This is how the Democrats will attempt to stop Republicans from running for reelection in 2022

They do not have to win their lawsuit.
They just have to taint Cawthorn's reelection campaign to prevent him from winning reelection.
They are going to be doing this to Jim Jordan and others also.
So there must be a Repub proper response. Get the dirt on them and their families and anyone close to them. And there is a lot of dirt. However there are most likely Repub elected and unelected people with power who have their own dirt who may be compromised.
They do not have to win their lawsuit.
They just have to taint Cawthorn's reelection campaign to prevent him from winning reelection.
They are going to be doing this to Jim Jordan and others also.

That's a given, they'll try to do it to every republican. What do you think that dog and pony show in DC is all about? You can bet they'll keep it going for as long as they hold the majority.

That last line doesn't matter to democrats.

Even Biden, the president himself and Harris and a lot of others were on Twitter saying chauvin was guilty and calling him a racist and murder before his trial was over and no one said a thing. And did it again with Rittenhouse before his verdict and after it. They don't care about innocent until proven guilty, they care about making anyone they want look guilty.

When you control most of the media most Americans watch you can do pretty much anything you want. Even biden having his son on a energy board of a foriegn nation we do business with and his letting illegals be shipped allover the country alone should get his ass impeached, but no one ever talks about it publicly because they won't let it.

Commies gonna be commies, barring an economic miracle, palousey will be retired. But even that won't shut them up.

That last line doesn't matter to democrats.
They don't care about innocent until proven guilty, they care about making anyone they want look guilty.
who was chanting "lock her up" over and over again?
A group of North Carolina voters has filed a legal challenge against U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn’s 2022 candidacy for reelection.
Cawthorn is a Republican U.S. representative for North Carolina's 11th congressional district since 2021.
The challenge "alleges that Cawthorn is constitutionally disqualified from public office under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution based on reasonable suspicion that he helped facilitate the January 6, 2021 insurrection.
The legal challenge brought against Rep. Cawthorn cites Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment, known as the Disqualification Clause, which states, in part, “No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress. . . who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress . . . to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
The challenge filed against Congressman Cawthorn is part of a larger, national campaign, run by Free Speech for People and Our Revolution, urging Secretaries of State to "bar elected officials who engaged in the January 6, 2021 insurrection from appearing on any future ballot," according to Free Speech for People's Jan. 5, 2022 announcement.

There was no insurrection.
It was a protest against the Corrupt Democrat Party's election rigging crimes.
However, if participating in a rebellion is a crime then there are a bunch of Democrat Politicians who called for nationwide political violence in 2020 that resulted in dozens of deaths and billions in damages who should not be allowed to ever run for office again.
Pelosi, Waters, Harris and many others Dem politician incited the 2020 riots across our country.

We're talking North Carolina here, the most gerrymandered state in the country.
2018 Republicans got 75% of the seats from 50.39% of the votes, compared to 48.35% for Democrats.
And you're getting pissy because one guy did something illegal and might not be able to run??
Whoever runs as a Republican will probably win this seat anyway. So why do you care?
Democrats will attempt to cheat.

First, they can't win without it.

And second, they can't help themselves.
Spot on.

The reason why this conversation is still going strong is because Beijing Biden cheated. This conversation will be happening forever, and nobody believes Beijing Biden won shit. The more lefties try to deny the cheating, the worse it looks.
Spot on.

The reason why this conversation is still going strong is because Beijing Biden cheated. This conversation will be happening forever, and nobody believes Beijing Biden won shit. The more lefties try to deny the cheating, the worse it looks.
Last sentence, post 30. You are as predictable as clockwork.

The truth never gets old.

I do like bashing you dickless wonders over the head with it every chance I get though.

Get used to it.
A group of North Carolina voters has filed a legal challenge against U.S. Representative Madison Cawthorn’s 2022 candidacy for reelection.
Cawthorn is a Republican U.S. representative for North Carolina's 11th congressional district since 2021.
The challenge "alleges that Cawthorn is constitutionally disqualified from public office under the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution based on reasonable suspicion that he helped facilitate the January 6, 2021 insurrection.
The legal challenge brought against Rep. Cawthorn cites Section Three of the Fourteenth Amendment, known as the Disqualification Clause, which states, in part, “No Person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress. . . who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress . . . to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof.”
The challenge filed against Congressman Cawthorn is part of a larger, national campaign, run by Free Speech for People and Our Revolution, urging Secretaries of State to "bar elected officials who engaged in the January 6, 2021 insurrection from appearing on any future ballot," according to Free Speech for People's Jan. 5, 2022 announcement.

There was no insurrection.
It was a protest against the Corrupt Democrat Party's election rigging crimes.
However, if participating in a rebellion is a crime then there are a bunch of Democrat Politicians who called for nationwide political violence in 2020 that resulted in dozens of deaths and billions in damages who should not be allowed to ever run for office again.
Pelosi, Waters, Harris and many others Dem politician incited the 2020 riots across our country.

Nice pretzel logic here and then a fabulous pivot to some really whiny whataboutism!

SCORE: 9.8

I'll tell you how Dems are going to keep RepubliCONS from running for office.

By holding them accountable for their CRIMES!

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