Will the NFL players take a knee to defy "racist" police after the bravery they showed in Vegas?

Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

Who said all cops were murderers? Sounds like another one of the crazy accusations the right wing is always spouting. The heros in LV deserve all the praise they might get, but that doesn't exonerate the bad cops that we still have.


Yes. Some cops are pigs and murderers.

Ain't what it says, Bullie.

First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

They aren't protesting good cops, dumbass.
Of course they were protesting all cops...
You would believe that to be the case only if you have a simpleton mind that will not or cannot distinguish the difference between protesting everyone or protesting only those who are abusing others' civil rights. Are you one of those simpletons?

About which cases do you speak? And what were the Court findings on each?

There is no reasoning with rabid RWNJs who
live in their own alt universe. They view every protest against systemic injustices as a direct threat against them and their way of life. The cops are there to protect and serve THEM. ..not the hordes of darker people who they don't consider real Americans. Every injustice against people of color is a sign, to them, that
the system is effectively working to promote white interests. Pondering that paradigm, meaningful discussions or debate with these race obsessed. zombies is a frivolous pursuit.
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

Progressives will use any opportunity to spit in the eyes of Americans.
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

Who said all cops were murderers? Sounds like another one of the crazy accusations the right wing is always spouting. The heros in LV deserve all the praise they might get, but that doesn't exonerate the bad cops that we still have.

The idiot who posted after you!!

To be honest , though, some of those not involved directly in racial misconduct are just as guilty as those cops who do. So-called good cops know who the bad apples are but they are silent. That silence allows dangerous cops to stay on the streets brutalizing people until they kill someone. Then the good cops close ranks to protect the killer cop and the police union hires the best lawyers to defend him on the rare occasions they are brought to trial. But even then the system protects its own at the expense of the victims and their families. Jury selections and the choosing of judges to tried killer cop cases are all part of protecting murderous cops.

The logic of a liberal. They are guilty because they "know" and accept it.


Are you saying a cop covering for a bad cop is acceptable?
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
You do know that a black man is more likely to get struck by lightning than killed by police? Are they going to protest lightning now?
Hmmm.Looking at FBI UCR arrest data and the disproportionate black prison population, I'd be inclined to say that the black person's potential to be shot by cops is far greater than to be struck by lightning. I assume many are wounded by cops too.
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

Who said all cops were murderers? Sounds like another one of the crazy accusations the right wing is always spouting. The heros in LV deserve all the praise they might get, but that doesn't exonerate the bad cops that we still have.
Black Lives Matter...Antifa...liberals in general.


BLM protesting LIBERALISM at Wm and Mary college:

Black Lives Matter Students Shut Down the ACLU's Campus Free Speech Event Because 'Liberalism Is White Supremacy'
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

So your argument is that if the police do something positive, this means all the negative shit never happened?

So, if a bully beats the living shit out of you, but then offers you a hand to help you to your feet, you shouldn't complain about the bully beating the shit out of you?
I love the way you care so much about something that doesn't happen nearly as much as blacks killing blacks in Chicago. Is it okay if they kill each other?
Absolutely not...and guess what...those, if caught are prosecuted and convicted and sentenced. Can we say the same for all bad cops?
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

Why are you calling the cops in Vegas racists?
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

So your argument is that if the police do something positive, this means all the negative shit never happened?

So, if a bully beats the living shit out of you, but then offers you a hand to help you to your feet, you shouldn't complain about the bully beating the shit out of you?
I love the way you care so much about something that doesn't happen nearly as much as blacks killing blacks in Chicago. Is it okay if they kill each other?
First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?

It took the police 40 minutes to get the shooter in the middle of the city...

The police failed completely, if you want to be safe get a gun.

The hard leftists of course, want to get rid of both the police and the guns (with the exception that criminals should have guns of course).
So because some Police Officers perform their duties admirably we should excuse the Officers that shoot people in the back, plant evidence, racially profile, violate Civil Rights and lie on innocent people...
Some white people logic at work here....
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

Who said all cops were murderers? Sounds like another one of the crazy accusations the right wing is always spouting. The heros in LV deserve all the praise they might get, but that doesn't exonerate the bad cops that we still have.


Yes. Some cops are pigs and murderers.

Ain't what it says, Bullie.


Doesn't say all cops are pigs and murderers. I'll bet you don't even know where that picture is from, or any context to what it is about, do you?
Why do the folks who love all that the Police do act like the attaboys cancel out the aw shits? Nearly half the people killed by police in Georgia were shot in the back, or unarmed. What has been done to eliminate that disturbing reality?

A police officer was found not guilty after planting a gun on a man he shot. If the shoe was on the other foot, if it had been a cop who had been shot, then the death penalty would have been too kind by half for the offender.

Yet, there is no problem, because the cops in Vegas charged the hotel room, some 72 minutes later.

According to the Sheriff, they had time, since it was no longer an “active shooter situation”.

A guy stole a truck to transport wounded to the hospital. If it had been a black guy, he would have been denounced as a looter.

So explain to me please. How is it that for every other citizen, every other person, the one bad act defines them. For a cop, the one bad act is not indicative of their actions? A bank robber does not rob every bank but is still a criminal for robbing the one isn’t he? Does it matter that the maniac in Vegas never opened fire on a crowd before? Or is it the fact that he opened fire once enough to label him a mass murderer?

Explain to me why the bad actions of the cops must be taken in light of the “long history of good” they do when no one else gets that consideration?
Poorly trained, maybe. Not fit for the job. You could say that about them. One thing is certain. They are not all murders, like you and the kneeling idiots want us all to believe.

Who said all cops were murderers? Sounds like another one of the crazy accusations the right wing is always spouting. The heros in LV deserve all the praise they might get, but that doesn't exonerate the bad cops that we still have.


Yes. Some cops are pigs and murderers.

Ain't what it says, Bullie.


Doesn't say all cops are pigs and murderers. I'll bet you don't even know where that picture is from, or any context to what it is about, do you?

Dead cop; BLM rioters...what's not to know?

First responders were at the shooter's room in 12 minutes and we have many videos of cops who were running towards the murder scene while everyone else was running away.

Does the NFL really want to vilify these heros?
Are the ones who shoot unarmed black men and children also brave? I bet you wish you were one.
You do know that a black man is more likely to get struck by lightning than killed by police? Are they going to protest lightning now?
Hmmm.Looking at FBI UCR arrest data and the disproportionate black prison population, I'd be inclined to say that the black person's potential to be shot by cops is far greater than to be struck by lightning. I assume many are wounded by cops too.
Could the reason be blacks are more likely to disrespect a cop?
How about after the confirmed lie put out by one of the biggest dumb ass millionaires Michael Bennett? When he was the one that claimed how racist the Vegas police were.

Of course when BSPN reported it, they did not let us know that it was TWO Hispanic cops and a black cop that retained him AFTER he ran. There were reports of a shooter in the casino. They told everyone to stay and he ran. Of course in natural form he defied cops orders. He ducked, and he ran. They spotted him and he fit a description of a shooter.

He claimed he was profiled and he was mistreated because he is BLACK. It turns out they did not mistreat him.

Get this. He was walking around the casino with NO ID. Get that? No ID. Sound familiar? NO photo ID. What an N word. Meanwhile the released videos showed that the cops ended up treating him well. They actually GOOGLED his name after he said who he was and they let him go after they saw his photo on the internet.

The media claimed RACISM RACISM RACISM RACISM, all the while leaving out the RACE of the cops, and never giving the Vegas cops the reason of doubt. They just reported it, proclaimed poor Michael Bennett as a victim (all black NFL people are victims.)

Here is the released video of the Vegas police going towards the reported shooter....in Vegas. Watch the typical you know what defies orders.

How many times can one you know defy orders? He was not mistreated. The cops dealing with active SHOOTER IN VEGAS.

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