Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

Can we "recover" from the Trump era?! Gee, you mean the era when we have the kinds of good economic indicators that we have not seen in 17-18 years (the U-3 and U-6 rates, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, etc.)?! You mean the era when middle-income Americans are getting an increase of $80-$400 in their take-home pay thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when American businesses are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars in money parked overseas, thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when we're seeing the kind of growth in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? You mean the era when we've made more progress against ISIS in the last 16 months than we made during all of Obama's presidency? You mean that era?
I'm sorry, but most everything in your post appears to me to be talking point nonsense and lies.

BTW, all those tax savings to the lower and middle class are being swallowed up by inflation in the fuel and food industries.

Uh, fuel is still cheaper than it was for a good chunk of Obama's presidency. And I'm in the middle class and I certainly have not seen my net monthly pay increase eaten away by inflation. My grocery bill is roughly the same as it was three or four years ago. What are you talking about?
Obama was the first anti-American president and hopefully the last.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Unfortunately, trump is going down in history as the President that was a traitor and thus, the most anti-American President ever. The great Obama however will go down in history as on of the best and have Memorials built in his name. Trump's grave will have to be enclosed within a wall to prevent mobs from peeing on it.
Can we "recover" from the Trump era?! Gee, you mean the era when we have the kinds of good economic indicators that we have not seen in 17-18 years (the U-3 and U-6 rates, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, etc.)?! You mean the era when middle-income Americans are getting an increase of $80-$400 in their take-home pay thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when American businesses are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars in money parked overseas, thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when we're seeing the kind of growth in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? You mean the era when we've made more progress against ISIS in the last 16 months than we made during all of Obama's presidency? You mean that era?
I'm sorry, but most everything in your post appears to me to be talking point nonsense and lies.

BTW, all those tax savings to the lower and middle class are being swallowed up by inflation in the fuel and food industries.

Uh, fuel is still cheaper than it was for a good chunk of Obama's presidency. And I'm in the middle class and I certainly have not seen my net monthly pay increase eaten away by inflation. My grocery bill is roughly the same as it was three or four years ago. What are you talking about?

Gas is over $3.00 a gallon where I live again. The most it got under Obama was $3.38, I believe. Still has a ways to go before it reaches that point. But a few months ago, gas was $2.30. So ...
Can we "recover" from the Trump era?! Gee, you mean the era when we have the kinds of good economic indicators that we have not seen in 17-18 years (the U-3 and U-6 rates, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, etc.)?! You mean the era when middle-income Americans are getting an increase of $80-$400 in their take-home pay thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when American businesses are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars in money parked overseas, thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when we're seeing the kind of growth in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? You mean the era when we've made more progress against ISIS in the last 16 months than we made during all of Obama's presidency? You mean that era?
I'm sorry, but most everything in your post appears to me to be talking point nonsense and lies.

BTW, all those tax savings to the lower and middle class are being swallowed up by inflation in the fuel and food industries.

Uh, fuel is still cheaper than it was for a good chunk of Obama's presidency. And I'm in the middle class and I certainly have not seen my net monthly pay increase eaten away by inflation. My grocery bill is roughly the same as it was three or four years ago. What are you talking about?
Reality. Your grocery bills can not possibly be the same as they were three or four years ago. Perhaps your income is high enough that you just haven't noticed the increases. $6.00 per gallon milk prices perhaps don't effect your budget. Guess it depends on how many kids are using milk at your house.
Obama was the first anti-American president and hopefully the last.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Unfortunately, trump is going down in history as the President that was a traitor and thus, the most anti-American President ever. The great Obama however will go down in history as on of the best and have Memorials built in his name. Trump's grave will have to be enclosed within a wall to prevent mobs from peeing on it.

In far left religious cult history?

I can believe that!

Just so they can cover the fact that Obama was truly the worst president! But we know that the far left loves to build statues of their GOD's no matter how horrid they are.
Obama was the first anti-American president and hopefully the last.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Unfortunately, trump is going down in history as the President that was a traitor and thus, the most anti-American President ever. The great Obama however will go down in history as on of the best and have Memorials built in his name. Trump's grave will have to be enclosed within a wall to prevent mobs from peeing on it.

In far left religious cult history?

I can believe that!

Just so they can cover the fact that Obama was truly the worst president! But we know that the far left loves to build statues of their GOD's no matter how horrid they are.
Not only will be never have a memorial, his debacle of a Presidency will have an a asterisk next to it with a notation about the legitimacy or bastardized status of his Russian influenced election.
If you think Obama had to make an apology tour...

Wait till you see the apology tour after Trump leaves
Maybe Iran should have abided by the terms. Nope let’s blame Trump bc he wants to actually do something to fix it, unlike Obama who just let them get away with it.

No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When Trump ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.
Which terms did they not abide by. The point of the controversy is that trump broke the contract the way he broke contracts with his business dealings.
He didn't make the "contract," so why should he abide by it? It wasn't treaty either, so the U.S. was under no obligation to observe it.
Obama was the first anti-American president and hopefully the last.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Unfortunately, trump is going down in history as the President that was a traitor and thus, the most anti-American President ever. The great Obama however will go down in history as on of the best and have Memorials built in his name. Trump's grave will have to be enclosed within a wall to prevent mobs from peeing on it.

In far left religious cult history?

I can believe that!

Just so they can cover the fact that Obama was truly the worst president! But we know that the far left loves to build statues of their GOD's no matter how horrid they are.
Not only will be never have a memorial, his debacle of a Presidency will have an a asterisk next to it with a notation about the legitimacy or bastardized status of his Russian influenced election.
It's truly a debacle from the point of view of servile bootlicking Stalinists who clamour for the all powerful state.
The OP said Trump has, "disgraced the presidency, is destructive, destroyed trust at home and abroad, is dishonest, untruthful, lacks integrity, dignity, gave America a black eye, bruised America's integrity and dignity" all without a single example to back up his stupid nonsense claims, shocker.
Over 164 posts in about four hours and many of them back up the OP.

Your lack of posting specifics is noted fake news. Trump's pro jobs, pro business, fair trade, reduced regulations, reduced taxes right Trump is just horrible. You people really look stupid.
Seems like most of the defense for trump having a Presidency that is a debacle and shameless disgrace to America is all about Obama and Clinton doing bad stuff too. Only difference is, no President has ever been mocked and made fun of and treated with the disrespect trump is treated with. Hillary wasn't even a President. Nope, it is all about trump and his supporters need to be able to defend him without "what about ism's".

There are many who don’t believe your opinion and that is all you got, not facts opinions. This country survived for over 200 years and Trump and his Presidency will have little effect positive or negative in the long run. Sorry you aren’t intelligent enough to understand this country.
Seems like most of the defense for trump having a Presidency that is a debacle and shameless disgrace to America is all about Obama and Clinton doing bad stuff too. Only difference is, no President has ever been mocked and made fun of and treated with the disrespect trump is treated with. Hillary wasn't even a President. Nope, it is all about trump and his supporters need to be able to defend him without "what about ism's".

There are many who don’t believe your opinion and that is all you got, not facts opinions. This country survived for over 200 years and Trump and his Presidency will have little effect positive or negative in the long run. Sorry you aren’t intelligent enough to understand this country.
Trump's lies and misbehavior are facts. You are right, more than just opinion will determine his legacy and in fact determines the amount or respect vs. mocking he gets today. So far, he ain't doing so good.
His lawyer is speculating about whether he can pardon himself or not.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then HE HAS DISGRACED AND DESTROYED THE POTUS POSITION. EVEN RETROACTIVELY.

Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO POTUS WILL EVER BE TRUSTED AGAIN, AND IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT.

How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO POTUS WILL EVER HAVE THE ABILITY TO BUILD THE INTEGRITY OR AT LEAST DIGNITY OF THE THE POSITION, BECAUSE TRUMP RUINED IT.

Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO FUCKING WAY HAS ANYONE BRUISED OUR INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY QUITE LIKE TRUMP HAS. He's a bad man.

Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption. FUCKING-A HE HAS

How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then HE HAS DISGRACED AND DESTROYED THE POTUS POSITION. EVEN RETROACTIVELY.

Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO POTUS WILL EVER BE TRUSTED AGAIN, AND IT'S TRUMP'S FAULT.

How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO POTUS WILL EVER HAVE THE ABILITY TO BUILD THE INTEGRITY OR AT LEAST DIGNITY OF THE THE POSITION, BECAUSE TRUMP RUINED IT.

Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. If I'm your typical emotionally-led dumbed-down liberal, who has been led astray by 24-7 propaganda, then NO FUCKING WAY HAS ANYONE BRUISED OUR INTEGRITY AND DIGNITY QUITE LIKE TRUMP HAS. He's a bad man.

Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption. FUCKING-A HE HAS

Gosh, you sound like you have been dumbed down by 24/7 Trump cult propaganda. Seek help before it becomes to late.
Obama was the first anti-American president and hopefully the last.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Unfortunately, trump is going down in history as the President that was a traitor and thus, the most anti-American President ever. The great Obama however will go down in history as on of the best and have Memorials built in his name. Trump's grave will have to be enclosed within a wall to prevent mobs from peeing on it.
Shitstain obama can't even get his own library built. It might have something to do with the fact that blacks can't read so the library will have no books.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Sure, America's spirit is in the hearts and minds of its citizens. Until Reagan stirred the biddable by demeaning government and Trump moved the R. Party far to the right, America was the guiding light for most people in the world.

It seem our National Anthem under Trump has been used to divide our nation, and in doing so the last stanza ought to be changed until he leaves the office of POTUS to this:

"... the home of the scared"
Before Reagan American was guiding the world straight down the socialist sewer. Thank God for Reagan. Thank God for Trump.
Reagan guided us into the age of terrorism and the destruction of America's middleclass.
Reagan is the cause of terrorism? You must be joking. You might want to consider Jimmy Carter who spurned our alliethe Shah and allowed a terrorist regime to establish itself in Iran. Iran is the source of most of the terrorism in the Middle East.
DO YOUR JOB! And Trump's doing that. He's doing what his supporters expect of him. He's respected by millions of Americans.

And I suspect the OP doesn't respect him because he or she is just a butthurt Democrat who still hasn't gotten over the Election. That's my observation anyway.
Not a Democrat. People aren't supposed to just get over elections. They are supposed to continue the campaign for what the believe in by neutralizing their opponent as mush as possible and promoting his or her defeat in the next election. That is how America works. Part of what has always made America great. Real stuff, not that phony MAGA motto you guys are brainwashed by.
That isn't what you turds said after Obama won.
President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Not true. The sanctions trump finally signed were passed against his will by Congress, stripping away his authority to impose or not impose sanctions. He delayed implementing until the point that the case of his delaying was becoming a probable constitutional crisis and then he signed the sanctions given to him by Congress.
The first sanctions put in place by Obama were done with executive actions and State Department policies, including closing down Russian facilities and deporting Russian diplomats.
"I will have more flexibility after the election."
Yeah, he sure did cuddle up to Putin, didn't he?
Obama was the first anti-American president and hopefully the last.
Troglocrats are dumb.
Unfortunately, trump is going down in history as the President that was a traitor and thus, the most anti-American President ever. The great Obama however will go down in history as on of the best and have Memorials built in his name. Trump's grave will have to be enclosed within a wall to prevent mobs from peeing on it.
Shitstain obama can't even get his own library built. It might have something to do with the fact that blacks can't read so the library will have no books.
He will have a Library like all Presidents, but his will be bigger, better, more modern and have popularity only matched by the Memorial they build for him in Washington D.C. as one of the only handful of Memorials dedicated to great Presidents in the cluster of Memorials including Washington, Lincoln, FDR and Jefferson. Some count Kennedy because of the nearby Kennedy Center, but it is not an official Memorial.
Does anyone think there will ever be a Trump Memorial in Washington DC to honor him?
The news media does report those things, but the negative stuff trump does outweighs all of that.

Perhaps if you believe this hard enough it’ll come true, especially the latter part of your statement. The media doesn’t spend loads and loads of time reporting on the good things that have happened during Trump’s presidency for several reasons but most importantly because no one wants to hear it. You/the mainstream press WANT Trump to fail. You/the mainstream press don’t want anything positive to come from his tenure because that would mean maybe you/mainstream press were wrong about him, and that absolutely can’t happen.

I voted for Trump. I don’t LOVE him and I don’t hate him. I know he’s lied and some of the things that have come out about him look bad, but he’s still our president and despite what you may think he does have America’s best interest at heart. His goals may not align with your own but that doesn’t mean shit regarding the fact that he does what he think is best, Obama did what he thought was best, etc. There will never be a president who does exactly what you want him/her to do, but talking to the Trump haters you’d think there was.
I know what I see in the media news and I reject your analysis as being far to in line with trump and White House talking points. News stories are click bait. Media is in business to make profit. They publish what they believe the public wants to read or see. There is no conspiracy by a shadow government to hide facts from the public. The public is just not interested in the same things you are.
If media is in the business to make a profit, then why did they cancel Roseanne's show? That was raking in huge profits.

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