Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

Can we "recover" from the Trump era?! Gee, you mean the era when we have the kinds of good economic indicators that we have not seen in 17-18 years (the U-3 and U-6 rates, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, etc.)?! You mean the era when middle-income Americans are getting an increase of $80-$400 in their take-home pay thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when American businesses are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars in money parked overseas, thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when we're seeing the kind of growth in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? You mean the era when we've made more progress against ISIS in the last 16 months than we made during all of Obama's presidency? You mean that era?

But the news doesn’t report this stuff so it can’t be true!

The go-to sources of Trump haters doesn’t report this stuff.
The news media does report those things, but the negative stuff trump does outweighs all of that. Trump deregulating certain industries to lower industry costs and improve profits does not cancel out his lies or failure to admit the damages done by deregulating. Yes, we understand that allowing chemical companies and coal mines to dump waste directly into our rivers and streams will increase their profits, but failure to acknowledge the damage being done is dishonest and does more harm to the majority and will have to be paid for in the future while it allows a handful of cronies to make those huge profits today.
Please provide proof for these claims.

excellent question - we finally have a president that cannot be pushed around

will we ever have another one that commands as much respect?

it will be interesting to see if Pence can keep it up anywhere near as well as Trump has after 2024

Trump is being pushed around all over the world. He is currently being played by China, N. Korea, Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and several allied European countries, Mexico and Canada.
I would say that depends on the President bendinbg over and kissing the ass of other world leaders might get them like you it doesn't mean they respect you. Sometimes to get respect you have to kick an ass not kiss it.
Like Trump kicks Putin ass?? and his good friend in China's butt?
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.

How much did your brainwash cost? No one in touch with reality would make a post as you have!

I know, you leftist hate the truth. Obama was a failure and hated America. We have someone back in that cares about America's best interest in mind.

President Obama loved and still loves America. More importantly, he respected the office and institutions. Trump has trashed the office and institutions like never before. Trump has brought disgrace to the Presidency like never before.

You really are stupid aren't you? After Obama flew around the world and apologized for American greatness. You gonna sit there and say he loved America. Him running on transforming America, and look who his mentor was Jeremiah Wright who hates America. Hell his own dad hated America. You're a joke for even thinking Obama loved America.

Thanks so much for sharing, your echoes of cliches which are biased opinions is telling. I do appreciate being asked if I am stupid. My answer is I am not, and have never been considered so. You may disagree with me, if you honestly believe I'm stupid, more power to you.

I do have a few questions for you.

Do you believe Donald Trump is honest, intelligent, competent and ran for President to make America great? If so please provide evidence for your answers.
Never met an honest politician, have you?
Yes I believe Trump is intelligent and is making America great again.
The thing about your stupidity. I go back to the fact that Obama relied on your ignorance to get Obama care passed. That's all I got to say, oh and you defended Obama after finding out how he thought about you. Lol
Gonna take decades if we ever do.

Da Comrade, the proles rising up threw a monkey wrench in you march to make America Venezuela.

You Communists have 6 years to come up with a candidate that people will vote for.

I suggest Bernie and Kamala Harris on a platform of changing the USA to the USSA. United Soviet States of America.
President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Please provide proof for these claims.

excellent question - we finally have a president that cannot be pushed around

will we ever have another one that commands as much respect?

it will be interesting to see if Pence can keep it up anywhere near as well as Trump has after 2024

Trump is being pushed around all over the world. He is currently being played by China, N. Korea, Russia, Turkey, Iraq, Iran, Syria and several allied European countries, Mexico and Canada.
Proof is in the worldwide media. You are asking for objective proof about subjective topics. Like trying to prove a negative. A safe question to ask because the answer and debate can only go around in circles.
Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.
We have routine domestic and front page news declaring the President of the USA a dishonest liar and you think that has no relevance?

Yes, we have a corrupt press that actively advocates for you Stalinists. The New York Holocaust Deniers are just another wing of the democrat party.

BTW, I heard that Morning Joe will have Scarborough fillat Barry Obama on air tomorrow...
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.
But the question remains What if the deal is similar to the Iran deal trump and republicans bashed?
I will call him out on it. I don't follow blindly, like Obama minions do. Will you support Trump if he makes a good deal?
Certainly I'd give him his just due......and while that indeed would be a feather in his cap there's much to dislike about the man and his presidency
Well I congratulate you for not having a completely closed mind.
Iran was violating the deal and Obama did nothing, just kept giving them their billions. Perhaps if they’d have done their part Trump wouldn’t have ended it.

Iran Breaches the Nuclear Deal and UN Resolutions for Third Time | HuffPost

Iran once again exceeds a nuclear deal limit: IAEA report

What empirical data do you have to back up your nonsense claim that people around the world respect Trump? What is your evidence? Sounds like just a trump supporter opinion based on delusion.

Everyone agrees Trump deserves the Nobel Prize, leaders of both Koreas agree. America's closest Ally, the Jews, have named part of their capital city after President Trump. Lots of love for America from other close allies including Saudi Arabia, the Philippine Republic and the Empire of Japan.

No not everyone, and nothing has been done, as a matter of fact he has alienated our allies, and ripped the Iran deal, he is a disgrace.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Once the page is turned, assuming of course we survive that far, anyone --- and I mean literally anyone, no matter how incompetent who takes that office --- is going to immediately seem smarter, fairer, more gracious, more reasoned, more optimistic, more humble, more patriotic, more sincere and far FAR more capable than their own traits actually are, by simple comparison. In other words when you've lowered the bar so low that you had to dig a trench to find a new low, literally anything after that is a relative "high".

Jerry Ford's characterization "our long national nightmare is over" is going to seem trivially silly in comparison.

I like to think the rest of the world understands that for all its hype-illusions about its "exceptionalism" this country has serious internal issues and that the orange scum bag is our burden, not our spiritual representative, just as we understand that of Dim Dong or a clown like Berlusconi. Psychological maladies like Narcissistic Personality Disorder are certainly not confined to this nation; anyone anywhere can relate to that burden. So I think the rest of the world at large has a great deal of sympathy and will share the joy once that burden is de-burdened.

And as a bonus track we'll feel reunited internally once this divisive shitstorm has passed and we finally get relief from "walls" and religious bans and "bleeding from a facelift" and "journalists are the enemy" and "very fine people" and "fire the sumbitches" and "knock the shit out of 'im" and mocking people with disabilities and mocking POWs and threats of "riots" and "rigged" elections and threats on the Constitution and "shitholes" and endless tantrums at 3AM all the other flung turds of that juvenile narcissism dynamic.

There will still be tensions and divisions and such. The reunification euphoria will wear off. But we'll know how low we went and somehow got through it anyway. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.

Too optimistic?
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What the hell do lefties want? Unemployment is down to a 20 year low, the economy is booming and the DOW is around 25,000, Thanks to President Trump North Korea is apparently willing to become civilized after more than half a century, illegal entry into the U.S. has dropped by about 80% and confidence in the U.S. economic future is high. The Trump administration handled two hurricanes and the most notorious assassination attempt on congressional members in modern history and yet the left keeps whining. The only logical conclusion is that the left thrives on the anger and unrest associated with economic stagnation and social unrest. You almost gotta laugh that the crazy uneducated left seems content to post photo shopped cartoons instead of rational arguments.
President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Not true. The sanctions trump finally signed were passed against his will by Congress, stripping away his authority to impose or not impose sanctions. He delayed implementing until the point that the case of his delaying was becoming a probable constitutional crisis and then he signed the sanctions given to him by Congress.
The first sanctions put in place by Obama were done with executive actions and State Department policies, including closing down Russian facilities and deporting Russian diplomats.
Is the hate and butt hurt from the left wing nuts evergoing to subside? The emotional rants everyday. It is just beyond crazy.
Nope. We have plenty of problems in this country. Much of the division in this country stems from a large portion actually believing whatever the press tells them to believe.

When I Google “Iran violates nuclear deal” I get one results pertaining to that and a flood of results for how Trump, not Iran, violated the nuclear deal despite the fact that Iran DID violate it and despite the fact that I didn’t include “Trump” in my search query. Go ahead and tell me that’s not strange. It’s only when I add “2016” to the query that I get the results I was looking for, you know, because Trump wasn’t yet president in 2016 I’m guessing.

The first step in solving a problem is to acknowledge that the problem exist. As can be seen by some of the posts in this thread, delusional Trump supporters refuse to recognize that a problem even exist.
The deal with Iran was made with five countries and Iran. When ended the US part of the deal he screwed all the other partners, something his is famous for doing in his business scams.

The US Constitution is no classified document, all of the states involved knew that Obama could not commit his successors without the Senate ratifying the treaty.

No one got "stabbed in the back", Donald Trump made it crystal clear during the campaign what he would do with the deal

That comes from the jew in him, and Sheldon Adelson and Kushner and Bibi wanting Iran destroyed.

How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
Trump is one of the 5 most respected Presidents of all time, true not everyone likes him, but then Trump is not a pansy pants like the last 4 presidents...…………….
What the hell do lefties want? Unemployment is down to a 20 year low, the economy is booming and the DOW is around 25,000, Thanks to President Trump North Korea is apparently willing to become civilized after more than half a century, illegal entry into the U.S. has dropped by about 80% and confidence in the U.S. economic future is high. The Trump administration handled two hurricanes and the most notorious assassination attempt on congressional members in modern history and yet the left keeps whining. The only logical conclusion is that the left thrives on the anger and unrest associated with economic stagnation and social unrest. You almost gotta laugh that the crazy uneducated left seems content to post photo shopped cartoons instead of rational arguments.

They want their guy (Hillary) and whatever that takes whether it be a nuclear holocaust or not.
What the hell do lefties want? Unemployment is down to a 20 year low, the economy is booming and the DOW is around 25,000, Thanks to President Trump North Korea is apparently willing to become civilized after more than half a century, illegal entry into the U.S. has dropped by about 80% and confidence in the U.S. economic future is high. The Trump administration handled two hurricanes and the most notorious assassination attempt on congressional members in modern history and yet the left keeps whining. The only logical conclusion is that the left thrives on the anger and unrest associated with economic stagnation and social unrest. You almost gotta laugh that the crazy uneducated left seems content to post photo shopped cartoons instead of rational arguments.
We want our heritage, our traditions, our American values and dignity back. We want to be good honest caring and worthy people who are proud of our country. Being ashamed and constantly making excuses for the degenerate behavior of our President and his cohorts and co-conspirators is not what we want.
President Trump signed the strictest sanctions ever passed against Russia. Something Obama never did.

Thinking The Donald is a "pawn of Putin" is a liberal fantasy, the facts say something different
Not true. The sanctions trump finally signed were passed against his will by Congress, stripping away his authority to impose or not impose sanctions. He delayed implementing until the point that the case of his delaying was becoming a probable constitutional crisis and then he signed the sanctions given to him by Congress.
The first sanctions put in place by Obama were done with executive actions and State Department policies, including closing down Russian facilities and deporting Russian diplomats.
"I will have more flexibility after the election."

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