Will Trump Invoke The Fourteenth Amendment To Strip Electoral College Votes From States Engaging In illegal INSURRECTION?


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
Two months ago, I detailed Trump’s powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated insurrection.

The blatant, brazen vote stuffing fraud now taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states reveals a pattern of criminal insurrection taking place via organized vote fraud. This is a form of criminal insurrection against the United States of America.

BJ -
Amen, Let it be.
So that's it boys and girls......we just became a Communist country.
(I don't think the majority who voted for it even realize what they just did)

Priority ONE....taking your guns. mark my words

It's why all of a sudden the ATF has gone nuts and Congress is passing a bill to greatly empower it.

Here comes BETO !!! the new "Gun Control Czar"
Two months ago, I detailed Trump’s powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated insurrection.

The blatant, brazen vote stuffing fraud now taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states reveals a pattern of criminal insurrection taking place via organized vote fraud. This is a form of criminal insurrection against the United States of America.

BJ -
Amen, Let it be.

No, even President Trump (for whom I proudly voted twice) would NOT be that presumptuous.

If he did, everyone would just laugh and ignore his "order."

Dang! The military even refused his "order" to patrol the streets of D.C.

So if he tried to invoke that article that you mentioned, officials would just look at him and ask, "Are you crazy? Just be satisfied that you can continue to stay at the White House until the morning of January 20, dude!"
So the plan is to try and pull off a coup by an armed invasion of the three States trumpyberra lost? Not presenting any evidence to a court of law?

Think the troops will carry out illegal orders?
this election was decided in 2016.

The left decided they would never lose again....by ANY means necessary

10 decades of Conservatives kicking the can has finally reached the end of the road.

Time to Pay up

And still Trump remained President. No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.
Two months ago, I detailed Trump’s powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated insurrection.

The blatant, brazen vote stuffing fraud now taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states reveals a pattern of criminal insurrection taking place via organized vote fraud. This is a form of criminal insurrection against the United States of America.

BJ -
Amen, Let it be.
this election was decided in 2016.

The left decided they would never lose again....by ANY means necessary

10 decades of Conservatives kicking the can has finally reached the end of the road.

Time to Pay up

And still Trump remained President. No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.
No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.

I can't believe that you actually hit "post reply" after tapping out that 100% unadulterated bullshit.
So the plan is to try and pull off a coup by an armed invasion of the three States trumpyberra lost? Not presenting any evidence to a court of law?

Think the troops will carry out illegal orders?

Unfortunately....that's the only remaining choice.

A conflict as Thomas Jefferson famously mentioned......or we succumb to Marxists and Communists.

I sincerely believe the Right will surrender without a peep as always. If at ANY time the Right had ever shown even the tiniest pair this
probably would never have happened.

Easy now...I side with Conservatives, I vote with Conservatives BUT they are the most nutless, spinless, big mouth pieces of shit that ever were. Come on man...they didn’t have the balls to keep heterosexual white Christians cool in a nation founded, built, run and funded by heterosexual white Christians. The Left has owned their sackless asses for decades....Sad but true.
this election was decided in 2016.

The left decided they would never lose again....by ANY means necessary

10 decades of Conservatives kicking the can has finally reached the end of the road.

Time to Pay up

And still Trump remained President. No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.
No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.

I can't believe that you actually hit "post reply" after tapping out that 100% unadulterated bullshit.

Then post it. Or just be yourself and "insert meme here".
this election was decided in 2016.

The left decided they would never lose again....by ANY means necessary

10 decades of Conservatives kicking the can has finally reached the end of the road.

Time to Pay up

And still Trump remained President. No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.
No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.

I can't believe that you actually hit "post reply" after tapping out that 100% unadulterated bullshit.

Then post it. Or just be yourself and "insert meme here".
I'll let your moronically preposterous post stand on its own willful stupidity.
this election was decided in 2016.

The left decided they would never lose again....by ANY means necessary

10 decades of Conservatives kicking the can has finally reached the end of the road.

Time to Pay up

And still Trump remained President. No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.

No they didn't say that because it wasn't. They did, however, try everything they could, including impeachment, to get him thrown out of office and they did so for the four years he's been POTUS. They wasted millions of tax dollars doing so and came up 0.

The only honest thing about the Dems is their hatred for Trump. What a pack of shysters.
Two months ago, I detailed Trump’s powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated insurrection.

The blatant, brazen vote stuffing fraud now taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states reveals a pattern of criminal insurrection taking place via organized vote fraud. This is a form of criminal insurrection against the United States of America.

BJ -
Amen, Let it be.
Only right wingers are trying to abridge the Vote, not democrats.
this election was decided in 2016.

The left decided they would never lose again....by ANY means necessary

10 decades of Conservatives kicking the can has finally reached the end of the road.

Time to Pay up

And still Trump remained President. No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.
No one on the Democratic side complained about that election being "rigged:.

I can't believe that you actually hit "post reply" after tapping out that 100% unadulterated bullshit.
In right wing fantasy, every thing you may say is the "gospel Truth".
Two months ago, I detailed Trump’s powers under the Fourteenth Amendment, which grants the President the power to declare an illegal insurrection against the United States of America and strip Electoral College votes from states which are engaged in a coordinated insurrection.

The blatant, brazen vote stuffing fraud now taking place in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and other states reveals a pattern of criminal insurrection taking place via organized vote fraud. This is a form of criminal insurrection against the United States of America.

BJ -
Amen, Let it be.
Don't post treasonous crap.like this.
I see all of this as God's will.

God is no longer pleased with America so he will allow it's downfall and destruction.

Perhaps it's for the better. No one really cherished their freedoms anyway and
crooked men have long since taken them. We became complacent and ungrateful.

Fitting end.

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