Will US Presidents Ever Be Respected After The Trump Debacle?

How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?
Gonna take decades if we ever do.

You'll never get over it and frankly, who cares.
Not me I'm worried about.
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.
Obama didn't even get respect from his closest allies, the Castros when he traveled to Havana to pledge his fealty. They didn't even greet him at the airport
Are you kidding? Hillary's husband bombed freaking Europe when he was caught with his pants down in the Oval Office. He pardoned the most notorious corporate crook in history at that time while he was on the FBI's 10 most wanted list in exchange for a couple of bucks donation to the "Clinton Foundation" which is under investigation.
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.
But the question remains What if the deal is similar to the Iran deal trump and republicans bashed?
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again?

The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.

Interesting spin on reality, most people in the US and around the world consider Trump to be a lying ass and a bully.

Good leaders operate with a nutsack...often times scared pussies perceive firm leadership as bullying....outside of LibTardia it’s preferred that a President be a good leader and operate with a sack.
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.

What lies.
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.

How much did your brainwash cost? No one in touch with reality would make a post as you have!

I know, you leftist hate the truth. Obama was a failure and hated America. We have someone back in that cares about America's best interest in mind.

President Obama loved and still loves America. More importantly, he respected the office and institutions. Trump has trashed the office and institutions like never before. Trump has brought disgrace to the Presidency like never before.

You really are stupid aren't you? After Obama flew around the world and apologized for American greatness. You gonna sit there and say he loved America. Him running on transforming America, and look who his mentor was Jeremiah Wright who hates America. Hell his own dad hated America. You're a joke for even thinking Obama loved America.

Thanks so much for sharing, your echoes of cliches which are biased opinions is telling. I do appreciate being asked if I am stupid. My answer is I am not, and have never been considered so. You may disagree with me, if you honestly believe I'm stupid, more power to you.

I do have a few questions for you.

Do you believe Donald Trump is honest, intelligent, competent and ran for President to make America great? If so please provide evidence for your answers.
Can we "recover" from the Trump era?! Gee, you mean the era when we have the kinds of good economic indicators that we have not seen in 17-18 years (the U-3 and U-6 rates, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, etc.)?! You mean the era when middle-income Americans are getting an increase of $80-$400 in their take-home pay thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when American businesses are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars in money parked overseas, thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when we're seeing the kind of growth in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? You mean the era when we've made more progress against ISIS in the last 16 months than we made during all of Obama's presidency? You mean that era?

But the news doesn’t report this stuff so it can’t be true!

The go-to sources of Trump haters doesn’t report this stuff.
If you have Amazon prime both of D'Souza's film are on it, Hillarys American and Obama 2016, he wrote Obama the book in 2012 or earlier,

He also dated Ingraham who hated the Clintons and he worked for Reagan, they went to same college. He makes it sound like he was poor on Fox, but his Daddy was a top guy at Johnson and Johnson. So much of your right wing stuff comes from him, no wonder Trump pardoned him,

he can now help with the 2018 election. Of course Cruz asked him too. Birds of a feather...… fly together.
Birds of a feather...… fly together.

and some, like you, and some of your friends, cant fly.

all you damned pos crybabies. you LOST, and you're going to keep losing until you figure out who we are, why we hate your guts and change what you're doing.
You are just a talking uneducated dopey blabbermouth. Your cyber bullying and threats mean nothing. Just confirms you to be a moron.
Prove they’re lies.

Can we "recover" from the Trump era?! Gee, you mean the era when we have the kinds of good economic indicators that we have not seen in 17-18 years (the U-3 and U-6 rates, consumer confidence, durable goods orders, etc.)?! You mean the era when middle-income Americans are getting an increase of $80-$400 in their take-home pay thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when American businesses are bringing back hundreds of billions of dollars in money parked overseas, thanks to the Trump tax cuts? You mean the era when we're seeing the kind of growth in manufacturing jobs that we haven't seen in 15-20 years? You mean the era when we've made more progress against ISIS in the last 16 months than we made during all of Obama's presidency? You mean that era?
I'm sorry, but most everything in your post appears to me to be talking point nonsense and lies.

BTW, all those tax savings to the lower and middle class are being swallowed up by inflation in the fuel and food industries.
Well, foreigners already thought we were stupid. Guess that hasn't changed much.

I don't think the U.S. will ever fully recover from Trump. Our economy may be doing well, but our allies are turning away from us as much as they can afford to, and we're a laughingstock around the world. Once the economy sours, other leaders will become more open about their disdain for this president and more willing to act against him on the world stage.
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.
But the question remains What if the deal is similar to the Iran deal trump and republicans bashed?
I will call him out on it. I don't follow blindly, like Obama minions do. Will you support Trump if he makes a good deal?
But the question remains What if the deal is similar to the Iran deal trump and republicans bashed?

Apparently you haven't been paying attention, ed.

Our President is committed to negotiating a Tremendous deal, that will actually be beneficial to Iran as well. Expect the Mullahs to start wearing MIGA hats (make Iran Great Again) sooner rather than later.
I would say that depends on the President bendinbg over and kissing the ass of other world leaders might get them like you it doesn't mean they respect you. Sometimes to get respect you have to kick an ass not kiss it.
See, this is your problem. You don’t understand that if the press had wanted to declare Obama, or any other president a liar on the front page, they could have. You’re brainwashed by a Trump-hating press, thinking Trump’s sin are just Trump’s sins when they’re not. If the media had wanted to destroy Obama and make America hate him, they could have. The press controls the narrative and you’re falling right into their trap.

Please quit starting worthless, ignorant threads. Thank you.
We have routine domestic and front page news declaring the President of the USA a dishonest liar and you think that has no relevance?
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.
But the question remains What if the deal is similar to the Iran deal trump and republicans bashed?
I will call him out on it. I don't follow blindly, like Obama minions do. Will you support Trump if he makes a good deal?
Certainly I'd give him his just due......and while that indeed would be a feather in his cap there's much to dislike about the man and his presidency
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again?

The people around the world respect our President, like they haven't for decades. Guys like B. Hussein O.were good at apologizing for America, and accepting blame, but that doesn't help anyone.

What libs fail to realize is that MAGA- Make America Great Again- is only part of the Trumpster's message.

His message to the Mexicans is to Make Mexico Great Again and to the North Koreans is MNKGA.

Every country looking out for its own interests is the Trump Doctrine. And that's why North Korea will deal- President Un wants prosperity for his nation.

Interesting spin on reality, most people in the US and around the world consider Trump to be a lying ass and a bully.

Good leaders operate with a nutsack...often times scared pussies perceive firm leadership as bullying....outside of LibTardia it’s preferred that a President be a good leader and operate with a sack.
Yeah because peace talks with North Korea isn't a big thing. We lost respect with the world after Obama's word wide apology tour, his red line, and the fact he is a transvestite. Thank God Trump is our president and not Hillary. Oh and one more thing, we lost respect in the world. After we elected a president, just because he was black.
knowitall what will you say if after their meeting we're left with the same type of deal we had with Iran ?
How will you spin that how will the orange anus?
He is saying he will walk out if he isn't willing to deal. If he walks out with nothing, then we still haven't lost anything. If he works out a good deal then good. That's how I will spin it. Lol, like the way you defended Obama after knowing he thought you was an idiot for believing his Obama care lies.

What lies.
On Obama care
1 Will lower premiums by $2500 a year.
2 You can keep your doctor.
3 I will deal with both parties to debate.
4 It will be televised on Cspan so everyone can watch it.
Just a few off the top of my head. Now run a long, like I said I have no time for a completely closed mind. You are the problem of this country.
How disgraced and destructive has Donald Trump been to the US Presidency? Will Americans and foreigners ever trust a US President to be honest and truthful again? How will the Presidency ever become a symbol of integrity or at least dignity? Sure, some may argue there have been other really bad Presidents that gave America black eyes and bruised America's integrity and dignity before, but never the way Trump has. Trump may have totally destroyed any chance for redemption.

So, can America ever recover from the Donald Trump era?

Da Comrade, damn that Trump...




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