Will Trump win more Black/Mexican votes than he did in 2016?

Will Trump exceed his 2016 totals among black & Mexican votes?

  • Yes

  • No

  • No clue, I'm too dumb to read trends.

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I seriously doubt it.
Voting on free shit, emotion and against whitey is deeply imbedded within minority culture.
The majority can’t give two fucks about border protection, ‘safe communities’ and employment opportunities.
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I seriously doubt it.
Voting on free shit, emotion and against whitey is deeply imbedded in their culture.
The majority can’t give two fucks about ‘safe communities’ and employment opportunities.
Mexicans have a culture.
More Black and Latino votes definitely. We will see if it is enough. Lots of headwinds when you have 95% of the Media, and all of the entertainment industries bombarding President Trump with attacks every hour on the hour.
Will Trump exceed his 2016 totals among black & Mexican votes?

Of course he will. People of all colors are attracted to strength, confidence, and positivity in leaders.
Trump exudes those attributes, Biden struggles to not appear weak and confused. He comes across as emotionally unstable and pessimistic.
Compare each candidate's public appearances this week for a perfect example.
Deny it all you'd like, libs, but it's as obvious as the blue sky above our heads to those being objective and honest.
Yes he will, however it will not mater, the Charlie McCarthy Biden Doll is a shoe in, done deal, America has embraced the false narrative of Fascism and needs someone like Harris to make decisions for them.
Hurting Trump with Black Voters

His odd proclamations in Charlottesville
His distain for BLM and dismissal of racism

Hurting Trump with Mexicans

Vindictive border policy and treatment of immigrants
Hurting Trump with Black Voters

His odd proclamations in Charlottesville
His distain for BLM and dismissal of racism

Hurting Trump with Mexicans

Vindictive border policy and treatment of immigrants

This racist propaganda has been brought to you by Dimwits for Democrats ...
Huge deficits, giant bailouts, recession, riots, the most pandemic death.... he shouldn’t gain more of any group. Huge failure.
Hurting Trump with Black Voters

His odd proclamations in Charlottesville
His distain for BLM and dismissal of racism

Hurting Trump with Mexicans

Vindictive border policy and treatment of immigrants

This racist propaganda has been brought to you by Dimwits for Democrats ...

Trumps record is well defined

Yes. And the Democrats history of overt racist propaganda and lying is also well defined

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