Will Tiny Israel be forced to use the "SAMSON OPTION"???


VIP Member
Mar 4, 2013
Will Tiny Israel be forced to use the "SAMSON OPTION"???=The Samson Option is the name that some military analysts have given to Israel's hypothetical deterrence strategy of massive retaliation with nuclear weapons as a "last resort" against nations whose military attacks threaten its existence. Israel has been building nuclear weapons for 30 years. The Jews understand what passive and powerless acceptance of doom has meant for them in the past, and they have ensured against it. What would serve the Jew-hating world better in repayment for thousands of years of massacres but a Nuclear Winter. Or invite all those tut-tutting European statesmen and peace activists to join us in the ovens? For the first time in history, a people(Israel) facing extermination while the world looks away has the will and power to deter or destroy any enemy. ISRAEL NOW has the power to destroy the world. The ultimate justice?
"We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon––no alternative….The Arabs can fight, and lose, and return to fight another day. Israel can only lose once." ––Golda Meir==="THE SAMSON OPTION" =50 TO 300 NUKES AND A PEOPLE WILLING TO USE THEM. Don't mess with tiny Israel!!!!
Hal Lindsey has it correct. Syria will miscalculate one day soon. Damascus is the oldest continually occupied city in the world. The prophecy that Damascus will be destroyed must still be fulfilled (Isa 17:1-3). Nothing short of several hydrogen bombs, or an asteroid hitting the city could accomplish that prophecy today. The prophecy implies that much of the Syrian population will be wiped out in the event because it only speaks of a remnant of Syria afterward.

WorldNetDaily: The Samson Option “Syria is also known to be producing non-conventional warheads, including those containing V-X gas for delivery via the new longer range and more accurate Scuds. All Israel’s cities are within range of these missiles. Most of them can be reached in less than three minutes. Syria is gambling that Israel’s performance in the Hezbollah war of June 2006 means that it has seen all Israel has to offer.

Apparently, Bashar Assad now believes Israel can be beaten. Assad is miscalculating. In the event Syria launches a gas attack on Israel, it’s a virtual certainty that Damascus would be instantly obliterated by Israeli nuclear weapons.

The thought of being gassed evokes a visceral response among Israel’s Holocaust survivors and their descendants that Damascus wildly underestimates. Israel has more than 400 nuclear weapons in hidden silos in various places within its borders, as well as at least two submarines in the Mediterranean that are launch capable. And you can be certain that in the event of a massive WMD attack by the Syrians, Israel will respond in kind”
Without America standing with Israel, Israel stands a better than 50-50 chance of being over-run and wiped out as a country.
The Israelis have planned for that.
The plan is referred to as: "The Samson Option."
The "Samson Option" is Israel’s strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against "enemies" should its existence as a Jewish state be jeopardized through military attack.

The term was inspired by the Biblical figure Samson, who destroyed a Philistine temple, killing himself, and thousands of Philistine enemies.

The Samson option is a strategy of last resort retaliation - even if it means Israel’s own annihilation.
It has been estimated by so-called experts that Israel has at least 400 thermo-nuclear weapons. They can be launched from land, sea, and air. This means that Israel has a second strike option -- even if much of the country is destroyed
Nuclear weapons were viewed by Israel as the ultimate insurer of Israel’s continued existance. Israel decided, as early as the 1960’s, to build-up its military and achieve absolute conventional military superiorty over it’s enemies, and not place its reliance on nuclear weapons. Israel did this in the hope that they would never have to call on their thermo-nuclear weapons stockpile to rescue their country.
Clealy the danger to Israel’scontinued existace has escalated until today Israel finds itself ann island of sanity in a sea of madness.
We have warned of Israel’s "Samson Option" many times before. Like their ancient ancestors on Masada, Israel, it would seem, is prepared to sacrifice itself rather than be driven into slavery -- or extinction -- by the enemy hordes that surround it.
Sadly, the only country that can prevent those Middle Eastern madmen from breaching the walls of Israel is the United States. But the US is leaderless, at least until 2013, and the man who currently occupies the office of President of the United States has shown no favor towards Israel or its plight.
Today, the entire world is threathened. The Damocles Sword of Islamic terrorism hangs precariously over our heads. Here, in America, the lives of every man, woman and child has changed since September 11, 2001. And yet, compared to the threat Israelis live under, every day, Americans live in perfect secutity and safety. JDL.
"We have always said that in our war with the Arabs we had a secret weapon––no alternative….The Arabs can fight, and lose, and return to fight another day. Israel can only lose once." ––Golda Meir==="THE SAMSON OPTION" =50 TO 300 NUKES AND A PEOPLE WILLING TO USE THEM. Don't mess with tiny Israel!!!!
Hal Lindsey has it correct. Syria will miscalculate one day soon. Damascus is the oldest continually occupied city in the world. The prophecy that Damascus will be destroyed must still be fulfilled (Isa 17:1-3). Nothing short of several hydrogen bombs, or an asteroid hitting the city could accomplish that prophecy today. The prophecy implies that much of the Syrian population will be wiped out in the event because it only speaks of a remnant of Syria afterward.

WorldNetDaily: The Samson Option “Syria is also known to be producing non-conventional warheads, including those containing V-X gas for delivery via the new longer range and more accurate Scuds. All Israel’s cities are within range of these missiles. Most of them can be reached in less than three minutes. Syria is gambling that Israel’s performance in the Hezbollah war of June 2006 means that it has seen all Israel has to offer.

Apparently, Bashar Assad now believes Israel can be beaten. Assad is miscalculating. In the event Syria launches a gas attack on Israel, it’s a virtual certainty that Damascus would be instantly obliterated by Israeli nuclear weapons.

The thought of being gassed evokes a visceral response among Israel’s Holocaust survivors and their descendants that Damascus wildly underestimates. Israel has more than 400 nuclear weapons in hidden silos in various places within its borders, as well as at least two submarines in the Mediterranean that are launch capable. And you can be certain that in the event of a massive WMD attack by the Syrians, Israel will respond in kind.”
Without America standing with Israel, Israel stands a better than 50-50 chance of being over-run and wiped out as a country.
The Israelis have planned for that.
The plan is referred to as: "The Samson Option."
The "Samson Option" is Israel’s strategy of massive nuclear retaliation against "enemies" should its existence as a Jewish state be jeopardized through military attack.

The term was inspired by the Biblical figure Samson, who destroyed a Philistine temple, killing himself, and thousands of Philistine enemies.

The Samson option is a strategy of last resort retaliation - even if it means Israel’s own annihilation.
It has been estimated by so-called experts that Israel has at least 400 thermo-nuclear weapons. They can be launched from land, sea, and air. This means that Israel has a second strike option -- even if much of the country is destroyed
Nuclear weapons were viewed by Israel as the ultimate insurer of Israel’s continued existance. Israel decided, as early as the 1960’s, to build-up its military and achieve absolute conventional military superiorty over it’s enemies, and not place its reliance on nuclear weapons. Israel did this in the hope that they would never have to call on their thermo-nuclear weapons stockpile to rescue their country.
Clealy the danger to Israel’scontinued existace has escalated until today Israel finds itself ann island of sanity in a sea of madness.
We have warned of Israel’s "Samson Option" many times before. Like their ancient ancestors on Masada, Israel, it would seem, is prepared to sacrifice itself rather than be driven into slavery -- or extinction -- by the enemy hordes that surround it.
Sadly, the only country that can prevent those Middle Eastern madmen from breaching the walls of Israel is the United States. But the US is leaderless, at least until 2013, and the man who currently occupies the office of President of the United States has shown no favor towards Israel or its plight.
Today, the entire world is threathened. The Damocles Sword of Islamic terrorism hangs precariously over our heads. Here, in America, the lives of every man, woman and child has changed since September 11, 2001. And yet, compared to the threat Israelis live under, every day, Americans live in perfect secutity and safety. JDL.
Hal Lindsey has it correct.

:cuckoo: :lol:

Syria will miscalculate one day soon.

The irony is that according to the Old Testament Ancient Israelites (there is no such thing as "israelis") were assimilated into Syria 721 BC. Did Ancient Israelites really ever exist. Prolly not. But that is the mythology the world faces via racist, globally, geopolitically international Mafia you call "Little Israel."
JFK did not approve of their nuke program and look where that got him. He made the mistake of agreeing to the "help" of Brooklyn jewish financiers in being put in office ("voted in") in exchange for letting them dictate middle east foreign policy.
Meh neegah, check out the chemistry between the fat neegah and the fat broad! Don't let the "dialog" confuse you, you stupid cracker! They be wantin' ta bang it.

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