Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I can tell you this.....the Democrat Party and the Mainstream Media have lost credibility with the American public.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

And yet the far left says this about every non far left president!

It is amazing to watch the far left attack a FDR style president, a GOD to them, yet they prove that FDR could not exist in far left religious order!
Are you insane? Trump has nothing in common with FDR. Trump's class of people hated FDR. FDR was able to unite. Trump divides. He even divides his own party.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I can tell you this.....the Democrat Party and the Mainstream Media have lost credibility with the American public.
Why did so many more people vote for the Democrat instead of the Republican in 2016? Why have Democrats been winning so many special elections? Why are Democrats registering so many new Democrats and breaking primary records for voter turnouts? Why do Americans continue to watch so much Mainstream Media and the conservative or alternate media remain basically stagnant?
The news media does report those things, but the negative stuff trump does outweighs all of that.

Perhaps if you believe this hard enough it’ll come true, especially the latter part of your statement. The media doesn’t spend loads and loads of time reporting on the good things that have happened during Trump’s presidency for several reasons but most importantly because no one wants to hear it. You/the mainstream press WANT Trump to fail. You/the mainstream press don’t want anything positive to come from his tenure because that would mean maybe you/mainstream press were wrong about him, and that absolutely can’t happen.

I voted for Trump. I don’t LOVE him and I don’t hate him. I know he’s lied and some of the things that have come out about him look bad, but he’s still our president and despite what you may think he does have America’s best interest at heart. His goals may not align with your own but that doesn’t mean shit regarding the fact that he does what he think is best, Obama did what he thought was best, etc. There will never be a president who does exactly what you want him/her to do, but talking to the Trump haters you’d think there was.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

And yet the far left says this about every non far left president!

It is amazing to watch the far left attack a FDR style president, a GOD to them, yet they prove that FDR could not exist in far left religious order!
Are you insane? Trump has nothing in common with FDR. Trump's class of people hated FDR. FDR was able to unite. Trump divides. He even divides his own party.

Oh how the far left loves to rewrite history.

“Man of the people” FDR was a really a friend of the big corporations.

FDR created the modern corporatist state that liberals (claim to) hate, by encouraging businesses to form cartels in order to squash their competition. The passage of the National Recovery Act compelled industries to form “code authorities,” and gave them the ability to regulate things such as quality, wages, prices and distribution channels. They were modeled after fascist Italy’s “corporatives,” which engaged in the same type of anti-competitive business practices. In fact, corporatism is widely known as a form of fascism.

The Top 5 Reasons Why FDR Sucked As President - Liberty Viral

FDR created the military industrial complex, something the far left claims to hate. Yet they see FDR as GOD for creating it.

FDR imprisoned people just for being Japanese. Another reason the far left love FDR.

FDR, lied the US into WWII

FDR tried to add more SC judges so he could get his "New Deal" (fascist Deal) through the courts.

The far left press then would not dare show FDR in his wheel chair as they did not want the US president to look weak.

Oh wait maybe you are right FDR the fascist was noting like Trump!
In other words, there is no proof. Gotcha.

Please provide proof for these claims.

excellent question - we finally have a president that cannot be pushed around

will we ever have another one that commands as much respect?

it will be interesting to see if Pence can keep it up anywhere near as well as Trump has after 2024

Trump is being pushed around all over the world. He is currently being played by China, N. Korea, Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and several allied European countries, Mexico and Canada.
Proof is in the worldwide media. You are asking for objective proof about subjective topics. Like trying to prove a negative. A safe question to ask because the answer and debate can only go around in circles.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
I can tell you this.....the Democrat Party and the Mainstream Media have lost credibility with the American public.
Why did so many more people vote for the Democrat instead of the Republican in 2016? Why have Democrats been winning so many special elections? Why are Democrats registering so many new Democrats and breaking primary records for voter turnouts? Why do Americans continue to watch so much Mainstream Media and the conservative or alternate media remain basically stagnant?

They have not wont that many and several of the (D)'s that won ran as Blue Dogs. One (D) won due to unproven accusations.

And the electoral college did what it was supposed to do.

Goes to show that the a system that works, the far left will be hell bent on destroying!
The news media does report those things, but the negative stuff trump does outweighs all of that.

Perhaps if you believe this hard enough it’ll come true, especially the latter part of your statement. The media doesn’t spend loads and loads of time reporting on the good things that have happened during Trump’s presidency for several reasons but most importantly because no one wants to hear it. You/the mainstream press WANT Trump to fail. You/the mainstream press don’t want anything positive to come from his tenure because that would mean maybe you/mainstream press were wrong about him, and that absolutely can’t happen.

I voted for Trump. I don’t LOVE him and I don’t hate him. I know he’s lied and some of the things that have come out about him look bad, but he’s still our president and despite what you may think he does have America’s best interest at heart. His goals may not align with your own but that doesn’t mean shit regarding the fact that he does what he think is best, Obama did what he thought was best, etc. There will never be a president who does exactly what you want him/her to do, but talking to the Trump haters you’d think there was.
I know what I see in the media news and I reject your analysis as being far to in line with trump and White House talking points. News stories are click bait. Media is in business to make profit. They publish what they believe the public wants to read or see. There is no conspiracy by a shadow government to hide facts from the public. The public is just not interested in the same things you are.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Obama wasn't respected at all by our allies. They liked him because he was an appeaser and soft. Thread fail
I would say that depends on the President bendinbg over and kissing the ass of other world leaders might get them like you it doesn't mean they respect you. Sometimes to get respect you have to kick an ass not kiss it.
Like Trump kicks Putin ass?? and his good friend in China's butt?
Or the way Obama kiced Irans? Trump has gotten North Korea to the negotiating table something neither Russia or China seem to thrilled about something he accomplised through a combination of tough talk and diplomacy what if anything will come of it who knows but he's already done something none of the so called respected Presidents before him could.
How did Obama get Iran to the table besides money? What will trump have to give up or else be looked upon as a failure?
Not the same. Not the same at all LOL.

President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Not true. The sanctions trump finally signed were passed against his will by Congress, stripping away his authority to impose or not impose sanctions. He delayed implementing until the point that the case of his delaying was becoming a probable constitutional crisis and then he signed the sanctions given to him by Congress.
The first sanctions put in place by Obama were done with executive actions and State Department policies, including closing down Russian facilities and deporting Russian diplomats.
"I will have more flexibility after the election."
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.
We have routine domestic and front page news declaring the President of the USA a dishonest liar and you think that has no relevance?
No, it doesn't. The only thing more partisan that you is the msm.


Trump continues to rise in the polls.
The economy continues to grow.
Unemployment is at record lows.
Welfare has dropped drastically.
Consumer confidence soars.
New housing starts & remodeling is booming.
Paychecks are bigger.

All of that despite the constant crying of the msm & YOU
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Obama wasn't respected at all by our allies. They liked him because he was an appeaser and soft. Thread fail
The thread is not about Obama knucklehead, but Obama did get high approval and popularity ratings.

That's hilarious, since Rump has never "given" anybody anything in his life except snow jobs, the Shaft and possibly VD.

(Okay, that reminds me, to be fair he did give Stormy Daniels $130k, so I grant you that. He also gave Melania "a nice card" for her birthday, so credit where due... although technically both of these are covered above under "the Shaft")

(How's that for a comparison --- the wife gets "a nice card" while the porn star he boinked while she's nursing the new baby gets $130,000. Kinda says much about one's "giving" priorities. But I digress...)

Member when he tried to sue the NFL and "give" the USFL its big stage? The other team owners didn't "know it yet" either that they were about to be flushed down the toilet. Much like those creditors who financed those Atlantic Shitty casinos. They too didn't "know it yet".

Ah, the bliss of ignorance.
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I posted links already. Evidently the media just wants Americans to think Iran followed the deal to a T and Trump put the ax to it bc he’s selfish and wants to start trouble.

Since this info isn’t necessarily easy to find—one would think when you search “Iran violates nuclear deal” you’d get articles about it, not one article about it and several about Trump violating the deal (anti-America American press, anyone?), I’ll post the links again.

Iran once again exceeds a nuclear deal limit: IAEA report

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost

And a couple more for good measure

German intelligence: Iran may have tried to violate nuclear deal - CNNPolitics

Obama Administration Loosens Nuclear Deal After Iran Violates It
Maybe Iran should have abided by the terms. Nope let’s blame Trump bc he wants to actually do something to fix it, unlike Obama who just let them get away with it.

No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.

The Iran Deal was a personal deal between Hussein and the Iranian Mullahs- it was never ratified by the Senate, and never even signed by the Mullahs.

President Trump is going to get America a great deal to disarm Iran permanently.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When Trump ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.
Which terms did they not abide by. The point of the controversy is that trump broke the contract the way he broke contracts with his business dealings.
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.
We have routine domestic and front page news declaring the President of the USA a dishonest liar and you think that has no relevance?
No, it doesn't. The only thing more partisan that you is the msm.


Trump continues to rise in the polls.
The economy continues to grow.
Unemployment is at record lows.
Welfare has dropped drastically.
Consumer confidence soars.
New housing starts & remodeling is booming.
Paychecks are bigger.

All of that despite the constant crying of the msm & YOU

That's hilarious, since Rump has never "given" anybody anything in his life except snow jobs, the Shaft and possibly VD.

Member when he tried to sue the NFL and "give" the USFL its big stage? The other team owners didn't "know it yet" either that they were about to be flushed down the toilet. Much like those creditors who financed those Atlantic Shitty casinos. They too didn't "know it yet".

Ah, the bliss of ignorance.
Rumor is Melania is suffering from organ failures caused by VD given to her by her husband.
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Just like Trump has.


President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Not true. The sanctions trump finally signed were passed against his will by Congress, stripping away his authority to impose or not impose sanctions. He delayed implementing until the point that the case of his delaying was becoming a probable constitutional crisis and then he signed the sanctions given to him by Congress.
The first sanctions put in place by Obama were done with executive actions and State Department policies, including closing down Russian facilities and deporting Russian diplomats.
"I will have more flexibility after the election."
Yeah, he sure did cuddle up to Putin, didn't he?
Yes, “they publish what the public wants to read or see,” which ISN’T positive Trump news. I distrust the press bc I’ve done my own research and have come to the conclusion they’re largely untrustworthy—that includes Fox News and other right-wing outlets. If you think propaganda doesn’t dominate American headlines, you’re dead wrong. Every article you read, whether opinion or not, is trying to sell you a certain narrative. No skin off my teeth if you don’t believe me. At least I tried to open your eyes.

The news media does report those things, but the negative stuff trump does outweighs all of that.

Perhaps if you believe this hard enough it’ll come true, especially the latter part of your statement. The media doesn’t spend loads and loads of time reporting on the good things that have happened during Trump’s presidency for several reasons but most importantly because no one wants to hear it. You/the mainstream press WANT Trump to fail. You/the mainstream press don’t want anything positive to come from his tenure because that would mean maybe you/mainstream press were wrong about him, and that absolutely can’t happen.

I voted for Trump. I don’t LOVE him and I don’t hate him. I know he’s lied and some of the things that have come out about him look bad, but he’s still our president and despite what you may think he does have America’s best interest at heart. His goals may not align with your own but that doesn’t mean shit regarding the fact that he does what he think is best, Obama did what he thought was best, etc. There will never be a president who does exactly what you want him/her to do, but talking to the Trump haters you’d think there was.
I know what I see in the media news and I reject your analysis as being far to in line with trump and White House talking points. News stories are click bait. Media is in business to make profit. They publish what they believe the public wants to read or see. There is no conspiracy by a shadow government to hide facts from the public. The public is just not interested in the same things you are.
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.
We have routine domestic and front page news declaring the President of the USA a dishonest liar and you think that has no relevance?
No, it doesn't. The only thing more partisan that you is the msm.


Trump continues to rise in the polls.
The economy continues to grow.
Unemployment is at record lows.
Welfare has dropped drastically.
Consumer confidence soars.
New housing starts & remodeling is booming.
Paychecks are bigger.

All of that despite the constant crying of the msm & YOU

That's hilarious, since Rump has never "given" anybody anything in his life except snow jobs, the Shaft and possibly VD.

Member when he tried to sue the NFL and "give" the USFL its big stage? The other team owners didn't "know it yet" either that they were about to be flushed down the toilet. Much like those creditors who financed those Atlantic Shitty casinos. They too didn't "know it yet".

Ah, the bliss of ignorance.
Rumor is Melania is suffering from organ failures caused by VD given to her by her husband.

Wonder if it's related to Baron's autism :dunno:

There's another exception-- he also gave his youngest son a name named for a fictional press agent he made up for the purpose of planting sex stories about himself in the tabloid press. What a gift that is.

Wonder if Baron's middle name is "Miller"... :dunno:

Then there was the time he gave a Prime Minister a shove so that he could be on camera. And of course all those whiny 3am tweets and screaming Fox and Fiends interviews.... and a bottomless pit of fodder for comedians, and a permanent walk-on job for Alec Baldwin....

OK I take it back. Rump has indeed "given" much.
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