Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

Says the goat who bleats "racism!" at every opportunity. Too funny.

Yes, you can.

True, but you can still apply. Think better, kid.

Per capita is an element of mathematics. You just proved what I said earlier: Says the goat who bleats "racism!" at every opportunity.

I say we end welfare for both blacks and whites. Problem solved (except for how your dumb ass will survive, that is).
I state the truth. Per capita is a dodge. Totals tell the story. Welfare for the poor is not the problem.

You assumption that I get welfare shows that you're mentally deficient and cannot be taken seriously.
The fuck are you talking about?

Why are you constantly in denial of reality?

Who the fuck is telling you this? lol

Without AA black share at harvard will be under 5% because you score poorly on tests. Because you're on average stupid relative to the rest of us.

You simultaneously think AA helps you (racist society setting it's own racial quotas is good? lol) while believing you can do math? What?

You're not super n i g g e r s. You can run and jump not take a test. Live with it
The facts of the situation have been shown to you. Your use of the word ****** behind a computer screen shows everyone that you're a coward.

The situation shows that unqualified whites are getting in more than anyone else and AA works for Asians, hispanics, women and native Americans. Learn that reality sand boy. Now go on to the minaret to pray and shut the fuck up.
The facts of the situation have been shown to you. Your use of the word ****** behind a computer screen shows everyone that you're a coward.

The situation shows that unqualified whites are getting in more than anyone else and AA works for Asians, hispanics, women and native Americans. Learn that reality sand boy. Now go on to the minaret to pray and shut the fuck up.

You think people who are armed are scared of blacks? Think i've never talked shit to a darkie before? I am one the idiots think I'm latino hahaha

You people are very poorly behaved happens a lot. Mostly as I age on the road because god damn you're not built for a civilized roadway

And for the record I'd beat you like a dog

The irony of you saying that shit to me like I've never called many black guys a ****** to their faces. Hahaha
As a white woman YOU have been the population who have been given the most from Affirmative action. Understand that whites have been given continuous extra advantage for more than 15 generations.
WRONG! White women are often discriminated against as much as white men. And white women daughters and wives of white men suffer the discrimination that is put on their father and husbands. These far outnumber the relatively few white women getting AA preference.

Hispanics like myself, are also often discriminated against, in deference to blacks, who always get preference in affirmative action programs, and other racist crap, like Biden's notoriously bad "American Rescue Plan", now being decimated by the courts.

This is especially true in southern universities, like Memphis State University, that I attended in 1977, and was discriminated against by Affirmative Action. There, white liberals, deranged by decades of propaganda, still are deluged with ludicrous guilt over slavery, which they had nothing to do with, and are often bullied by racist blacks who demand preference for blacks (as in the case of the white medical examiner of Ahmaud Arberry, who was bullied into reporting Arbery's death as being asphixiation, after the medical examiner had already ruled that to not be the case. He should have told the guy to fuckoff and get lost.).

Also, back in the 70s, the City University of New York (another bastion of liberalism) began an "Open Admissions" program, allowing anyone to enter regardless of their high school grade average (previously 85% was required).

So thousands of blacks with poor high school grades enrolled. Then, when these dum dums couldn't keep up with the normal level of teaching, the curriculums were watered down. Open books tests (which I had never heard of) were started, and the boneheads were pushed through. Society now suffers all kinds of screwups (have you noticed?) because of these idiots having been hired to responsible jobs.
You think people who are armed are scared of blacks? Think i've never talked shit to a darkie before? I am one the idiots think I'm latino hahaha

You people are very poorly behaved happens a lot. Mostly as I age on the road because god damn you're not built for a civilized roadway

And for the record I'd beat you like a dog

The irony of you saying that shit to me like I've never called many black guys a ****** to their faces. Hahaha
I'd cripple you boy. Even at my age now.

You're just a punk ass racist talking stupid.

Face the facts and shut the fuck up.

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

Daniella Silva, Study on Harvard finds 43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff, Study finds 43 percent of Harvard's white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff

Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, Tyler Ransom, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Legacy And Athlete Preferences At Harvard, Working Paper 26316, Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard

Whites are getting the free passes. More unqualified whites are being admitted into Harvard than students of color.
I state the truth.
No, you state your own ignorant opinions.
Per capita is a dodge.
No, it's a mathematical equation used to compare percentages of groups composed of different sizes.
Totals tell the story.
Only in groups of identical size.
Welfare for the poor is not the problem.
That's an opinion as well.
You assumption that I get welfare shows that you're mentally deficient and cannot be taken seriously.
The fact that it triggered you to such a degree suggests you do.
Go get your GED, kid. Then you might be able to think effectively and get off the dole.
No, It does not need clarification at all, because it is a matter of opinion, based on personal experience.

However, if you do not believe that, it is your choice not to, and has nothing to do with me.

Thanks for asking anyway.
An opinion can be wrong. If you say (not that you would) that POC are inferior to white people, you would be not only wrong, but afloat in a sea untethered to rationality.
An opinion can be wrong. If you say (not that you would) that POC are inferior to white people, you would be not only wrong, but afloat in a sea untethered to rationality.
I didn't say that nor did I imply it, or believe that to be true, which has no bearing on how I personally view both political parties.
I didn't say that nor did I imply it, or believe that to be true, which has no bearing on how I personally view both political parties.
I didn’t ascribe the thought to you. I simply used it as an example of how an opinion can be wrong. One side can be more correct while the other side is less correct.
Kids can be cruel to minorities in their environment, I don’t doubt that.
Take it from someone who was bused across town to a predominantly white school in the 60's.

The apathy and indifference that I received from the administrators of that school, even though I was an honor student at my previous school, was without a doubt the worst that I ever experienced in life.
When I arrived there, as opposed to going over my grades and previous classes taken, their onboarding counselor proceeded to map out a curriculum for me that would have placed me in shop classes, and other classes where I had already completed all of the work.

Lucky for me, my father was an educator at another local secondary school, and when I went home after that first day and told him what happened, he was furious and met with the school administrators and straightened it out, after which I ended up spending two of the most miserable years there that I ever had in the school system in that city.

However, I did go on to be in the honor society at that school after finally being placed in an advanced curriculum, in spite of their desire and united efforts to see me being set up to fail.
This OP is entirely backwards. It is Affirmative Action that ended white privilege, and created black privilege 58 years ago, and it's been that way ever since. This is just more upside down nonsense from the fringe left.

Had there never been "white privilege", which lasted for the majority of America's history, "Affirmative Action", as we know it, likely would never have existed at all.

After Affirmative Action was implemented, there was no magical transformation that took place the day after, in order to grant opportunities to American blacks at the expense of whites, by positioning blacks to "replace" white citizens all over America, who were by default favored for prior centuries.

Had that happened, there would have been anarchy in the streets all over this country.

And in spite of "racist"Affirmative Action, the percentage of white males(with an ever increasing number of white females) who occupy middle to upper middle managerial positions in corporate America, has not significantly declined due to an "extraordinary influx" of "Black beneficiaries of Affirmative Action", who have displaced the white majority in college admissions nor in the workplace.
It should depend not on what one’s individual circumstances are in living with the policies - I’m sure, for example, that welfare mothers like the expanded tax ”credit” since they just end up with $1000 or more additional cash from other people - but what is best for the country as a whole. IMO, what is best for the country as a whole is:

1) where those who dissent from the current government policies are allowed to express their opinions freely without fear of repercussion, a key component of freedom now being erased

And when did this happen? The problem isn't freedom of opinion, it's a lack of informed opinion.

2) a strong border where illegal entry is halted and where those we admit legally are a benefit to society (excepting those with legitimate asylum claims), a key component to a strong country

Okay, you realize that most undocumented immigrants DON'T sneak in across the border. They enter on legal visas and then stay after their visas expire. If you weren't stupid, you'd realize this.

So why do we have an illegal alien problem? Because rich people hire them. I remember one company I applied at, the (Jewish) owners freely admitted that they knew half their warehouse staff was illegal, they just didn't care.

3) a country where successful, motivated, and disciplined people are admired, rather than demeaned, a key component to a productive and growing nation

The problem here is that what you define as "successful", most people would define as greedy. I don't really admire a Jeff Bezos who underpays his workers and spends 5 billion dollars on a Dick Rocket so he can fly into space with Bill Shatner.

4) strong laws against criminals and priority to the safety of law-abiding citizens, a key complement of a country with decent values

We lock up more people than any country in the world. We have a prison-industrial complex that locks up 2 million people for mostly non-violent crimes. We have 7 million people on probation or parole and 100 MILLION Americans with a police record. Do you feel any safer? I don't. What was that expression, people who give up freedom for security will end up with neither?

5) an educational system of our young where the focus is on math, science, and other basic academics rather than a false and misguided social justice curriculum convincing whites they are all privileged and blacks the poor oppressed who deserve special favorable policies specific to them

These are NOT found in the far-left Democrat Party today, but rather in the Republican, where my vote has moved in recent years.

Yes, let's tell these kids that reality doesn't exist... then it will be more of a fun surprise when they get out in the real world and have to deal with bigots like you barring the door for them.
WRONG! White women are often discriminated against as much as white men. And white women daughters and wives of white men suffer the discrimination that is put on their father and husbands. These far outnumber the relatively few white women getting AA preference.

Actually, no. Affirmative Action has been a HUGE boon to white women.

Hispanics like myself, are also often discriminated against, in deference to blacks, who always get preference in affirmative action programs, and other racist crap, like Biden's notoriously bad "American Rescue Plan", now being decimated by the courts.

Right, you're Hispanic.... sure you are.... Okay, so I missed the part where Hispanics encountered centuries of slavery, Jim Crow and Miscegenation laws meant to keep them down.

This is especially true in southern universities, like Memphis State University, that I attended in 1977, and was discriminated against by Affirmative Action. There, white liberals, deranged by decades of propaganda, still are deluged with ludicrous guilt over slavery, which they had nothing to do with, and are often bullied by racist blacks who demand preference for blacks (as in the case of the white medical examiner of Ahmaud Arberry, who was bullied into reporting Arbery's death as being asphixiation, after the medical examiner had already ruled that to not be the case. He should have told the guy to fuckoff and get lost.).

Well, if a medical examiner found Ahmaud Arbery died of asphyxiation, he probably should have been fired for incompetence, since Arbery was pretty clearly shot to death. (Yes, I know this fuckwad probably meant George Floyd, but I can't help but to get in a cheap shot!!!)

On a serious note, did it ever occur to you that you didn't do well in college because you are stupid?

Also, back in the 70s, the City University of New York (another bastion of liberalism) began an "Open Admissions" program, allowing anyone to enter regardless of their high school grade average (previously 85% was required).

And so? Frankly, GPA is not a good indicator of how smart anyone is.

So thousands of blacks with poor high school grades enrolled. Then, when these dum dums couldn't keep up with the normal level of teaching, the curriculums were watered down. Open books tests (which I had never heard of) were started, and the boneheads were pushed through. Society now suffers all kinds of screwups (have you noticed?) because of these idiots having been hired to responsible jobs.

We had open book tests as far back as the 1980's when I went to college. Um, actually, that's kind of a good idea. In the real world, you are expected to look things up to solve a problem, not necessarily have everything committed to memory.
Actually, no. Affirmative Action has been a HUGE boon to white women.

Right, you're Hispanic.... sure you are.... Okay, so I missed the part where Hispanics encountered centuries of slavery, Jim Crow and Miscegenation laws meant to keep them down.

Well, if a medical examiner found Ahmaud Arbery died of asphyxiation, he probably should have been fired for incompetence, since Arbery was pretty clearly shot to death. (Yes, I know this fuckwad probably meant George Floyd, but I can't help but to get in a cheap shot!!!)

On a serious note, did it ever occur to you that you didn't do well in college because you are stupid?

And so? Frankly, GPA is not a good indicator of how smart anyone is.

We had open book tests as far back as the 1980's when I went to college. Um, actually, that's kind of a good idea. In the real world, you are expected to look things up to solve a problem, not necessarily have everything committed to memory.
We had open book testing as far back as in high school when I attended in the 60"s.

Open-book exams are NOT easier than closed book exams

Oftentimes they are even more difficult.

An open-book exam will require the student to really understand the material and be able to locate and apply or analyze information and content rather than just remember it.

If a student has reading and comprehension issues, they are just as likely to fail an open book exam as a closed book exam.
I'd cripple you boy. Even at my age now.

You're just a punk ass racist talking stupid.

Face the facts and shut the fuck up.

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

Daniella Silva, Study on Harvard finds 43 percent of white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff, Study finds 43 percent of Harvard's white students are legacy, athletes, related to donors or staff

Peter Arcidiacono, Josh Kinsler, Tyler Ransom, National Bureau Of Economic Research, Legacy And Athlete Preferences At Harvard, Working Paper 26316, Legacy and Athlete Preferences at Harvard

Whites are getting the free passes. More unqualified whites are being admitted into Harvard than students of color.
So we have four groups of Harvard students who would not have been admitted if they were not:

1) legacy admits
2) children of staff
3) athletes
4) the majority of blacks

So let’s get rid of all the favoritism and stop with the social justice “equity” and legacies, staff kids, and athletes. (The latter will never happen….Harvard wants to win against Yale - and the former will never happen….Harvard wants the donations. But still, we debate as if reality would have no bearing.)

Let‘s stick with straight merit - the ability, as demonstrated through scores and grades, to master a competitive academic program - in deciding whom to admit, with the only “non-merit” based factor beimg family SES, and even that just a slight edge.

Based on stats that are not published in the world of higher ed admissions - since it would create problems - about 2/3rd of black admits would have been rejected had they been white. So the question is: would you be willing to see the student body of these prestigious colleges drop down to 5% black if it meant whites admitted under legacy and staff favoritism also had to meet the same stringent standards that white students with no “edge” (legacy or staff parent) do?
And when did this happen? The problem isn't freedom of opinion, it's a lack of informed opinion.

Okay, you realize that most undocumented immigrants DON'T sneak in across the border. They enter on legal visas and then stay after their visas expire. If you weren't stupid, you'd realize this.

So why do we have an illegal alien problem? Because rich people hire them. I remember one company I applied at, the (Jewish) owners freely admitted that they knew half their warehouse staff was illegal, they just didn't care.

The problem here is that what you define as "successful", most people would define as greedy. I don't really admire a Jeff Bezos who underpays his workers and spends 5 billion dollars on a Dick Rocket so he can fly into space with Bill Shatner.

We lock up more people than any country in the world. We have a prison-industrial complex that locks up 2 million people for mostly non-violent crimes. We have 7 million people on probation or parole and 100 MILLION Americans with a police record. Do you feel any safer? I don't. What was that expression, people who give up freedom for security will end up with neither?

Yes, let's tell these kids that reality doesn't exist... then it will be more of a fun surprise when they get out in the real world and have to deal with bigots like you barring the door for them.
As soon as you made your nasty smack against the JEWISH company - why bring up the fact that the owner was Jewish? - , your liberal antisemitism was apparent and I stopped reading.

Shameful that leftists are defending criminals and berating Jews.
So we have four groups of Harvard students who would not have been admitted if they were not:

1) legacy admits
2) children of staff
3) athletes
4) the majority of blacks

So let’s get rid of all the favoritism and stop with the social justice “equity” and legacies, staff kids, and athletes. (The latter will never happen….Harvard wants to win against Yale - and the former will never happen….Harvard wants the donations. But still, we debate as if reality would have no bearing.)

Let‘s stick with straight merit - the ability, as demonstrated through scores and grades, to master a competitive academic program - in deciding whom to admit, with the only “non-merit” based factor beimg family SES, and even that just a slight edge.

Based on stats that are not published in the world of higher ed admissions - since it would create problems - about 2/3rd of black admits would have been rejected had they been white. So the question is: would you be willing to see the student body of these prestigious colleges drop down to 5% black if it meant whites admitted under legacy and staff favoritism also had to meet the same stringent standards that white students with no “edge” (legacy or staff parent) do?
Personally, I would have no problem with it at all.

Harvard is not typically a destination that is anywhere on the radar for the average black college student. In fact, most typically attend community colleges prior to moving on.

There are many HBCUS that are in need of students, so I would prefer to see more of them attend those institutions, in order to keep them in existence.

The last admissions breakdown by race that I saw for Harvard, showed approximately 8% of admissions identified as black, while 33% were legacy admissions.
Personally, I would have no problem with it at all.

Harvard is not typically a destination that is anywhere on the radar for the average black college student. In fact, most typically attend community colleges prior to moving on.

There are many HBCUS that are in need of students, so I would prefer to see more of them attend those institutions, in order to keep them in existence.

The last admissions breakdown by race that I saw for Harvard, showed approximately 8% of admissions identified as black, while 33% were legacy admissions.
It’s now above 11% black, but regardless - only one in three would have qualified based on merit. As far as the legacy admissions, about half would have qualified based on merit. So while the legacies represent a higher percentage, a higher percentage would have qualified regardless.

Regardless, let’s get rid of all the favoritism.

As an aside, I once had the “pleasure” of working with two Harvard grads at a company where an Ivy degree was given top priority. One was the white son and grandson of Harvard men, and the other was a black young man.

Both were mediocre, but the white kid was suffocating to work with. He had obviously grown up with an air of entitlement, and thought he was the smartest in the room - constantly correcting people with 30 years more experience, and being wrong about it. NOBODY wanted him on their team.

The black kid was a nice guy. Based on the aptitude he demonstrated - he needed the same “repeat” instructions as the kids from no-name colleges - he was probably among the majority of black students who were admitted do to his race. I suspect he knew this, as he did not exhibit the same arrogance that the legacy did, and I much preferred working with him.

Just two instances out of thousands, but still….thought it might be interesting. Neither one would have gone to Harvard without favoritism.

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