Will Ukraine break into two?

Here's how this all may happen.

Yanukovich declares that there has been an illegal right-wing coup and that all orders by the Parliament to remove him are illegal.

The Pro-Putinists in the East of the country rally around him, and declare the government in Kiev illegal.

A new election takes place, and Yanukovitch loses. The East declares the election illegal and declares indepence from the Kiev government and declares the new Republic of East Ukraine, allied with Russia. Ukraine sends in their army to stop this secession and Russia sends in their own troops to fight them, which leads to NATO and American troops joining in.

Or, troops loyal to Yanukovitch declare an illegal coup has taken place and march on Kiev to arrest the "conspirators". The Russian army sends in troops to assist them.

NATO says "no way, Jose", and threatens to send in their own troops unless Russia withdraws immediately.

Russia does not withdraw. NATO sends in troops with the USA. All hell breaks lose.

Dream on, dreamer
Yanukovych has been shown to all as the corrupt thug he is - something most Ukrainians already knew. Too much evidence exists to allow Putin to step in.

"When ex-President Viktor Yanukovych left his luxurious Mezhyhirya in a hurry on Feb. 22, he left a lot behind – including enough financial documents to keep criminal investigators and investigative journalists busy for months to come."

Journalists, investigators pore through trove of Mezhyhirya documents Yanukovych left behind
NATO will not intervene. The Ukraine is in the Russian sphere of influence and will not tolerate western military presence there. It is a definite red line for Putin who is well aware there is weak leadership in the West. Giving Ukrainians the false hope the Hungarians had in 1956 benefits no one.
NATO will not intervene. The Ukraine is in the Russian sphere of influence and will not tolerate western military presence there. It is a definite red line for Putin who is well aware there is weak leadership in the West. Giving Ukrainians the false hope the Hungarians had in 1956 benefits no one.

Ukraine is not part of Russia.

They are seperate people and a seperate country.

If they want a free-trade agreement with the EU that is their business, not Russia's.
Hopefully Putin is not a fool and will keep his military out of Ukraine.

If he sends in one soldier, NATO and the USA will have to respond.

He won't need to do that.
He can do what has been done in the past and put the breaks on the oil supply to them.
He will either raise the price or cut the supply off altogether.
Russia is chiefly concerned with the Crimea. Where the Russian Black Sea Fleet and 25,000 Russian Soldiers are.

Most of the inhabitants of the Crimea also happen to be Russian, not Ukrainian. And they have already sent a request for help to the Kremlin.

The Kremlin hasn't responded yet but don't discount the possibility of a Russian invasion of the Ukraine.

They did it to Georgia and I don't know what there is to prevent them from doing it to Ukraine.

obama? :lmao: Yeah, that pussy has them real scared in the Kremlin... betcha :lmao:

Whatever happens in the Ukraine, of one thing you can be sure..... The pussies in the EU and the uber ***** in the White House won't have jack-shit to say about it.

If Ukraine can't work out a deal to allow Crimea to become a separate 'state' allied to Russia, count on an invasion...... While obama and other dimocrap ***** sit back and blame -- Everybody else.

It is the decade of the Tyrant, people.

Thanks to weak-kneed, faggot, lack of balls in the White House.

Just the way it is. Sucks to love liberty today
Why would Putin take on the burden of supporting Eastern Ukraine financially? Eastern Ukraine would be a drain on Russia's resources with little to show for the effort.
There is an interesting Op Ed piece in the New York Times about how Putin actually can't stand Yanukovitch and doesn't want to pour billions into Ukraine.

But they do want the Crimea. That may be the sticky point. Their access to the Black Sea, the Mediteranean, and the Atlantic is paramount.
LOL, this wouldn't even be an issue without western meddling. If we are to send troops against Putin then I hope his boys win but the fact is none of that is every going to happen although this George Soros involved think tank foreign policy bungling in the OA would be fun to laugh at if it didn't have the propensity to get us ALL killed.

The protesters were all Ukrainians.

How were they helped? The EU sent them helmets and rocks?

This was a revolution by the people against a criminal President and the people won.

Half the people won. The other half will revolt against the people that won as soon as they take power.
LOL, this wouldn't even be an issue without western meddling. If we are to send troops against Putin then I hope his boys win but the fact is none of that is every going to happen although this George Soros involved think tank foreign policy bungling in the OA would be fun to laugh at if it didn't have the propensity to get us ALL killed.

The protesters were all Ukrainians.

How were they helped? The EU sent them helmets and rocks?

This was a revolution by the people against a criminal President and the people won.

Half the people won. The other half will revolt against the people that won as soon as they take power.

That's funny. Neither side of the country wants to prolong the misery. Ukraine was financially ruined by Yanukovych and no one is going to miss him.


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