Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

couch protester

Gold Member
Dec 7, 2015
Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The World Giving Index ranks the world's most charitable countries. The United States and Myanmar share the top spot globally

Communist Russia and communist countries don't even make the list in giving to the poor or for charity. Which is the world's most generous country? - CNN.com

Norway socialism economical drugs may be cheaper but their petrol is more expensive than US. Cost of living in Norway is 37.88% higher than US Cost of Living in Norway

…if socialism is basic for a 3rd grader to understand, which most Americans are at attention span level to follow basics, then why isn't the majority of America for Bernie? Majority can't all be morons, just suspicious.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

The Greeks Finally Run Out of Other People’s Money

“The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his will, but to enquire about his power, the limits of that power...” –Karl Marx

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, andIceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).


Countries who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly compared to America, only Denmark is the only democratic socialism country doing well as the richest country above USA

These countries have social democracy but are ranked lower than USA, with USA ranked higher




Norway (Cost of living is higher than America) Cost of Living in Norway

Cost of Living in Norway

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom


Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."

… Whenever Bernie can run his own worst socialist economic states in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt, then make his socialism argument valid, not 50 more states to bern through? Rich States, Poor States, 2015 Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council

...Bernie will destroy the middle class when the rich move overseas and jobs to avoid the bloated tax plague, leaving America as the Socialist States of Detroit. Impeaching Bernie will be the only way wealth returns to the bankrupt land.

You raise the wages, more taxes on the rich, then more layoffs to offset the cost to pay the employees, then more going out of business, then more jobs created overseas, then America turns into Detroit. Bernie spends the rich money to get your free stuff, when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes. You really think the wealthy and rich corporations are going to stick around America when they are against socialism since it hurts their growth and capitalism. Would you stay with an abusive man if he forced you to do things against your wish? Your argument; its your turn to play vigilante.

...you liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place

Socialism doesn't deal with the illegals fundamental issue that affects the economy:

More illegals causes more prisons to be built because of them causing the crime rates to go up with drugs crossing the border, then getting arrested, drug users and drug dealers and illegals gangs,illegals rapists, illegals molesters, illegals murderers. We have no place to put them but in prisons which are built with your tax money because you don't want to deal with the illegals situation. They are being hired to work cheaper, so your minimum wage won't go up, causing unemployment and our schools are being invaded by them which is overcrowded which they drown all of the educational funding.

Socialism only deals with the short term solutions but neglects handling the long term issues:

You obviously, don't comprehend how a snowball effect or domino effect works. It's like the version of the big bubble crisis, internet bubble, housing bubble crisis, bank bubble crisis, whereas illegals are the new bubble crisis which will cause this nation to collapse.

Study some ancient history about how Rome was invaded by the barbarians which flooded the empire illegally then Rome begin to collapse because it was too late for them to control the situation. It's not paranoia or any kind of phobia of fearing a race, its reality.

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair and some people have more than you. You feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

-LBJ, “I’ll Have Those Nig***rs Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years” Bernie Sanders fulfilling Lyndon Johnson prophecy
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If Bernie gets anywhere near "elected" you will start to see money flow to safer havens prior to NOV. Companies able to stay open now (razor thin profits, massive regulations) will start to close up. Yes I call that "leaving". Nobody is going to put any effort to hand over 9/10 of every dollar earned, why bother? Stop at the threshold till the next year. This will be true for small business. Mega Corp will take longer to find a way around all of the nonsense. APPL won't just fold up right away like Midas Muffler independent owned across town.
When you say "Detroit" -- you mean "Vermont"? I understand the confusion --- they both end in a T. Hard to tell 'em apart.

By the way your LBJ quote is bogus. And everybody else knows that.

Obviously, you don't do enough research as most liberals are lazy when it comes to digging for liberal sources because you liberals bury your sources so far away like the mafia bury dead bodies. These findings are from your own liberal sources quote.

Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “nig**r bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"During his first 20 years in Congress," Obama said, "he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."

President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.
Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism

Lyndon Johnson said the word “nig**r” a lot.

And what do the Greeks have to do with Bernie again?

Liberals Defense Tactic:


Deny everything

Admit nothing

Call it Right Wing Propaganda

What does it matter? (quote from Hillary Benghazi hearing)

Role eyes


Call BS real quick

Fake it

Pretend not to hear it

Fake like you didn't understand

Saul Alinsky’s 12 Rules for Radicals

* RULE 5: “Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon.” There is no defense. It’s irrational. It’s infuriating. It also works as a key pressure point to force the enemy into concessions.

* RULE 11: “The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative.” Never let the enemy score points because you’re caught without a solution to the problem.

Show a liberal hard evidence, liberals say its inadmissible, bring a liberal witnesses and the criminal's testimony confession, liberals say it was false witnesses and a forced confession, the jury finds the criminal guilty on 12 charges, the libs say the criminal didn't commit one crime. Democrats love defending their politician criminals like Bill Clinton, Killer Mike, Hillary, ISIS, Ted Kennedy, Southern Democrat Ku Klux Klan harassing and hanging blacks in the South for voting Republican and still blacks harassed today by bigots for being an Uncle Tom for voting Republican. No wonder libs condone their criminal behavior; they're the Mafia, with their own government, laws and system!
Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The World Giving Index ranks the world's most charitable countries. The United States and Myanmar share the top spot globally

Communist Russia and communist countries don't even make the list in giving to the poor or for charity. Which is the world's most generous country? - CNN.com

Norway socialism economical drugs may be cheaper but their petrol is more expensive than US. Cost of living in Norway is 37.88% higher than US Cost of Living in Norway

…if socialism is basic for a 3rd grader to understand, which most Americans are at attention span level to follow basics, then why isn't the majority of America for Bernie? Majority can't all be morons, just suspicious.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

The Greeks Finally Run Out of Other People’s Money

“The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his will, but to enquire about his power, the limits of that power...” –Karl Marx

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, andIceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).


Countries who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly compared to America, only Denmark is the only democratic socialism country doing well as the richest country above USA

These countries have social democracy but are ranked lower than USA, with USA ranked higher




Norway (Cost of living is higher than America) Cost of Living in Norway

Cost of Living in Norway

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom


Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."

… Whenever Bernie can run his own worst socialist economic states in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt, then make his socialism argument valid, not 50 more states to bern through? Rich States, Poor States, 2015 Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council

...Bernie will destroy the middle class when the rich move overseas and jobs to avoid the bloated tax plague, leaving America as the Socialist States of Detroit. Impeaching Bernie will be the only way wealth returns to the bankrupt land.

You raise the wages, more taxes on the rich, then more layoffs to offset the cost to pay the employees, then more going out of business, then more jobs created overseas, then America turns into Detroit. Bernie spends the rich money to get your free stuff, when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes. You really think the wealthy and rich corporations are going to stick around America when they are against socialism since it hurts their growth and capitalism. Would you stay with an abusive man if he forced you to do things against your wish? Your argument; its your turn to play vigilante.

...you liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place

Socialism doesn't deal with the illegals fundamental issue that affects the economy:

More illegals causes more prisons to be built because of them causing the crime rates to go up with drugs crossing the border, then getting arrested, drug users and drug dealers and illegals gangs,illegals rapists, illegals molesters, illegals murderers. We have no place to put them but in prisons which are built with your tax money because you don't want to deal with the illegals situation. They are being hired to work cheaper, so your minimum wage won't go up, causing unemployment and our schools are being invaded by them which is overcrowded which they drown all of the educational funding.

Socialism only deals with the short term solutions but neglects handling the long term issues:

You obviously, don't comprehend how a snowball effect or domino effect works. It's like the version of the big bubble crisis, internet bubble, housing bubble crisis, bank bubble crisis, whereas illegals are the new bubble crisis which will cause this nation to collapse.

Study some ancient history about how Rome was invaded by the barbarians which flooded the empire illegally then Rome begin to collapse because it was too late for them to control the situation. It's not paranoia or any kind of phobia of fearing a race, its reality.

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair and some people have more than you. You feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

-LBJ, “I’ll Have Those Nig***rs Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years” Bernie Sanders fulfilling Lyndon Johnson prophecy

Why would you think the rich would leave? They own Bernie.

Bernie seems to be sincere in his desire to help the poor. He just has no clue about economics, like absolutely nothing. Hillary doesn't give a rat's a** about them except that they represent votes that will get her the power she wants.
When you say "Detroit" -- you mean "Vermont"? I understand the confusion --- they both end in a T. Hard to tell 'em apart.

By the way your LBJ quote is bogus. And everybody else knows that.

Obviously, you don't do enough research as most liberals are lazy when it comes to digging for liberal sources because you liberals bury your sources so far away like the mafia bury dead bodies. These findings are from your own liberal sources quote.

Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “nig**r bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"During his first 20 years in Congress," Obama said, "he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."

President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.
Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism

Lyndon Johnson said the word “nig**r” a lot.


You're a special kind of moron aintchya?

I just said your quote is bogus. You didn't address that at all. And vocabulary ain't related.

Further, per you Googly Image, if that's all your intellect can muster in the guise of argument, there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party". And LBJ pushed the CRA anyway.


Oh and btw -- that quote in your image ---- also bogus.

Prove me wrong.

You wanna fuck with me on the facts, Junior, I'll mop the floor with your ass.
Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The World Giving Index ranks the world's most charitable countries. The United States and Myanmar share the top spot globally

Communist Russia and communist countries don't even make the list in giving to the poor or for charity. Which is the world's most generous country? - CNN.com

Norway socialism economical drugs may be cheaper but their petrol is more expensive than US. Cost of living in Norway is 37.88% higher than US Cost of Living in Norway

…if socialism is basic for a 3rd grader to understand, which most Americans are at attention span level to follow basics, then why isn't the majority of America for Bernie? Majority can't all be morons, just suspicious.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

The Greeks Finally Run Out of Other People’s Money

“The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his will, but to enquire about his power, the limits of that power...” –Karl Marx

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, andIceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).


Countries who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly compared to America, only Denmark is the only democratic socialism country doing well as the richest country above USA

These countries have social democracy but are ranked lower than USA, with USA ranked higher




Norway (Cost of living is higher than America) Cost of Living in Norway

Cost of Living in Norway

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom


Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."

… Whenever Bernie can run his own worst socialist economic states in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt, then make his socialism argument valid, not 50 more states to bern through? Rich States, Poor States, 2015 Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council

...Bernie will destroy the middle class when the rich move overseas and jobs to avoid the bloated tax plague, leaving America as the Socialist States of Detroit. Impeaching Bernie will be the only way wealth returns to the bankrupt land.

You raise the wages, more taxes on the rich, then more layoffs to offset the cost to pay the employees, then more going out of business, then more jobs created overseas, then America turns into Detroit. Bernie spends the rich money to get your free stuff, when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes. You really think the wealthy and rich corporations are going to stick around America when they are against socialism since it hurts their growth and capitalism. Would you stay with an abusive man if he forced you to do things against your wish? Your argument; its your turn to play vigilante.

...you liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place

Socialism doesn't deal with the illegals fundamental issue that affects the economy:

More illegals causes more prisons to be built because of them causing the crime rates to go up with drugs crossing the border, then getting arrested, drug users and drug dealers and illegals gangs,illegals rapists, illegals molesters, illegals murderers. We have no place to put them but in prisons which are built with your tax money because you don't want to deal with the illegals situation. They are being hired to work cheaper, so your minimum wage won't go up, causing unemployment and our schools are being invaded by them which is overcrowded which they drown all of the educational funding.

Socialism only deals with the short term solutions but neglects handling the long term issues:

You obviously, don't comprehend how a snowball effect or domino effect works. It's like the version of the big bubble crisis, internet bubble, housing bubble crisis, bank bubble crisis, whereas illegals are the new bubble crisis which will cause this nation to collapse.

Study some ancient history about how Rome was invaded by the barbarians which flooded the empire illegally then Rome begin to collapse because it was too late for them to control the situation. It's not paranoia or any kind of phobia of fearing a race, its reality.

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair and some people have more than you. You feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

-LBJ, “I’ll Have Those Nig***rs Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years” Bernie Sanders fulfilling Lyndon Johnson prophecy

Here is a little secret and that is even if Bernie Sanders become President the country still has a House and Senate, and you know what?

They will most likely be Republican...

So there goes your whole OP!
Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The World Giving Index ranks the world's most charitable countries. The United States and Myanmar share the top spot globally

Communist Russia and communist countries don't even make the list in giving to the poor or for charity. Which is the world's most generous country? - CNN.com

Norway socialism economical drugs may be cheaper but their petrol is more expensive than US. Cost of living in Norway is 37.88% higher than US Cost of Living in Norway

…if socialism is basic for a 3rd grader to understand, which most Americans are at attention span level to follow basics, then why isn't the majority of America for Bernie? Majority can't all be morons, just suspicious.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

The Greeks Finally Run Out of Other People’s Money

“The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his will, but to enquire about his power, the limits of that power...” –Karl Marx

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, andIceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).


Countries who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly compared to America, only Denmark is the only democratic socialism country doing well as the richest country above USA

These countries have social democracy but are ranked lower than USA, with USA ranked higher




Norway (Cost of living is higher than America) Cost of Living in Norway

Cost of Living in Norway

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom


Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."

… Whenever Bernie can run his own worst socialist economic states in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt, then make his socialism argument valid, not 50 more states to bern through? Rich States, Poor States, 2015 Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council

...Bernie will destroy the middle class when the rich move overseas and jobs to avoid the bloated tax plague, leaving America as the Socialist States of Detroit. Impeaching Bernie will be the only way wealth returns to the bankrupt land.

You raise the wages, more taxes on the rich, then more layoffs to offset the cost to pay the employees, then more going out of business, then more jobs created overseas, then America turns into Detroit. Bernie spends the rich money to get your free stuff, when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes. You really think the wealthy and rich corporations are going to stick around America when they are against socialism since it hurts their growth and capitalism. Would you stay with an abusive man if he forced you to do things against your wish? Your argument; its your turn to play vigilante.

...you liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place

Socialism doesn't deal with the illegals fundamental issue that affects the economy:

More illegals causes more prisons to be built because of them causing the crime rates to go up with drugs crossing the border, then getting arrested, drug users and drug dealers and illegals gangs,illegals rapists, illegals molesters, illegals murderers. We have no place to put them but in prisons which are built with your tax money because you don't want to deal with the illegals situation. They are being hired to work cheaper, so your minimum wage won't go up, causing unemployment and our schools are being invaded by them which is overcrowded which they drown all of the educational funding.

Socialism only deals with the short term solutions but neglects handling the long term issues:

You obviously, don't comprehend how a snowball effect or domino effect works. It's like the version of the big bubble crisis, internet bubble, housing bubble crisis, bank bubble crisis, whereas illegals are the new bubble crisis which will cause this nation to collapse.

Study some ancient history about how Rome was invaded by the barbarians which flooded the empire illegally then Rome begin to collapse because it was too late for them to control the situation. It's not paranoia or any kind of phobia of fearing a race, its reality.

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair and some people have more than you. You feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

-LBJ, “I’ll Have Those Nig***rs Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years” Bernie Sanders fulfilling Lyndon Johnson prophecy
Hillary Clinton has been the 2016 nominee since 2008. Bernie doesn't have a chance.
Will the rich leave if Bernie is elected and America becomes Detroit?

According to Reason-Rupp latest polling data 52 percent of millennials favor capitalism over socialism and 64 percent favor the free market over a government managed economy. Donald Trump represents the kind of success that can be attained though capitalism and the free market, two things Democrats vilanize but that are positives for millennials. Millennials have positive views of capitalism and most believe that corporations earn their profits and are entitled to keep them.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

Donald Trump represents hard work and a free market economy. A whopping 64 percent of millennials say hard work is the key to success and 40 percent of millennials say that poor life choices and lack of work ethic is what causes poverty, this is the exact opposite view held by most Democrats running for office.
Donald Trump, His Rising Poll Numbers and Millennials

The World Giving Index ranks the world's most charitable countries. The United States and Myanmar share the top spot globally

Communist Russia and communist countries don't even make the list in giving to the poor or for charity. Which is the world's most generous country? - CNN.com

Norway socialism economical drugs may be cheaper but their petrol is more expensive than US. Cost of living in Norway is 37.88% higher than US Cost of Living in Norway

…if socialism is basic for a 3rd grader to understand, which most Americans are at attention span level to follow basics, then why isn't the majority of America for Bernie? Majority can't all be morons, just suspicious.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

The Greeks Finally Run Out of Other People’s Money

“The will of the capitalist is certainly to take as much as possible. What we have to do is not to talk about his will, but to enquire about his power, the limits of that power...” –Karl Marx

While the term Scandinavia is commonly used for Denmark, Norway and Sweden, the term the Nordic countries is used unambiguously for Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, andIceland, including their associated territories (Greenland, the Faroe Islands, and the Åland Islands).


Countries who adopted Democratic Socialism Non-Marxist–Leninist doing poorly compared to America, only Denmark is the only democratic socialism country doing well as the richest country above USA

These countries have social democracy but are ranked lower than USA, with USA ranked higher




Norway (Cost of living is higher than America) Cost of Living in Norway

Cost of Living in Norway

Country Rankings: World & Global Economy Rankings on Economic Freedom


Bernie admire communist Castro saying "“..., [America] invaded Cuba, and everybody was totally convinced that Castro was the worst guy in the world...he.., totally transformed society."

… Whenever Bernie can run his own worst socialist economic states in the nation on the top 10 worst list Vermont 4 billion debt, then make his socialism argument valid, not 50 more states to bern through? Rich States, Poor States, 2015 Edition - American Legislative Exchange Council

...Bernie will destroy the middle class when the rich move overseas and jobs to avoid the bloated tax plague, leaving America as the Socialist States of Detroit. Impeaching Bernie will be the only way wealth returns to the bankrupt land.

You raise the wages, more taxes on the rich, then more layoffs to offset the cost to pay the employees, then more going out of business, then more jobs created overseas, then America turns into Detroit. Bernie spends the rich money to get your free stuff, when the rich are all tapped out from paying for everything and then the rich decide they had enough and move to another country to avoid paying taxes. You really think the wealthy and rich corporations are going to stick around America when they are against socialism since it hurts their growth and capitalism. Would you stay with an abusive man if he forced you to do things against your wish? Your argument; its your turn to play vigilante.

...you liberals won't deal with the poor and homeless here at home but you want more refugees, so you can flood more poor and homeless into the country, then complain about the war on poverty that you're causing in the first place

Socialism doesn't deal with the illegals fundamental issue that affects the economy:

More illegals causes more prisons to be built because of them causing the crime rates to go up with drugs crossing the border, then getting arrested, drug users and drug dealers and illegals gangs,illegals rapists, illegals molesters, illegals murderers. We have no place to put them but in prisons which are built with your tax money because you don't want to deal with the illegals situation. They are being hired to work cheaper, so your minimum wage won't go up, causing unemployment and our schools are being invaded by them which is overcrowded which they drown all of the educational funding.

Socialism only deals with the short term solutions but neglects handling the long term issues:

You obviously, don't comprehend how a snowball effect or domino effect works. It's like the version of the big bubble crisis, internet bubble, housing bubble crisis, bank bubble crisis, whereas illegals are the new bubble crisis which will cause this nation to collapse.

Study some ancient history about how Rome was invaded by the barbarians which flooded the empire illegally then Rome begin to collapse because it was too late for them to control the situation. It's not paranoia or any kind of phobia of fearing a race, its reality.

Socialism is being selfish by telling someone to share with you when they have more than you. It's called envious haters or coveting your neighbor. When they say no I won't share, then you whine to Big Daddy Government and snitch so they can force their hand. But you are such a hypocrite closet activist anyway because you preach about everybody having equally but your selfish ass won't go out and divide your spoils with the starving homeless and invite them into your house to live and eat half your food. You fake ass clever manipulator won't share your car when somebody is at the bus stop or carpool people back and forth to every destination you're driving. You couch protester won't go help the rich man that's paying your wages by putting in the amount of time, skills, education, experience sacrifice, hours and work it takes to run a company which he started from the bottom making the same wages as you but never begged for a dime to share but went out to start his company from nothing. Yeah, you selfish prick, his business wasn't built overnight, you agreed to that wage and sold yourself cheap to the lowest bidder because you don't value yourself as worth anything when you whore yourself for something that you don't want. Slut! Sold yourself out, now feel you're obligated like a wife that agreed to the prenuptial agreement but want a bigger share of half the income when divorced. Your struggle not their problem. You were born into that life, it's sink or swim. That's what parents, education and skills are for, so you can be self reliant and learn from the basics. You don't go back to your parents and say you owe me a bigger allowance or half the income from many years I put in the chores. You liberals and your socialists government democrats are selfish bullies because life didn't treat you fair and some people have more than you. You feel left out like the poor broke kid at the candy store watching all the other kids having all the fun with their toys and goodies. Now you play the bruised villain and will stick it to the man for all your pain and suffering.

Bernie Soprano buying votes with welfare and free college. Fraud! Teaching his disciples to steal by force using the weapons of socialism like the mafia intimidate business owners to be taxed to pay for mob kids tuition

The bad thing about it; Bernie brainwash college kids to feel entitled to get something free as if they are owed the right to have the rich pay for their education, with an attitude of saying F the rich, the rich owe me ALL!

-LBJ, “I’ll Have Those Nig***rs Voting Democratic for the Next 200 Years” Bernie Sanders fulfilling Lyndon Johnson prophecy
Hillary Clinton has been the 2016 nominee since 2008. Bernie doesn't have a chance.

I remember in 2007 Hillary Clinton was suppose to be the 2008 candidate, and all of a sudden President Obama took that away...

So I will wait until March to say she is the candidate because anything can happen.

She has massive issues with the Elizabeth Warren supporters that are supporting Bernie Sanders, and it could cost her...
When you say "Detroit" -- you mean "Vermont"? I understand the confusion --- they both end in a T. Hard to tell 'em apart.

By the way your LBJ quote is bogus. And everybody else knows that.

Obviously, you don't do enough research as most liberals are lazy when it comes to digging for liberal sources because you liberals bury your sources so far away like the mafia bury dead bodies. These findings are from your own liberal sources quote.

Then in 1957, Johnson would help get the “nig**r bill” passed, known to most as the Civil Rights Act of 1957.

Lyndon Johnson opposed every civil rights proposal considered in his first 20 years as lawmaker

"During his first 20 years in Congress," Obama said, "he opposed every civil rights bill that came up for a vote, once calling the push for federal legislation a farce and a shame."

President Lyndon Johnson using the "N" word.

Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. But also a racist.
Lyndon Johnson was a civil rights hero. http://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/lyndon-johnson-civil-rights-racism

Lyndon Johnson said the word “nig**r” a lot.


You're a special kind of moron aintchya?

I just said your quote is bogus. You didn't address that at all. And vocabulary ain't related.

Further, per you Googly Image, if that's all your intellect can muster in the guise of argument, there is no such thing as a "Democrat Party". And LBJ pushed the CRA anyway.


Oh and btw -- that quote in your image ---- also bogus.

Prove me wrong.

You wanna fuck with me on the facts, Junior, I'll mop the floor with your ass.

Are you ignoring LBJ voting record on Civil Rights ?
So the rich Greeks will leave if Bernie is president?


"If you read what Debs said about the goals of socialism, it’s no different from what I’ve been saying — that all socialism is about is democracy.” -Bernie Sanders

Eugene Victor "Gene" Debs (November 5, 1855 – October 20, 1926) was an American union leader, one of the founding members of the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW or the Wobblies), and five times the candidate of the Socialist Party of America for President of the United States. Through his presidential candidacies, as well as his work with labor movements, Debs eventually became one of the best-known socialists living in the United States.

In his speech to the convention, delivered June 8, Debs outlined his ideas on the goal of the Social Democracy and the tactics which the organization had best follow:

“The mission of Social Democracy is to awaken the producer to a consciousness that he is a Socialist and to give him courage by changing his conditions. I have not changed in regard to our procedure. Give me 10,000 men, aye, 1,000 in a western state, with access to the sources of production, and we will change the economic conditions and we will convince the people of that state, win their hearts and their intelligence. We will lay hold upon the reins of government, and plant the flag of Socialism on the state house."

Bernie hung a Soviet Flag in office when he was mayor. Bernie in Soviet Union, he honeymooned there. Bernie admits being a democrat socialist.

"If you read what Debs said about the goals of socialism, it’s no different from what I’ve been saying — that all socialism is about is democracy.” -Bernie Sanders


"America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within." –Joseph Stalin






Bernie seems to be sincere in his desire to help the poor. He just has no clue about economics, like absolutely nothing. Hillary doesn't give a rat's a** about them except that they represent votes that will get her the power she wants.

...I had an imaginary dream as a child to use all the money to feed the starving children around the world, but then, grew up, and stop believing imaginary fairy godmothers and fairy tales for wishful thinking. Grow up!

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