Will Trump "chicken out" on debates with Hillary Clinton?

It's become a question. Trump might chicken out on debates with Hillary Clinton.

Watching Rachel Maddow, I had completely forgotten "Chicken George". Remember a man in a chicken suit followed the Bush campaign from stop to stop because he didn't want to debate Bill Clinton? Bush wasn't a master debater. He knew it.

'Chicken George' Runs Afoul of Law in Taunting Bush Camp


And Bush got pissed. And Bush is no where near as thin skinned as Donald Trump.

You know what Trump thinks of women. He knows if he debates Hillary, he will be humiliated by a woman not a 10 nation wide.

I disagree with your pretense that G.H. Bush Sr. was afraid to debate Bill Clinton, he certainly had the experience and knowledge to do that. Former CIA director, congressman, 8 years of being Vice President and President himself for 4 years. Coming right out of what was considered a Gulf War 1 success. What's to be afraid of? I really don't remember him fudging on any debates with Bill Clinton. He did all 3.

What Bush Sr. had that Donald Trump doesn't have. Experience & knowledge. He enjoyed having 16 other GOP candidates on the stage where he could launch insults at to divert attention. He attacked the media to divert attention. He backed out of a debate with Cruz & Kasich because he knew he could not run out the clock with just 2 other candidates and himself on the stage. That yes, he would be required to answer specific questions, and if he wouldn't be able to go into his typical platitude speak, (opening mouth words coming out, but never really saying anything) without the moderator coming right back on him to answer the question. Then if he answers it wrong--there would be two other candidates to make certain they should the nation how stupid he really is.

IOW Hillary Clinton is going to run him through a paper shredder. Trump is the 1st candidate in 40 years that has broken protocol and has now refused to release any income tax returns, so why not break another protocol.

And as we see, he may be trying to do that now.
Trump Is Already Trying To Find An Excuse To Skip The Debates

I mean really--this guy going toe to toe with Hillary Clinton--LOL

If I were Trump I would be trying to figure out a way to weazel out of them.
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I bet hitlery will need a vagina fan.....
America is afraid of Trump because he has supporters like you. The dumbing down of America has reached levels that affect national security. You are an example. The stupidity added to the crudeness and vile nature of supporters like you raise flags that the nation needs to address this phenomenon.
It looks like its hilly trying to avoid the debates. She successfully hid them as much as she could. Now she's trying to avoid them completely and say it was Trump.
rdean is a mediocre paid- DNC poster
Not true. I love smacking down America hating Republicans. I do it totally free. Besides, they supply so much material, it writes itself.
I bet hitlery will need a vagina fan.....
America is afraid of Trump because he has supporters like you. The dumbing down of America has reached levels that affect national security. You are an example. The stupidity added to the crudeness and vile nature of supporters like you raise flags that the nation needs to address this phenomenon.
Thanks....coming from a real double digit IQ'er like you is precious.....:lol:
It's become a question. Trump might chicken out on debates with Hillary Clinton.

Watching Rachel Maddow, I had completely forgotten "Chicken George". Remember a man in a chicken suit followed the Bush campaign from stop to stop because he didn't want to debate Bill Clinton? Bush wasn't a master debater. He knew it.

'Chicken George' Runs Afoul of Law in Taunting Bush Camp


And Bush got pissed. And Bush is no where near as thin skinned as Donald Trump.

You know what Trump thinks of women. He knows if he debates Hillary, he will be humiliated by a woman not a 10 nation wide.

I disagree with your pretense that G.H. Bush Sr. was afraid to debate Bill Clinton, he certainly had the experience and knowledge to do that. Former CIA director, congressman, 8 years of being Vice President and President himself for 4 years. What's to be afraid of? I really don't remember him fudging on any debates with Bill Clinton. He did all 3.

What Bush Sr. had that Donald Trump doesn't have. Experience & knowledge. He enjoyed having 16 other GOP candidates on the stage where he could launch insults at to divert attention. He attacked the media to divert attention. He backed out of a debate with Cruz & Kasich because he knew he could not run out the clock with just 2 other candidates and himself on the stage. That yes, he would be required to answer specific questions, and if he wouldn't be able to go into his typical platitude speak, (opening mouth words coming out, but never really saying anything) without the moderator coming right back on him to answer the question. Then if he answers it wrong--there would be two other candidates to make certain they should the nation how stupid he really is.

IOW Hillary Clinton is going to run him through a paper shredder. Trump is the 1st candidate in 40 years that has broken protocol and has now refused to release any income tax returns, so why not break another protocol.

And as we see, he may be trying to do that now.
Trump Is Already Trying To Find An Excuse To Skip The Debates

I mean really--this guy going toe to toe with Hillary Clinton--LOL

Trump will DESTROY the empty, lying pantsuit in the debates. It won't even be close.
Are you kidding? With all the scandal ammo, Trump is probably salivating. Every time she starts running her mouth all he has to do is read another e-mail....
He can't focus long enough to read an entire email.

Besides, once she starts bringing up all the people he's stiffed and his November 28th court date for Fraud and Racketeering he will begin frothing at the mouth.
I hope that those emails about hilly and bammy arming isis comes out before the debates. Slap her upside the head a few times with that.
rdean is a mediocre paid- DNC poster
Not true. I love smacking down America hating Republicans. I do it totally free. Besides, they supply so much material, it writes itself.

The only person you've ever smacked down is yourself
That's the secret to a good smackdown. Right wingers don't know what hit them.

They know what hit them.

BS, which you supply without end
Donald, are you sure only 169 of your three thousand five hundred lawsuits are federal lawsuits? How many did you lose? Half? Three quarters?
rdean is a mediocre paid- DNC poster
Not true. I love smacking down America hating Republicans. I do it totally free. Besides, they supply so much material, it writes itself.

The only person you've ever smacked down is yourself
That's the secret to a good smackdown. Right wingers don't know what hit them.

They know what hit them.

BS, which you supply without end
No I don't. I don't need to. Republicans supply more material I could ever dream of. Look at Trump.
Are you kidding? With all the scandal ammo, Trump is probably salivating. Every time she starts running her mouth all he has to do is read another e-mail....
He can't focus long enough to read an entire email.

Besides, once she starts bringing up all the people he's stiffed and his November 28th court date for Fraud and Racketeering he will begin frothing at the mouth.

And she's stiffed tons of people...including people her husband stiffed...I cant wait for the debates....it's gonna get really ugly.....AND AWESOME

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