. The homeless guy then gets a cut of your paycheck every month for the rest of your life.

How's that sound, hypocrite?
Sorry, but left-drones can't use that "my body, my choice" bullshit anymore. Not after vaccine mandates. I know you're too stupid to realize that YOU are the one that's been proven wrong, but that's only because you were stupid enough to be dead wrong all this time in the first place.
What a crock of shit. As if comparing a vaccine mandate is anywhere close to taking choice away from a woman concerning child bearing. Hell, we have been living under vaccine mandates since the 1950's. I bet you had to have your vaccines updated to graduate from high school. But now, oh now, you want to bitch about them. Why, because of Trump and the right wing flock of fools that follow him.

See, my daughter, she is an anti-vaxer from way back. She filed a religious exemption for her kids, and that was almost ten years ago. So if she complains now it is consistent. But I bet your sorry ass dutifully took your kids to the doctor and got their MMR shots, polio vaccine, and any other shots required. You probably make sure you have your tetanus shot up to date. So not only are you a flippin idiot, but a hypocrite as well.

Again, George Washington required his troops to get inoculated against smallpox. I am quite sure you don't know the difference between being inoculated and vaccinated. But there is a world of difference, and the death rate from inoculation was over one percent. For the Covid vaccine, it is less than .01 percent, and you probably don't even know what that fraction is. And back then, nobody did so much as let out a peep. So when you morons today bitch about it you not only look like fools, but you insult the founders. But then again, you nuts seem to do that rather often.
We on the right believe people should do for themselves. Especially now with millions of jobs available nobody wants to work. So what should we do for those people, pay them more to not work?

You need to stop with those leftist lies. Republicans didn't send our jobs anywhere. They didn't have the ability to send them anywhere. The left has taxed them to death, regulated them to death, supported the unions that drove these companies nearly broke, and then you want to blame Republicans for sending jobs overseas? Let me remind you that since Reagan, we had two Democrat Presidents that each served two terms, two of those years each with a Democrat led Congress. Why didn't they change things back to like it was before Reagan if things were so great?

The rich have never been richer, so what do you want to do about that? Tax them? Okay, and all that does is make government richer. Which one is worse, and who does that help besides government.

Correct that you can't get out of high school and get a job paying enough to raise a family. That's why it's up to YOU to learn a skill or trade that will pay enough to raise a family. Look at the California ports. What's the problem there? They can't find enough dock workers or truck drivers. I'm a retired truck driver, and I can tell you it's a pretty good paying job. It doesn't take a lot of education either. You can find schools that take less than a month. They will train you, get you certified, and even guarantee you a job. It can't get much easier than that, but you have to be willing to take the necessary steps to secure such a career.
I got some problems with this,

The left has taxed them to death, regulated them to death, supported the unions that drove these companies nearly broke, and then you want to blame Republicans for sending jobs overseas?

First off, American corporations are not "taxed to death". Hell, not even close. In fact, it is more than obvious that they are not taxed enough. Taxes are merely the price a corporation pays to take money out of the business. OUT OF THE BUSINESS. If they keep it in the business, reinvest it in the business, they don't pay taxes on that money. If they buy back stock, hand out dividends, take money out of the business, they pay taxes on it. So tell me, you know how supply and demand works, right? So if the price of doing something drops don't you get more of it? Well Hello, howdy.

The middle class, workers, they are dependent on companies reinvesting profits and expanding the frontier curve. When they don't do that, when they seek to take more of the pie that is already there rather than make more pie, the workers pay the cost in decreased opportunities and lack of income growth. Hello, howdy again. That is precisely what has happened over the last forty years.

Then there are regulations. Bad enough the workers have to pay the cost of lack of reinvestment. Regulations serve one purpose, they prevent companies from EXTERNALIZING their costs. That means, instead of the company paying the cost for production they transfer them to the public. Today I read a great article about industrial pig and chicken farms in eastern North Carolina. A lack of enforcement in regards to pig farms, and a lack of regulations in regards to chicken farms, has transferred the cost of production to the public at large. Contaminated drinking water, and residents forced to dig deeper wells and paying for it out of their own pocket, and mostly it is people of color. That is just one example. Another, truck driver, diesel exhaust fumes from old ass trucks increasing asthma rates among children in high traffic areas. The children and their families pay. If the companies had to pay, they would retire their old ass trucks. My son visited Germany, the one thing that stuck out to him, no old ass trucks.

And then there are the unions. Believe it or not, the unions are just invested in a companies success as are the shareholders. Another poster mentioned that companies violated the social contract with their employees, and they did. So I really don't have much sympathy that those same companies are having a hard time attracting workers. Had they been unionized, they wouldn't have this problem. They could not have violated the social contract. Amazon is a good example. My son worked in an Amazon warehouse. They let him go when business went down. Then Covid hit, they begged him to come back, made all kinds of promises, and he told them to go straight to hell. He found a position with a company that values their employees. Well, it is sales, and he is making six figures. But they trained him, groomed him, value him, and support him. Amazon never did that.
I got some problems with this,

The left has taxed them to death, regulated them to death, supported the unions that drove these companies nearly broke, and then you want to blame Republicans for sending jobs overseas?

First off, American corporations are not "taxed to death". Hell, not even close. In fact, it is more than obvious that they are not taxed enough. Taxes are merely the price a corporation pays to take money out of the business. OUT OF THE BUSINESS. If they keep it in the business, reinvest it in the business, they don't pay taxes on that money. If they buy back stock, hand out dividends, take money out of the business, they pay taxes on it. So tell me, you know how supply and demand works, right? So if the price of doing something drops don't you get more of it? Well Hello, howdy.

The middle class, workers, they are dependent on companies reinvesting profits and expanding the frontier curve. When they don't do that, when they seek to take more of the pie that is already there rather than make more pie, the workers pay the cost in decreased opportunities and lack of income growth. Hello, howdy again. That is precisely what has happened over the last forty years.

Then there are regulations. Bad enough the workers have to pay the cost of lack of reinvestment. Regulations serve one purpose, they prevent companies from EXTERNALIZING their costs. That means, instead of the company paying the cost for production they transfer them to the public. Today I read a great article about industrial pig and chicken farms in eastern North Carolina. A lack of enforcement in regards to pig farms, and a lack of regulations in regards to chicken farms, has transferred the cost of production to the public at large. Contaminated drinking water, and residents forced to dig deeper wells and paying for it out of their own pocket, and mostly it is people of color. That is just one example. Another, truck driver, diesel exhaust fumes from old ass trucks increasing asthma rates among children in high traffic areas. The children and their families pay. If the companies had to pay, they would retire their old ass trucks. My son visited Germany, the one thing that stuck out to him, no old ass trucks.

And then there are the unions. Believe it or not, the unions are just invested in a companies success as are the shareholders. Another poster mentioned that companies violated the social contract with their employees, and they did. So I really don't have much sympathy that those same companies are having a hard time attracting workers. Had they been unionized, they wouldn't have this problem. They could not have violated the social contract.

Bullshit. A contract is a contract. Any contract that gets violated is subject to a lawsuit, so you're making that shit up. If they had a union they would have no problem finding workers? What makes you think that? If they had a union, there would be no place for people to work because the company would have to close down or move like the thousands that have since the 70's. In fact our last customer that was union, the employees voted the union out.

Workers rely on one thing, a paycheck. As long as your work is rewarded with a paycheck, that's all that matters. If you become unhappy with your paycheck, then you simply find someplace else to work. If nobody will pay you more than your last employer, that's all your labor ever was worth.
All I know is we can look at why the gap between rich and poor got so much wider starting in the Reagan years. I know many of the reasons. You deny those reasons. So what we should do is undo a lot of the things that caused the problem in the first place. Some of the things we can never undo. Like bringing Ford plants back home from Mexico.

How about this. Any company who's ceo makes too much more than the average worker, doesn't get tax breaks. They pay higher taxes. It's a tax on greed.

And anyone who makes over $10 million a year gets a higher tax on every dollar over $10 million.

Profit sharing for Walmart employees. That would take unionizing.

Fine with me, but lets do the same for professional sports, for actors and actresses, for professional musicians, for comedians. Let's just tax them all at a higher rate. You okay with that?

It would pretty much piss you off if you can't see your favorite country band because they made too much money and stopped touring for the year. Or your favorite actor or actress because they can only make one movie for the year. Ten million for Lebron with his shoe deals and China? I'm all for that. He made way too much money already.

There is one way to stop the rich from getting richer, and that is you quit giving them your money. But every single week, probably several times a week, you transfer your money to the top, and those evil rich people appreciate it.

There is no time like the present. Call your cell phone company and cancel your service. Same with your cable or satellite company. Get yourself a nice set of rabbit ears. We are going to miss you when you cancel your internet service. Since you are so hell bent on stopping the rich from getting richer, I'm expecting you to do that tomorrow first thing. Think how nice it will be using public transportation wherever you go since you'll be getting rid of your car. You don't want to give those evil oil companies your money since they have so much, and if you have an electric car, starve those wealthy people too.

Pray what you preach.
Really Ray?

The movement of American factory jobs and white-collar work to other countries is part of a positive transformation that will enrich the U.S. economy over time, even if it causes short-term pain and dislocation, the Bush administration said.

“Outsourcing is just a new way of doing international trade,” said N. Gregory Mankiw, chairman of Bush’s Council of Economic Advisors, which prepared the report. “More things are tradable than were tradable in the past. And that’s a good thing.”

“I’ve got a feeling this report was prepared by the same people who brought us the intelligence on Iraq,” John Kerry said.

Although trade expansion inevitably hurts some domestic workers, the benefits eventually will outweigh the costs as Americans are able to buy cheaper goods and services and as new jobs are created in growing sectors of the economy, the report said.

The president’s report endorses the relatively new phenomenon of outsourcing high-end, white-collar work to India and other countries, a trend that has stirred concern within such affected occupations as computer programming and medical diagnostics.

So WTF are you telling me about Bush? Think he speaks for all of us? I could care less what Bush said.

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