Will the Stock Market Dow Index Rally 1,000 Points When The Donald Makes a Deal with Mr. Kim?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Folks, as many of you know, I was one of the first to predict The Donald would win the Presidency the day he announced that he was running. And folks, I feel he will make a deal with the North Korean dictator that is literally far beyond what any President in terms of international diplomacy has done since the Korean War. This is going to be an historic week, and another triumph for our President.

I guess the question is where does this leave Crooked Hillary, Butthurt Obama and their fake news and fake justice department and the douchebags on the MSM, etc. :p What are they going to do? What can they do? Besides resign in disgrace.
There might be a bump on the good news.

And then, before long (a day or two), the market will do what it always does after a bump: Remember that prices are based on earnings, and that individual news items are essentially irrelevant in the long run.

The market gets very emotional, steadies itself, and then gets back to work.
I'm keeping my powder dry

Might do a 50% allocation tomorrow

Folks, as many of you know, I was one of the first to predict The Donald would win the Presidency the day he announced that he was running. And folks, I feel he will make a deal with the North Korean dictator that is literally far beyond what any President in terms of international diplomacy has done since the Korean War. This is going to be an historic week, and another triumph for our President.

I guess the question is where does this leave Crooked Hillary, Butthurt Obama and their fake news and fake justice department and the douchebags on the MSM, etc. :p What are they going to do? What can they do? Besides resign in disgrace.

I would be willing to take a little of that action. What are you willing to wager on that 1000 point jump?
Folks, as many of you know, I was one of the first to predict The Donald would win the Presidency the day he announced that he was running. And folks, I feel he will make a deal with the North Korean dictator that is literally far beyond what any President in terms of international diplomacy has done since the Korean War. This is going to be an historic week, and another triumph for our President.

I guess the question is where does this leave Crooked Hillary, Butthurt Obama and their fake news and fake justice department and the douchebags on the MSM, etc. :p What are they going to do? What can they do? Besides resign in disgrace.
I do hope you are correct about getting a great deal with NK. The world will be a better, safer place!

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