Will Trump Continue The CIA's JFK Cover-Up?...

Blame Trump? It's the CIA that is obstructing the release of 60 year old documents that might embarrass the Agency. The controversy about the release of the JFK assassination documents tends to expose the fact that the Warren Commission was just an exercise in government CYA. The basic question is why in the world the U.S. government would welcome a traitor (and his Russian wife who was the daughter of a KGB officer) who abandoned his post in the military and renounced his citizenship and relocated to Russia during the hottest part of the Cold War. It doesn't make sense unless you consider the big picture that JFK's quirky brother who happened to be the A.G. was consumed with plans to assassinate Castro and Oswald might have been the CIA's political tool.\before he went rogue.

i wonder if that means he has FINALLY come around that the CIA killed JFK.lol
When you consider the fact that JFK (illegally) used the CIA to raise, train, and equip an (illegal) invasion army which was abandoned at the Bay of Pigs you have to consider that the CIA had become the political tool of the administration. Anything was possible when JFK's brother was A.G. and the media still thought that the administration was "Camelot" and the CIA was an incoherent rabble without a coherent mission.

why does he ALWAYS forget to mention that JFK 'inherited" the bay of pigs invasion from Eisenhower and the plan the CIA presented to him was much different than the one they presented to Ike,that theone they presented to Ike was designed to succeed where the one presented to kennedy was designed to fail?:rolleyes:

thank goodnees we had the bay of pigs failed invasion because after that,kennedy got wise and stopped listening and relying on the military and the CIA for imput and started listening to what his aides said which turned out to be crucial in avoiding the war with russia during the cuban missile crisis.
Trump has decided to withhold the release of a few thousand pages. He is taking orders from the CIA. He's their bitch.

Trump is also covering up the moon landing hoax, and Bigfoot.
the release of the documents is a complete joke.

On Thursday evening, CBS News reported intelligence agents will release 2800 documents and the rest in 180 days from today. According to reports, President Trump is fuming over the delay. According to the White House, President Trump believes intelligence agencies are “not meeting the spirit of the law,” by withholding the JFK files. The decision came after the CIA gave Trump two options; delay the release until every file was certified ‘publishable,’ or risk national security by releasing unevaluated, unredacted files. President Trump selected the former.
  • notice how it says the CIA will release the 2800 documents and the rest 180 days later? plenty of time for the CIA to cover their tracks and redact them.Trump of course will not order them to do ti now and tell them that is unnacceptable of course.

wow thanks for posting that
you should mention to everyone here to ignore the first five minutes because they discuss nothing that is JFK related. wow,this is great stuff,the only question now is that NOW since it is finally confirmed that oswald was a patsy and the CIA was behind it all,when are the lazy ass americans going to do something about this and get rid of the CIA? I notice that alex as always,is protecting Israel and their role in it. alex is part of the controlled opposition.

wow thanks for posting that
you should mention to everyone here to ignore the first five minutes because they discuss nothing that is JFK related. wow,this is great stuff,the only question now is that NOW since it is finally confirmed that oswald was a patsy and the CIA was behind it all,when are the lazy ass americans going to do something about this and get rid of the CIA? I notice that alex as always,is protecting Israel and their role in it. alex is part of the controlled opposition.

It was the Deep state that had orchestrated the whole shabang. They always leave bread crumbs leading to other people, just in case someone figures them out. They'll say, "Look the trail even leads to the next person. And so you cannot prove that it was us". When they murdered Malcolm X . They made it seem as if Louis Farakhan had plotted the murder. And so they cannot convict anyone because that it could also be the next person. So they creates fake evidence on others to confuse everyone.

LoL...this thread has me reaching for the tin foil..LOL!

But here...this just in: New batch of JFK assassination files: Oswald in Mexico City and the Watergate burglars

Some tidbits:

"One of the CIA files details Oswald’s visits to the Cuban consulate and Soviet embassy in Mexico City in the weeks before he fatally shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas".

"One long withheld FBI file released Friday is a March 12, 1968 analysis of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., whom former director J. Edgar Hoover had long sought to discredit. It includes salacious details about wild parties and sexual indiscretions by King, who was assassinated just weeks later."

‘Foul traitor’: New JFK assassination records reveal KGB defector’s 3-year interrogation

"He was a KGB agent, a Soviet defector who’d come to the United States in January 1964, just two months after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Yuri I. Nosenko, a former lieutenant colonel in the Soviet secret police and intelligence agency, told his new American friends that he had important information: He had handled Lee Harvey Oswald’s KGB surveillance file during his time in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s and early 1960s — and determined that Oswald was not working for the Soviets when he carried out Kennedy’s assassination.

But was Nosenko telling the truth? Was he genuinely defecting or was he really a Soviet double agent trying to penetrate Langley? The CIA wasn’t sure. So, the agency detained Nosenko for three years, subjecting him to relentless interrogation, before eventually releasing him."

Blame Trump? It's the CIA that is obstructing the release of 60 year old documents that might embarrass the Agency. The controversy about the release of the JFK assassination documents tends to expose the fact that the Warren Commission was just an exercise in government CYA. The basic question is why in the world the U.S. government would welcome a traitor (and his Russian wife who was the daughter of a KGB officer) who abandoned his post in the military and renounced his citizenship and relocated to Russia during the hottest part of the Cold War. It doesn't make sense unless you consider the big picture that JFK's quirky brother who happened to be the A.G. was consumed with plans to assassinate Castro and Oswald might have been the CIA's political tool.\before he went rogue.
The Warren Commission was mandated to find out who killed Kennedy and why it was not an exercise in CYA especially since the evidence shows Oswald acted alone.

You might read their report ( which you clearly never have ) before commenting on it otherwise you run the risk of being as embarrassed and humiliated as LARAM is every time he comments out of vast ignorance. and then gets schooled by facts.

An example is your description of Oswald and Marina Oswald. His actions may seem like a betrayal to the USA but in fact what he did was not treason under the law. You have the right to leave the USA and go elsewhere even to nations which are hostile to the USA as long as those nations welcome you. You also have the right to renounce your US citizenship which he tried to do but never completed.

Nor did he abandon his post in the military he was dishonorably discharged an later had his discharge upgraded. Being kicked out is not the same as abandoning your post.

Furthermore his wife Marina was not the daughter of a KGB officer her father was in fact a local police supervisor in Minsk.

Murder usually does not make sense except to the murderer which is why we say they had motive instead of reason. So even if does not seem to make sense to some there is no indication of a plot or conspiracy.

I will grant it is true that some of these documents may have been kept classified to avoid embarrassing the government or some of it's agencies but that can be for many reasons. For example we know J Edgar Hoover did not support the Warren Commission very well because he feared it would reflect badly on the FBI. But that was normal for Hoover nothing specific connected to one case.

It is also possible that the documents might reveal who certain agents were in the USSR or other places who were on the CIA payroll and, if so, keeping these documents secret was simply protecting their lives.

Either way many interesting things for historians and others may be revealed in them but so far nothing at all which could be considered evidence of a conspiracy to kill Kennedy
the first post on page 4 here is someone who started it off shitting on the floor^:9::banana:
LoL...this thread has me reaching for the tin foil..LOL!

But here...this just in: New batch of JFK assassination files: Oswald in Mexico City and the Watergate burglars

Some tidbits:

"One of the CIA files details Oswald’s visits to the Cuban consulate and Soviet embassy in Mexico City in the weeks before he fatally shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas".

"One long withheld FBI file released Friday is a March 12, 1968 analysis of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., whom former director J. Edgar Hoover had long sought to discredit. It includes salacious details about wild parties and sexual indiscretions by King, who was assassinated just weeks later."

‘Foul traitor’: New JFK assassination records reveal KGB defector’s 3-year interrogation

"He was a KGB agent, a Soviet defector who’d come to the United States in January 1964, just two months after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Yuri I. Nosenko, a former lieutenant colonel in the Soviet secret police and intelligence agency, told his new American friends that he had important information: He had handled Lee Harvey Oswald’s KGB surveillance file during his time in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s and early 1960s — and determined that Oswald was not working for the Soviets when he carried out Kennedy’s assassination.

But was Nosenko telling the truth? Was he genuinely defecting or was he really a Soviet double agent trying to penetrate Langley? The CIA wasn’t sure. So, the agency detained Nosenko for three years, subjecting him to relentless interrogation, before eventually releasing him."

that means you obviously have only read the thread title and not watched any of the videos or read any of the links.:rolleyes:
LoL...this thread has me reaching for the tin foil..LOL!

But here...this just in: New batch of JFK assassination files: Oswald in Mexico City and the Watergate burglars

Some tidbits:

"One of the CIA files details Oswald’s visits to the Cuban consulate and Soviet embassy in Mexico City in the weeks before he fatally shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas".

"One long withheld FBI file released Friday is a March 12, 1968 analysis of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., whom former director J. Edgar Hoover had long sought to discredit. It includes salacious details about wild parties and sexual indiscretions by King, who was assassinated just weeks later."

‘Foul traitor’: New JFK assassination records reveal KGB defector’s 3-year interrogation

"He was a KGB agent, a Soviet defector who’d come to the United States in January 1964, just two months after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Yuri I. Nosenko, a former lieutenant colonel in the Soviet secret police and intelligence agency, told his new American friends that he had important information: He had handled Lee Harvey Oswald’s KGB surveillance file during his time in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s and early 1960s — and determined that Oswald was not working for the Soviets when he carried out Kennedy’s assassination.

But was Nosenko telling the truth? Was he genuinely defecting or was he really a Soviet double agent trying to penetrate Langley? The CIA wasn’t sure. So, the agency detained Nosenko for three years, subjecting him to relentless interrogation, before eventually releasing him."

that means you obviously have only read the thread title and not watched any of the videos or read any of the links.:rolleyes:

True that. I have no real opinion on the assassination of JFK. Being a fan of Occam's Razor, I find it hard to swallow any conspiracy theories..and even harder to think that it would matter, other than historical interest and curiosity.

Of note, though..is that I would place the likelihood of MLK's assassination as being a paid hit at about 70%.

Robert Kennedy's death has a few unanswered questions as well..mostly having to do with Thomas Noguchi's autopsy..and his contention that
Sirhan Sirhan did not fire the fatal bullet.

Yet it is JFK's death that captures the attention of generations.

Most folks loved JFK...a lot of people hated 'Ruthless' Bobby.

But whatever...I just don't have the interest. I just posted here because this was on my breaking news feed..and I thought it might be of interest.

BTW...I agree with the first post on page 4..so I guess that should pigeonhole me, eh?
LoL...this thread has me reaching for the tin foil..LOL!

But here...this just in: New batch of JFK assassination files: Oswald in Mexico City and the Watergate burglars

Some tidbits:

"One of the CIA files details Oswald’s visits to the Cuban consulate and Soviet embassy in Mexico City in the weeks before he fatally shot Kennedy on Nov. 22, 1963 in Dallas".

"One long withheld FBI file released Friday is a March 12, 1968 analysis of civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr., whom former director J. Edgar Hoover had long sought to discredit. It includes salacious details about wild parties and sexual indiscretions by King, who was assassinated just weeks later."

‘Foul traitor’: New JFK assassination records reveal KGB defector’s 3-year interrogation

"He was a KGB agent, a Soviet defector who’d come to the United States in January 1964, just two months after President John F. Kennedy’s assassination. Yuri I. Nosenko, a former lieutenant colonel in the Soviet secret police and intelligence agency, told his new American friends that he had important information: He had handled Lee Harvey Oswald’s KGB surveillance file during his time in the Soviet Union in the late 1950s and early 1960s — and determined that Oswald was not working for the Soviets when he carried out Kennedy’s assassination.

But was Nosenko telling the truth? Was he genuinely defecting or was he really a Soviet double agent trying to penetrate Langley? The CIA wasn’t sure. So, the agency detained Nosenko for three years, subjecting him to relentless interrogation, before eventually releasing him."

that means you obviously have only read the thread title and not watched any of the videos or read any of the links.:rolleyes:


Many have read them and come to the factual and correct conclusion that the links and videos you refer to are fiction.

You have never demonstrated any evidence for your claims and all of your links and videos have consistently been debunked.
So, Soupnazi630 has read the Warren Commission report.

Pop Quiz: What was the name of de Mohrenshildt's doctor?

1.) Che Guevara was a doctor.

2.) Che Guevara did not commit suicide.
im kinda thinking at this point he will.why has he not tried to get rid of the CIA and fed as of yet and WHY has he not reinstated kenendys executive order on the fed that was on the verge of getting rid of them?
The answer is yes.

Good article by Jacob G. Hornberger

Last Friday, President Trump made the following announcement:

I have decided not to block release of the CIA’s remaining JFK-assassination related records except for those records that directly implicate the CIA in the assassination, which will continue to remain secret.”

Okay, he didn’t really put it like that. But that’s the potential and likely import of his announcement, which actually read as follows:

Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.” (Italics added.)

The operative words, of course, are: “Subject to the receipt of further information….”

What is going on here?

Negotiations. The art of the deal. The CIA desperately does not want to show the American people its long-secret JFK-related records. It has asked Trump to continue keeping at least some of them secret notwithstanding the passage of more than 50 years since the Kennedy assassination...

Read More:
Will Trump Continue the CIA’s JFK Cover-Up? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Yes he has and that is WHY I won’t vote for either him or biden the corrupt two party system as always is not serving the people.
The answer is yes.

Good article by Jacob G. Hornberger

Last Friday, President Trump made the following announcement:

I have decided not to block release of the CIA’s remaining JFK-assassination related records except for those records that directly implicate the CIA in the assassination, which will continue to remain secret.”

Okay, he didn’t really put it like that. But that’s the potential and likely import of his announcement, which actually read as follows:

Subject to the receipt of further information, I will be allowing, as President, the long blocked and classified JFK FILES to be opened.” (Italics added.)

The operative words, of course, are: “Subject to the receipt of further information….”

What is going on here?

Negotiations. The art of the deal. The CIA desperately does not want to show the American people its long-secret JFK-related records. It has asked Trump to continue keeping at least some of them secret notwithstanding the passage of more than 50 years since the Kennedy assassination...

Read More:
Will Trump Continue the CIA’s JFK Cover-Up? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Yes he has and that is WHY I won’t vote for either him or biden the corrupt two party system as always is not serving the people.
I received the Republican voter Primary ballot in the mail this week. Threw it in the trash. Not a single person on the ballet I could vote for. I'm tired of voting against someone hoping the other was a lesser demon. However I'm voting FOR Donald Trump.

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