Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

Why are some of these guys scared to talk about the actual topic?

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each.

Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs.

Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

So what we see here is that whites are provided entry by a plethora of other preferences they would not qualify for if not for their race. The study shows that Asian admittance is not being stifled or reduced because Harvard must admit blacks and Hispanics that are presumably unqualified. Instead we see that it is white ALDC students who would not qualify under any other circumstance being admitted at more than double the number of Asians, blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans.

Unqualified whites are being admitted into Harvard and whining about how unfair Affirmative action is.

Fairness will probably do-in affirmative action
The case is being decided by the USSC soon
It's a conservative court so I do expect it to end.
By far the main, if not only reason, for group difference in SAT scores .. is IQ scores.
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originally Huff post:

..."A study by Princeton sociologist Thomas Espenshade examined applicants to top colleges from 1997.. found that Asian-Americans needed a 1550 SAT to have an equal chance of getting into an elite college as white students with a 1410 or black students with an 1100."

That's what you need to do because you made an ignorant comment that ignores all of American history.
You can make up whatever butthurt history you'd like, but those of us who are educated know you're wrong.
You clearly do not think deeply.
Says the goat who bleats "racism!" at every opportunity. Too funny.
You can't just choose to apply for welfare,
Yes, you can.
you must qualify to get welfare.
True, but you can still apply. Think better, kid.
Per capita is the out you racists try using
Per capita is an element of mathematics. You just proved what I said earlier: Says the goat who bleats "racism!" at every opportunity.
when faced with the fact that whites have a larger problem.
I say we end welfare for both blacks and whites. Problem solved (except for how your dumb ass will survive, that is).
yes, he was. He was wrong about Confederate Soldiers, though. Whether he just had bad information, or if he was stretching the truth to shame the Union into organizing black militias is the question.

Well, gee, we wanted to keep non-white people out. I am so glad that we have progressed since then...um...well... um...

View attachment 598277

Never mind.
As far as the internment of Japanese Americans... Um, we were at war with Japan. We removed a population that might have collaborated from a possible invasion zone. when the threat was eliminated, most of them were released within a year.

It just doesn't compare to slavery and Jim Crow. Nowhere even close.
Interning Japanese nationals was both legal and customary. In fact, they should have been repatriated to Japan, but the Japanese refused to repatriate enemy civilians they detained. I think it was even reasonable to detain the minor American citizen children of the Japanese nationals since separating them from their parents would be cruel. What wasn't legal was interning adult American citizens of Japanese descent. Some German and Italian citizens were interned, but the percentages were smaller, possibly because of the Axis nations, only Japan viewed all of its expatriates as being Japanese citizens regardless of their acquired citizenship. However, that's just a guess on my part.
Except no one called McCain a racist. Romney, on the other hand, didn't get called racist enough. The guy is a Mormon, a member of a racist cult that didn't even let black people join until 1978 and calls dark skin a curse from God.

The problem McCain had was that Bush had fucked up the economy so bad, he really had nothing to say. Romney lost because he was an out of touch rich guy.

Trump didn't win, exactly. He just got lucky that too many stupid people voted third party because Hillary wasn't likable, and because we use a racist electoral college system that gives more weight to places white people live.

First, it's "rotting in hell", not "rotten in hell". Seriously, you seem to lack basic English Comprehension skills.

Secondly, Trump isn't a "real Republican". Trump just realized that the Republican base cares more about its racism than any ideological points.

Bullshit. What Reagan did probably made the situation worse. First, giving amensty to the last batch made the next batch think they'd get it too. Secondly, his policy shifted the burden of proving citizenship to the employer, which is pretty much like asking the foxes to guard the henhouse.
The deal Reagan made with Top O'Neil and the democrats was for a one-time amnesty that was conditional on the democrats supporting a secure border. The democrats got their amnesty and, as usual, reneged on their side of the deal so the border was never secured. Tip did the same thing on the "Reagan" spending agreement, Tip got his increased taxes and reneged on the two for one (I believe) spending cuts that were part of the deal. Employers follow the law, it's not their fault that the government has tied them to a set of regulations that makes proving someone is illegal almost impossible. The IRS knows for a fact that multiple people are using the same SSAN illegally, but never investigates, or refers them to the INS for investigation and prosecution.
"Many will remember McCain as the incidental savior of the Affordable Care Act. His late-night thumbs-down vote halted his party’s most promising effort to overturn a major Democratic achievement — the signature achievement, in fact, of the Democrat who beat him to become president. It was a vote that earned him regular — and biting — admonishments from President Donald Trump........

In his 2018 memoirs, “The Restless Wave,” McCain said even Obama called to express gratitude for McCain’s vote against the Republican repeal bill.

“I was thanked for my vote by Democratic friends more profusely than I should have been for helping save Obamacare,” McCain wrote. “That had not been my goal.”

You are being intellectually dishonest here. McCain did not vote for the ACA. He did vote against overturning it because- wait for it - Trump hadn't presented a plan to replace it with. That's kind of a big deal. If you are going to revoke Health Care coverage for 30 million people, then you should have a plan to replace it with something.

Wrong again.. will you ever be right?

Wow, he called McCain out on the shit he was saying or at least tolerating?

And unions are greedy, and it hurts the poor .. Poor people use small contractors to get out of poverty up until the 1960s

You know, it's funny you should mention that... I just had a bunch of work done on my Condo... which cost me a lot of money despite my best efforts to competitively bid. And every last guy who came over to do the work was Hispanic. So I am not sure who these supposedly cheap small contractors are... I would have loved to have found one.
You are being intellectually dishonest here. McCain did not vote for the ACA. He did vote against overturning it because- wait for it - Trump hadn't presented a plan to replace it with. That's kind of a big deal. If you are going to revoke Health Care coverage for 30 million people, then you should have a plan to replace it with something.

Wow, he called McCain out on the shit he was saying or at least tolerating?

You know, it's funny you should mention that... I just had a bunch of work done on my Condo... which cost me a lot of money despite my best efforts to competitively bid. And every last guy who came over to do the work was Hispanic. So I am not sure who these supposedly cheap small contractors are... I would have loved to have found one.
One out of five Of those Hispanics that worked on your house probably raped a little girl on his way to this country. Gay homicide in Latin America is very high you get killed for being gay.
How exactly do you want this country to look?

btw low wage immigration will always take our jobs. It’s why we had the nationalization act.. you had to come from another country that was similar to this one.
Trump hadn't presented a plan to replace it with.
A plan to replace socialize medicine? Lol yes he did. FREE MARKET Medicine. He was going to lower prescription prices he forced hospitals to be transparent about the prices so people can shop around.. keep in mind Trump was obstructed every day for four years.. And he still got shit done
Interning Japanese nationals was both legal and customary. In fact, they should have been repatriated to Japan, but the Japanese refused to repatriate enemy civilians they detained. I think it was even reasonable to detain the minor American citizen children of the Japanese nationals since separating them from their parents would be cruel. What wasn't legal was interning adult American citizens of Japanese descent. Some German and Italian citizens were interned, but the percentages were smaller, possibly because of the Axis nations, only Japan viewed all of its expatriates as being Japanese citizens regardless of their acquired citizenship. However, that's just a guess on my part.

I would go so far to say the difference was that (besides outright racism) is that 1) Japan had a fleet and posed an actual threat of invasion, 2) Most of the REAL anger during the war was directed at the Japanese, because THEY bombed Pearl Harbor, 3) The only Germans and Italians who got thrown into the clink were the ones who had fascist sympathies. Japan really didn't have a political/idealogical basis for the war. They just wanted more land and the Americans were in their way.

The deal Reagan made with Top O'Neil and the democrats was for a one-time amnesty that was conditional on the democrats supporting a secure border. The democrats got their amnesty and, as usual, reneged on their side of the deal so the border was never secured. Tip did the same thing on the "Reagan" spending agreement, Tip got his increased taxes and reneged on the two for one (I believe) spending cuts that were part of the deal. Employers follow the law, it's not their fault that the government has tied them to a set of regulations that makes proving someone is illegal almost impossible. The IRS knows for a fact that multiple people are using the same SSAN illegally, but never investigates, or refers them to the INS for investigation and prosecution.

Okay, let's look at these.

First on Amnesty... the border can't be secured. Trump built a wall that can be foiled by $200 tools from the Home Depot. If you want to keep people from coming here, you have to take away their reasons for coming by cracking down on the people who hired them. That's where the Reagan plan failed, because he left it up to the employers to do verification. Come on, people who hire illegals KNOW they are hiring illegals, they just don't care.

As for spending, Reagan was all for increasing spending while cutting taxes. He blew up the military budget, and even spending on social programs increased on his watch. What Reagan did do was shift the tax burden from the wealthy to the middle class. And they cheered him for it.

Now, I kind of respect Reagan. Compared to Dubya and Trump, he was awesome.
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keep people from coming here, you have to take away their reasons for coming by cracking down on the people who hired them.
Actually our nationalization act work. In 1960 America had less than 1 million Latinos in this country. This is during reconstruction this is during the industrial days when we were building America.. latinos wouldn’t step foot in his goddamn country. Because we respected the first amendment and the second amendment. You bring those things back. Admit that homogeneous countries are the most successful countries in the world build your immigration system around that solid fact.
One out of five Of those Hispanics that worked on your house probably raped a little girl on his way to this country. Gay homicide in Latin America is very high you get killed for being gay.
How exactly do you want this country to look?

Wow.. so you are racist and stupid. What a great combo.

I'm fine with more people of color in this country. What I've found is that when Hispanics and Asians come here, they work their butts off. If you are such a loser that a person with no money, no connections and a limited grasp on English is outperforming you, that's on you.

A plan to replace socialize medicine? Lol yes he did. FREE MARKET Medicine. He was going to lower prescription prices he forced hospitals to be transparent about the prices so people can shop around.. keep in mind Trump was obstructed every day for four years.. And he still got shit done

Free Market medicine means you let people die of treatable diseases because there's no profit to be made in treating them. That's kind of fucked up.

Nobody is going to "shop around" when they have terminal cancer, stupid. They aren't going to shop around when they've just been in a car accident. Nobody is going to Check Yelp Reviews in the fucking ambulance!

The fact is, Private insurance is just as "Socialist" as a government program. Money goes into a big pool, some people are paying, some people are getting. The only question is, which system will cover more people more effectively. THE REST OF THE WORLD HAS FIGURED THIS OUT. That's why they have single payer, universal care.
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Actually our nationalization act work. In 1960 America had less than 1 million Latinos in this country. This is during reconstruction this is during the industrial days when we were building America.. latinos wouldn’t step foot in his goddamn country. Because we respected the first amendment and the second amendment. You bring those things back. Admit that homogeneous countries are the most successful countries in the world build your immigration system around that solid fact.

Actually, the government didn't count Latinos in 1960. They started asking about them in 1970, where they found 9 million people identified as "Hispanic".
I'm fine with more people of color in this country. What I've found is that when Hispanics and Asians come here, they work their butts off.
Yes you like servants not a cohesive country where people have things in common. Commonality is the most important thing that helps poor Americans even poor Hispanics even poor blacks. It’s why the most dangerous in violent places in America are multicultural.. you might not realize this because you’re not the brightest knife.. but not having things in common causes violence in poor neighborhoods.. The poor need identity they need a culture they need a reason to make it in this country they don’t have it.
Free Market medicine means you let people die of treatable diseases because there's no profit to be made in treating them. That's kind of fucked up.
We actually had more hospital beds pre expansion of Government run health care.. when I talk about emergency rooms had more hospital beds I mean they had a shit load more room.
Nobody is going to "shop around" when they have terminal cancer,
They don’t shop around? My father has a terminal illness. I’ve taken him to three different hospitals to shop around. Lol
The fact is, Private insurance is just as "Socialist"
it’s still run 1,000 times better the the government.. and that’s your opinion. Hospitals were much better off with less government involvement
Actually, the government didn't count Latinos in 1960. They started asking about them in 1970, where they found 9 million people identified as "Hispanic".
If you don’t think we knew how many Latinos were in the country in 1960 you probably shouldn’t be able to drive.. lol you’re about as sharp as a butter knife. Lol Yes after welfare was implemented in America Puerto Ricans started to come here after they applied for public housing in poor American cities, they could get free housing they can get a welfare and sit in American public housing paid for by the United States of America and do nothing all day I grew up around it.. it absolutely destroyed my City
I sure as hell hope so

Blaming people for past ills they had no part in is so wrong. You would have to agree with that simple logic
Yup. I worked in higher ed admissions. It was heartbreaking to see bright, studious white students with GPAs of 3.6 and 3.7 and top test score rejected to “make room” for black students with 3.2 and 3.3. scores.

This has gone on for two generations - more than 40 years - and all debts are now paid. Admission should be granted based on merit, with perhaps some slight extra consideration to high-achieving kids from poor backgrounds, but RACE SHOULD BE IRRELEVANT.

Two generations of extra advantage in getting into prestigious educational programs is enough.
I love that question. The obvious answer is through the tax system but if all that has been done to many is make them welfare dependent then it hasn't "helped", has it? The question really should be what help is there that will make a difference? The biggest one I can think of is "by not voting Democrats". I don't know what answer was given but that is the best one imo.

Not being American I can think of a considerable number of things I have done PERSONALLY because I had the opportunity. I am BIG on Education and stuff that works so in the 80s, while working through Uni, I assisted at a "bush kids" College in a part of Oz where there was significant lack of opportunities in isolated communities. There was a large majority of Black kids in attendance and I assisted with After Hours care and Homework for the live-in kids there. I was put in touch with them by an aboriginal friend of mine. Some of their stories are not for a polite thread. Before that I was a volunteer at an alcoholic's shelter in Melbourne with a significant Black clientele? That was also an opener. When I was in a political phase (hack: low level) I was able to assist in the development of some policies for a Political Party relating to Aboriginal land access and ownership but was also a Project "person" designing housing for isolated communities as well as other community projects. Since then I have frequently assisted at Homework centers for Black kids as a volunteer; been doing that for nearly thirty years. Nothing major but always with an education focus. I keep well away from nutty lefty activist morons who mix up a caring society and white guilt; stuff that garbage; it's a money and power grab. But I have had the OPPORTUNITY to assist and have been pleased to do so. I am also aware that the experience here has been different to the US. The Black experience in the US has been one of being held back deliberately by DemoKKKrats in PARTICULAR WHILE HERE THE PROBLEM WAS A HIGH LEVEL OF paternalism; IT WAS THE "POOR BLACKS" AND SO ON. The KEY OF COURSE WAS AND IS education and the Churches were left to provide the means for that and they did a fantastic but ultimately thankless job as the left have tried to hijack the issues. Fortunately they are not as successful at it as they seem to be in the US. The number of successful Blacks here is incredible but you rarely hear about them; the media is far too concerned with the power hungry fringe.

I could go on but that is where I will leave it. I have found lefties big on rhetoric when it comes to Blacks but when it comes to PERSONAL involvement they are busy with platitudes.

Now I would say that many conservatives are in the practical help category while lefties are in it as a means to control. The end result? Real help V keeping the status quo of welfare dependence. !M2 says he is successful and good on him, but what he fails to see is that he is now in the Power games. That is NOT where Blacks can win anything as a whole because the Power and $ will go to only a few; BLM springs to mind. Communities devastated and bleeding while the few buy property in Florida.

Just so I am clear, you stated that you're not American, do you reside here? If so, during what time frame?

Your efforts to help others are commendable, but do you actually believe that you were guided
to do so through human compassion, or personal political leanings?

In my case, I've witnessed equal apathy from both political parties regarding the black citizens of this country, which is why I don't favor either party.
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Just so I am clear, you stated that you're not American, do you reside here? If so, during what time frame?

Your efforts to help others are commendable, but do you actually believe that you were guided
to do so through human compassion, or personal political leanings?

In my case, I've witnessed equal apathy from both political parties regarding the black citizens of this country, which is why I don't favor either party.
In no way would I consider myself an activist; you asked a "gotcha" question: "What have YOU done" sorta thingy and I told you. Do NOT assign a political motive to me when my actions are not motivated by anything other than a simple wanting to assist. You will find that is the overwhelming motivation of most who are giving freely when they see a problem. I leave the political power plays to those who are either after the power and using worthy causes to grease their path or the downright cynical using the "downtrodden masses" to try and change society to their own image. I was in a [position many years ago to be a backroom "political Hack: bottom level" where I was able to actually have input into policy. That was good and I reflect on it with some fondness as well as several Projects in which I was involved. That was thirty years ago. As for "witnessed"; I would say "get involved"; ALL politics worth anything is local!!


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