Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

I will take a few commie asshole third world countries not liking the US over the destruction that Obama did to this country or the destruction that Crooked Hillary would done any day.

After all, Trump was elected to represent the people of Pittsburgh, not the people of Paris.

If you are a stupid American Moon Bat that was such an idiot to have voted for that Obama asshole or that Crooked Hillary bitch or a foreign welfare queen the last thing you want is for America to be great again.

If Trump can pull off denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and ending the 70 year old Korean War while greatly improving the economy here in the US and stopping the flood of Illegals like he has been doing I really don't give a shit if some stupid Moon Bats don't like him. Their cries of despair as they howl at the sky and march around in their pink pussy hats are irrelevant.

Trump's fear mongering and Brinkmanship may have been the catalyst if the Korean War ends, but he will not win any Nobel Prize as it took S and N Korea to go to the table and talk turkey. In fact Trump's bizarre comments and recent appointments (SecState and National Security Adviser) almost terminated the continuing efforts by the two Koreas to come to an accord.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Sure, America's spirit is in the hearts and minds of its citizens. Until Reagan stirred the biddable by demeaning government and Trump moved the R. Party far to the right, America was the guiding light for most people in the world.

It seem our National Anthem under Trump has been used to divide our nation, and in doing so the last stanza ought to be changed until he leaves the office of POTUS to this:

"... the home of the scared"
Before Reagan American was guiding the world straight down the socialist sewer. Thank God for Reagan. Thank God for Trump.
Reagan guided us into the age of terrorism and the destruction of America's middleclass.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Once the page is turned, assuming of course we survive that far, anyone --- and I mean literally anyone, no matter how incompetent who takes that office --- is going to immediately seem smarter, fairer, more gracious, more reasoned, more optimistic, more humble, more patriotic, more sincere and far FAR more capable than their own traits actually are, by simple comparison. In other words when you've lowered the bar so low that you had to dig a trench to find a new low, literally anything after that is a relative "high".

Jerry Ford's characterization "our long national nightmare is over" is going to seem trivially silly in comparison.

I like to think the rest of the world understands that for all its hype-illusions about its "exceptionalism" this country has serious internal issues and that the orange scum bag is our burden, not our spiritual representative, just as we understand that of Dim Dong or a clown like Berlusconi. Psychological maladies like Narcissistic Personality Disorder are certainly not confined to this nation; anyone anywhere can relate to that burden. So I think the rest of the world at large has a great deal of sympathy and will share the joy once that burden is de-burdened.

And as a bonus track we'll feel reunited internally once this divisive shitstorm has passed and we finally get relief from "walls" and religious bans and "bleeding from a facelift" and "journalists are the enemy" and "very fine people" and "fire the sumbitches" and "knock the shit out of 'im" and mocking people with disabilities and mocking POWs and threats of "riots" and "rigged" elections and threats on the Constitution and "shitholes" and endless tantrums at 3AM all the other flung turds of that juvenile narcissism dynamic.

There will still be tensions and divisions and such. The reunification euphoria will wear off. But we'll know how low we went and somehow got through it anyway. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Too optimistic?
Nope. I do wonder, though, how much of an adjustment it is going to be for the Trumptards. That could be a cloud in our coffee.
You are predicting and promoting the idea that the North Korean dictator will give up his nuclear weapons. That is never going to happen.

When I was a young adult, libs said that the Polish people loved tyranny, just like Americans loved freedom, and would fight to the death for communism.

That turned out to be untrue.

Likewise, don't be surprised if Un changes course for his country as well
President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Not true. The sanctions trump finally signed were passed against his will by Congress, stripping away his authority to impose or not impose sanctions. He delayed implementing until the point that the case of his delaying was becoming a probable constitutional crisis and then he signed the sanctions given to him by Congress.
The first sanctions put in place by Obama were done with executive actions and State Department policies, including closing down Russian facilities and deporting Russian diplomats.
"I will have more flexibility after the election."
Yeah, he sure did cuddle up to Putin, didn't he?
In the long run, people tend to look at results. Yes, he's a nut, but much of this is also partisan noise.

We won't really know what the results of his term will be until a few years after he's gone.
DO YOUR JOB! And Trump's doing that. He's doing what his supporters expect of him. He's respected by millions of Americans.

And I suspect the OP doesn't respect him because he or she is just a butthurt Democrat who still hasn't gotten over the Election. That's my observation anyway.
You are predicting and promoting the idea that the North Korean dictator will give up his nuclear weapons. That is never going to happen.

When I was a young adult, libs said that the Polish people loved tyranny, just like Americans loved freedom, and would fight to the death for communism.

That turned out to be untrue.

Likewise, don't be surprised if Un changes course for his country as well
I do not remember anyone claiming Polish people loved tyranny. Weird because I have a lot of friends who were Polish and made trips to Poland back in the 70's and 80's. Went to lots of great Polish weddings. Never heard what you claim about Polish loving tyranny.
DO YOUR JOB! And Trump's doing that. He's doing what his supporters expect of him. He's respected by millions of Americans.

And I suspect the OP doesn't respect him because he or she is just a butthurt Democrat who still hasn't gotten over the Election. That's my observation anyway.
Not a Democrat. People aren't supposed to just get over elections. They are supposed to continue the campaign for what the believe in by neutralizing their opponent as mush as possible and promoting his or her defeat in the next election. That is how America works. Part of what has always made America great. Real stuff, not that phony MAGA motto you guys are brainwashed by.
I will take a few commie asshole third world countries not liking the US over the destruction that Obama did to this country or the destruction that Crooked Hillary would done any day.

After all, Trump was elected to represent the people of Pittsburgh, not the people of Paris.

If you are a stupid American Moon Bat that was such an idiot to have voted for that Obama asshole or that Crooked Hillary bitch or a foreign welfare queen the last thing you want is for America to be great again.

If Trump can pull off denuclearizing the Korean Peninsula and ending the 70 year old Korean War while greatly improving the economy here in the US and stopping the flood of Illegals like he has been doing I really don't give a shit if some stupid Moon Bats don't like him. Their cries of despair as they howl at the sky and march around in their pink pussy hats are irrelevant.

Trump's fear mongering and Brinkmanship may have been the catalyst if the Korean War ends, but he will not win any Nobel Prize as it took S and N Korea to go to the table and talk turkey. In fact Trump's bizarre comments and recent appointments (SecState and National Security Adviser) almost terminated the continuing efforts by the two Koreas to come to an accord.

The only fear is among you stupid Moon Bats that are afraid of Obama's legacy of destruction fading away into the oblivion of history .

I suspect the people of South Korea and Japan are damn glad that Trump is getting Rocket Man under control reducing the chance of war.

If you would get your news from sources other than Demoicratundergound, Rachael Maddow and Comedy Central you would know what a great job Trump is doing for the country and for the world.

In the meantime your opinion is irrelevant as Trump is doing a great job and we really don't give a shit if that pisses off you stupid Moon Bats. You showed us what idiots your were by electing that worthless affirmative action piece of shit Obama and voting for that lying corrupt bitch Crooked Hillary.

You are really going to be upset this November when the Republicans maintain control of the House, pick up seats in the Senate and Trump will still be President. MAGA Baby! Are you planning on going outside and howling at the sky again?
I do not remember anyone claiming Polish people loved tyranny.

Libs were universal in stating that the Wall was permanent and President Reagan would never see it razed.

We had to get along with Soviet Strongman, Bloody Gorby, because the people over their loved communism.
I would say that depends on the President bendinbg over and kissing the ass of other world leaders might get them like you it doesn't mean they respect you. Sometimes to get respect you have to kick an ass not kiss it.
Like Trump kicks Putin ass?? and his good friend in China's butt?
Or the way Obama kiced Irans? Trump has gotten North Korea to the negotiating table something neither Russia or China seem to thrilled about something he accomplised through a combination of tough talk and diplomacy what if anything will come of it who knows but he's already done something none of the so called respected Presidents before him could.

Yyyyyyeaaah ummmm.... China did that. When Dim Dung blew up Mantap China, without which lifeline Dim Dung cannot exist and which stood downdraft from the radiation of Dim Dung's destruction, read him the riot act. That's what forced Dimmy to send his sister to the Olympics, merge the hockey teams, invite Moon up, all of that.

China regards NK as a dependent province, albeit a rambunctious one, and was content to allow Dim Dong to be its proxy Big Stick. Once Dong Dong messed up the place with his toys China put the heat on. They're the only ones in a position to do that.

You have a dependent child; the child comes in and goes "Mo--om.. can I play with explosives?" You tell the child it's OK as long as it pisses off the neighbor down the street. You tell him that because this way you can irritate your neighbor without being directly involved.

Then one day the inevitable happens --- in trying to send a rocket over the neighbor's house, the child instead blows up your family car. That's when you go "OK Junior, that's enough, you've hit too close to home". Literally. "No more explosion toys for you. Get rid of them or I'll send you to bed without dinner, forever". And China is in exactly the position to do that.

Meanwhile what was Rump doing? Trolling Dim Dung with Elton John lyrics in a juvenile dick-waving exercise that succeeded in getting ICBMs sent sailing over Japan.

There's no doubt Rump wanted credit for simply being alive at the same time Mantap happened, since he already knows his bots will buy anything with the Swagger sticker on it, but then he does have vast experience in slinking over to third base and crowing to any gullibles who will listen, "Looka me, I hit a triple".

Thank the explosion.

SMH --- Delusionists....
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“Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?”

Yes, provided the American people learn from the Trump debacle and don’t make the same mistake.
DO YOUR JOB! And Trump's doing that. He's doing what his supporters expect of him. He's respected by millions of Americans.

And I suspect the OP doesn't respect him because he or she is just a butthurt Democrat who still hasn't gotten over the Election. That's my observation anyway.
Not a Democrat. People aren't supposed to just get over elections. They are supposed to continue the campaign for what the believe in by neutralizing their opponent as mush as possible and promoting his or her defeat in the next election. That is how America works. Part of what has always made America great. Real stuff, not that phony MAGA motto you guys are brainwashed by.

Nah, you're just throwing another butthurt Democrat hissy-fit. But hey, whatever makes ya happy. Take care.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Once the page is turned, assuming of course we survive that far, anyone --- and I mean literally anyone, no matter how incompetent who takes that office --- is going to immediately seem smarter, fairer, more gracious, more reasoned, more optimistic, more humble, more patriotic, more sincere and far FAR more capable than their own traits actually are, by simple comparison. In other words when you've lowered the bar so low that you had to dig a trench to find a new low, literally anything after that is a relative "high".

Jerry Ford's characterization "our long national nightmare is over" is going to seem trivially silly in comparison.

I like to think the rest of the world understands that for all its hype-illusions about its "exceptionalism" this country has serious internal issues and that the orange scum bag is our burden, not our spiritual representative, just as we understand that of Dim Dong or a clown like Berlusconi. Psychological maladies like Narcissistic Personality Disorder are certainly not confined to this nation; anyone anywhere can relate to that burden. So I think the rest of the world at large has a great deal of sympathy and will share the joy once that burden is de-burdened.

And as a bonus track we'll feel reunited internally once this divisive shitstorm has passed and we finally get relief from "walls" and religious bans and "bleeding from a facelift" and "journalists are the enemy" and "very fine people" and "fire the sumbitches" and "knock the shit out of 'im" and mocking people with disabilities and mocking POWs and threats of "riots" and "rigged" elections and threats on the Constitution and "shitholes" and endless tantrums at 3AM all the other flung turds of that juvenile narcissism dynamic.

There will still be tensions and divisions and such. The reunification euphoria will wear off. But we'll know how low we went and somehow got through it anyway. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Too optimistic?
Nope. I do wonder, though, how much of an adjustment it is going to be for the Trumptards. That could be a cloud in our coffee.

Good point. They seem obstinate about not learning the lesson that there is absolutely nothing to be admired in Hubris.
I do not remember anyone claiming Polish people loved tyranny.

Libs were universal in stating that the Wall was permanent and President Reagan would never see it razed.

We had to get along with Soviet Strongman, Bloody Gorby, because the people over their loved communism.
The Pope started turning the Polish aggressively away from the Soviet's when he visited in 1979. While Lech Walesa would eventually gain support from Reagan but his movement was begun and organized before Reagan had any influence.
DO YOUR JOB! And Trump's doing that. He's doing what his supporters expect of him. He's respected by millions of Americans.

And I suspect the OP doesn't respect him because he or she is just a butthurt Democrat who still hasn't gotten over the Election. That's my observation anyway.
Not a Democrat. People aren't supposed to just get over elections. They are supposed to continue the campaign for what the believe in by neutralizing their opponent as mush as possible and promoting his or her defeat in the next election. That is how America works. Part of what has always made America great. Real stuff, not that phony MAGA motto you guys are brainwashed by.

Nah, you're just throwing another butthurt Democrat hissy-fit. But hey, whatever makes ya happy. Take care.
This is a political message board where people come to have political discussions and debates. Whenever topics come up you don't like or you can not seem to win you whine and complain like an immature snowflake. You are one of the whiney RW snowflakes. If you don't like a thread simply don't participate or even read it. Of course you have the right to embarrass yourself with your whining and crying, so, go ahead.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

And yet the far left says this about every non far left president!

It is amazing to watch the far left attack a FDR style president, a GOD to them, yet they prove that FDR could not exist in far left religious order!

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