Will the USA turn to fascism to defeat peaceful protestors?

You're a liar and the story you linked directly contradicts your claim.

I'm sure you didn't think I'd notice because you wanted me to go to a website that requires you send your email address to a religious cult to read the material.

No, you didn't even read it. It doesn't require an email and it contradicts nothing. Those are facts. Quit lying.
Sez who?

the authorities who used the device?

i was not expecting a confession

the very fact that they have such a weapon is troubling to true civil libertarians
A confession of what? First we need an accusation. Who stated the device was used to cause any pain in any person?

Show me.

If that disturbs you, wait until you hear about the other weapons that police have.

A confession of what? First we need an accusation. Who stated the device was used to cause any pain in any person?

Show me.

If that disturbs you, wait until you hear about the other weapons that police have.

You make a fair point

but guns are more selective than weapons of mass destruction

which is what the sound cannon is
So they're violating the law, hence they're lawless.
are you suggesting there are no laws on the books to deal with the lawless? Is that your play today? hahahahahahahahahahaha. If they broke the law, arrest them. It's really just that simple. What is it big guy?
You make a fair point

but guns are more selective than weapons of mass destruction

which is what the sound cannon is
If only guns were more selective. Nothing prevents a bullet from hitting an innocent bystander. Bullets cause a lot more trauma than ringing in the ears.

Don't pretend to be a civil libertarian. You're not.
The real issue is for Deplorables to be wary of the police they support. Deplorables are seeing their asses stomped on for things minor compared to what Progs do.
still funny, the demofks could give a shit about the cops, and conservative law respecting citizens respect the shit out of police. Why would the police support the people who hate and despise every once of dignity they carry around with them. Strange. Same as blacks who vote for kkk people.
Did you miss this bit of facism?
The plaza between St. John's Church and Lafayette Park was full of people nonviolently protesting police brutality late Monday afternoon when U.S. Park Police and National Guard troops, with the use of tear gas, suddenly started pushing them away for no apparent reason.

And then it became clear.

President Trump wanted to walk from the White House through the park to the Episcopal church. Camera crews scrambled to keep up with him as he strode through the park, followed by his daughter Ivanka and her husband, Jared Kushner, along with Attorney General William Barr and other administration officials.




The USA pushed back HARD on the federal government being used to stop VIOLENT ANTIFABLM RIOTS.



Now we see governments are resorting to martial law and fascism to squash a peaceful protest with no murders, no looting, no burning down government buildings, no assaults.

We have seen a protest change from a “small fringe minority” to the greatest threat in the history of a nation in 2 weeks.

The response to the demands of the protestors to end mandates is for the government to declare maritial law and steal assets of the protestors.


We need to wake up and push back against this left wing authoritarianism.
If only guns were more selective. Nothing prevents a bullet from hitting an innocent bystander. Bullets cause a lot more trauma than ringing in the ears.

Don't pretend to be a civil libertarian. You're not.
Accidents happen

but at least they are unintended

WMD’s are designed to indiscriminately kill
Did you read the article?

This is what it actually said.

“ACT Policing has deployed several types of loudspeakers and amplification devices to quickly and effectively convey voice messages to large, and often loud, crowds of people during the recent protest activity in Canberra,” an ACT Policing spokesperson said in a statement to The Epoch Times on Feb. 16.

“The [LRADs] were only used to convey spoken-word messages. The ‘alert’ function was not used.”

You're a liar or a moron.
From another paper,

Malcolm Roberts’ office was inundated with complaints from protesters all week wanting to know what had happened during the rally – prompting him to pass on these public concerns.

That would be something that is with our police methodology which we would have to look at some type of public interest immunity claim, Senator,” said the Australia Federal Police Commissioner Reece Kershaw, when questioned by Senator Roberts.
Surely it’s in the public interest to know whether or not they [LRADs] were there without delving too much into it?
I’d have to […] If I could take that on notice, I’d have to get advice.”
Kershaw insisted that the question had already been taken on notice.

The LRAD was used in Canberra only as a means of communicating with the crowd.

Its use has, however, alarmed many public observers as the LRAD is technically a sonic crowd control weapon that, if used in its other setting, projects extremely loud sounds over long distances to cripple a crowd. The ‘alert setting’ on the device is particularly dangerous and has been known to cause permanent hearing damage, dizziness, disorientation, and brain damage.

Essentially the device ‘chirps’ at the crowd causing pain and potentially permanent hearing damage. Its use on crowds remains highly controversial, with the NYPD ending up in federal court where it was recommended that their use against protesters on the alert setting be suspended.

LRADs have been employed in military settings, such as by the United States in 2004, as a form of non-lethal combat. An LRAD was used against crowds at the 2009 G20 summit in its weaponized mode, causing serious and permanent injuries. It was also reported to have been used against the Occupy Oakland crowd in 2011.
.While there is no evidence that LRADs were used in their alert capacity in Canberra, there is a genuine question about whether or not police would have done so if the crowd was not as well behaved as they were.

It is available
If only guns were more selective. Nothing prevents a bullet from hitting an innocent bystander. Bullets cause a lot more trauma than ringing in the ears.

Don't pretend to be a civil libertarian. You're not.
but the report I read said it can be used to target the people. Like a gun, and if you think they can't miss their target, you're still in your zombie world.

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