Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

Why can’t we have a back-and-forth debate? Why do you have to resort to name calling?

Because you are too stupid to have a conversation with, Corky.


"Doy, Fredrick Douglas said there were black confederates...Doy!!!!"
There are many towns in America that are high in poverty and they have almost no crime.. I don’t get what your saying. Being poor in America is almost like being a millionaire in the third world country.. lol what’s your point? People in America have a right to be poor.. it’s actually rewarding to work and have food on the table kiss your kids good nite.. it’s not rewarding to get paid for doing absolutely nothing making bad decisions with men. Is that what you’re advocating for?

Uh, Corky, we'd have enough money for everyone to live a upper middle class lifestyle if the wealth were evenly distributed.

I'm not sure where these mythical towns are that have no crime... but in the real world, when you have poverty, you have crime. Although easy access to guns, untreated addiction and mental illness, and racism are also factors. But it's not like we are going to try to fix any of those things, Daddy Warbucks might not be able to afford a new Dressage Horse this year.

The problem with poverty is a lot of the poor DO have jobs. 40% of households receiving SNAP benefits have at least one family member working. The same with Medicaid and Section 8.

The real problem is, we spend FAR more on Middle class entitlements (social security, Medicare, Veteran's benefits, Unemployment insurance) than we do on poverty relief. Otherwise we'd have MORE poverty in this country, not less.

Happy to have straightened that out for you, you were looking a little dense.
Uh, Corky, we'd have enough money for everyone to live a upper middle class lifestyle if the wealth were evenly distributed.
Our middle class neighborhoods were built with merit not hand outs. Ppl worked for what they had. It’s rewarding .. giving ppl merit less/ money would destroy the fabric of America.
I'm not sure where these mythical towns are that have no crime...
Most towns that fall in the poverty category are in rural red states. Some of these locations haven’t seen a murder in 10 years lol
The problem with poverty is a lot of the poor DO have jobs.
Umm wht? Working is the problem? lol

you leave out bad decisions in your poverty data base.. and unfortunately that’s your issue.. Americans have no Obligation to pay for peoples bad decisions.
yes, he was. He was wrong about Confederate Soldiers, though. Whether he just had bad information, or if he was stretching the truth to shame the Union into organizing black militias is the question.

Well, gee, we wanted to keep non-white people out. I am so glad that we have progressed since then...um...well... um...

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Never mind.
As far as the internment of Japanese Americans... Um, we were at war with Japan. We removed a population that might have collaborated from a possible invasion zone. when the threat was eliminated, most of them were released within a year.

It just doesn't compare to slavery and Jim Crow. Nowhere even close.
It isn’t meant to be comparable but was an evil in it’s own right, and released? After they had lost everything, and no compensation. And no, you can’t excuse it. You stripped an entire population of citizens of it’s rights. It is no different than any other xenophobic fears.
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No, actually, I'm an independent. I voted Republican up until 2008, when the Crazies took over the party.
So you were republican in name only?
But to the point, the racists who brought us slavery and Jim Crow were run out of the Democratic Party in 1964, and the Republicans welcomed them with open arms.
Republicans respect the constitution, free speech freedom to protest, limited government. The only military style racial protesters are democrats.. kkk/blm/antifa.
all used indoctrinated, all used fear to get them to attack. DEMOCRATS.. you’re a democrat
Our middle class neighborhoods were built with merit not hand outs. Ppl worked for what they had. It’s rewarding .. giving ppl merit less/ money would destroy the fabric of America.

Actually, bullshit. Our middle class neighborhoods were built because the Government under FDR took the side of the working class and supported unions. Because after WWII, we had the government subsidize GI housing for guys like my dad who served in WWII. Because you had things like the GI bill and Pell grants that helped middle class white people get into college. That's why we had a middle class... which Republicans have been working to dismantle since Reagan.


You were born on third base and thought you hit a triple.

Most towns that fall in the poverty category are in rural red states. Some of these locations haven’t seen a murder in 10 years lol

Um, okay, not sure what your point is, here Corky. we have a population of 330 Million and about 20,000 homicides a year. Statistically, a small town is unlikely to see a homicide when your chance of being a victim of homicide is 1 in 16,500. Big cities have more homicides because they have higher concentrations of people.

Umm wht? Working is the problem? lol

you leave out bad decisions in your poverty data base.. and unfortunately that’s your issue.. Americans have no Obligation to pay for peoples bad decisions.

Really? I seem to remember when Wall Street and the Banks made horrible decisions, the government rushed to help them out.... But I guess that only applies to rich white people.
Our middle class neighborhoods were built with merit not hand outs. Ppl worked for what they had. It’s rewarding .. giving ppl merit less/ money would destroy the fabric of America.

Our middle class neighborhoods, as we know them today, were largely built thanks to the GI bill post WW2, merit was based on skin color.

The G.I. Bill almost single-handedly built the American middle class by addressing core social needs—unemployment, education, and health care—and, importantly, it did so through government-backed, low-interest, fixed-rate mortgages with zero or low down payments and up to 30-year terms. In effect, the G.I. Bill put homes within reach of all but the poorest American vets.

By 1952, 2.4 million veterans had received government-backed loans. A new class of postwar homeowners was born—and they looked awfully alike.

Umm wht? Working is the problem? lol

you leave out bad decisions in your poverty data base.. and unfortunately that’s your issue.. Americans have no Obligation to pay for peoples bad decisions.
Most poverty is “bad decisions”? B.S. There is that “poverty is a moral failing” judgement.
It isn’t meant to be comparable but was an evil in it’s own right, and released? After they had lost everything, and compensation. And no, you can’t excuse it. You stripped an entire population of citizens of it’s rights. It is no different than any other xenophobic fears.

I disagree. The only reason why it looks bad is because the Japanese never invaded the west coast. If a few battles had gone the other way, such as Midway, that might have been a serious issue. You'd have had a population of potential collaborators, and frankly, the Axis found Collaborators in every country they invaded.

Take the Philippines, at that time a US possession the Japanese DID manage to take. Yes, some Filipinos joined the resistance, but a lot of them signed up to be part of the Second Philippine Republic, a collaborationist regime that cooperated with the Japanese.
I disagree. The only reason why it looks bad is because the Japanese never invaded the west coast. If a few battles had gone the other way, such as Midway, that might have been a serious issue. You'd have had a population of potential collaborators, and frankly, the Axis found Collaborators in every country they invaded.

Take the Philippines, at that time a US possession the Japanese DID manage to take. Yes, some Filipinos joined the resistance, but a lot of them signed up to be part of the Second Philippine Republic, a collaborationist regime that cooperated with the Japanese.
There is a huge difference. Japanese Americans were willing immigrants who had built lives in America for generations. They were patriotic Americans. The situation in the Philippines could be summed up in what you called it “a U.S. possession”.
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I'm not political. Both parties are terrible IMO.

Jim Crow existed in other geographical regions than the south. I witnessed it personally.

Out of curiosity, how have you personally helped "THEM" in the past?
I love that question. The obvious answer is through the tax system but if all that has been done to many is make them welfare dependent then it hasn't "helped", has it? The question really should be what help is there that will make a difference? The biggest one I can think of is "by not voting Democrats". I don't know what answer was given but that is the best one imo.

Not being American I can think of a considerable number of things I have done PERSONALLY because I had the opportunity. I am BIG on Education and stuff that works so in the 80s, while working through Uni, I assisted at a "bush kids" College in a part of Oz where there was significant lack of opportunities in isolated communities. There was a large majority of Black kids in attendance and I assisted with After Hours care and Homework for the live-in kids there. I was put in touch with them by an aboriginal friend of mine. Some of their stories are not for a polite thread. Before that I was a volunteer at an alcoholic's shelter in Melbourne with a significant Black clientele? That was also an opener. When I was in a political phase (hack: low level) I was able to assist in the development of some policies for a Political Party relating to Aboriginal land access and ownership but was also a Project "person" designing housing for isolated communities as well as other community projects. Since then I have frequently assisted at Homework centers for Black kids as a volunteer; been doing that for nearly thirty years. Nothing major but always with an education focus. I keep well away from nutty lefty activist morons who mix up a caring society and white guilt; stuff that garbage; it's a money and power grab. But I have had the OPPORTUNITY to assist and have been pleased to do so. I am also aware that the experience here has been different to the US. The Black experience in the US has been one of being held back deliberately by DemoKKKrats in PARTICULAR WHILE HERE THE PROBLEM WAS A HIGH LEVEL OF paternalism; IT WAS THE "POOR BLACKS" AND SO ON. The KEY OF COURSE WAS AND IS education and the Churches were left to provide the means for that and they did a fantastic but ultimately thankless job as the left have tried to hijack the issues. Fortunately they are not as successful at it as they seem to be in the US. The number of successful Blacks here is incredible but you rarely hear about them; the media is far too concerned with the power hungry fringe.

I could go on but that is where I will leave it. I have found lefties big on rhetoric when it comes to Blacks but when it comes to PERSONAL involvement they are busy with platitudes.

Now I would say that many conservatives are in the practical help category while lefties are in it as a means to control. The end result? Real help V keeping the status quo of welfare dependence. !M2 says he is successful and good on him, but what he fails to see is that he is now in the Power games. That is NOT where Blacks can win anything as a whole because the Power and $ will go to only a few; BLM springs to mind. Communities devastated and bleeding while the few buy property in Florida.

I just provided you the stats. The black poverty rate went from 59% in 1959 to 22% in 2001. Holy fucking shit, are you dense.
He's stuck on stupid. He wants to believe that right wing narrative and facts cannot penetrate. Furthermore he's off topic.
I don't really understand your wording, however I will try to make some sense out what you were attempting to say.

I'm not questioning how you personally treat anyone at all.

You stated that you "can't help blacks anymore if they continue to vote Democrat".

I simply asked you how you have PERSONALLY helped "THEM" in the past.

Are you implying that because you happen to abhor Democrats, that your sentiments somehow benefit the Black population?
Correct; DemoKKKrats have always been a disaster for Blacks. Nuff said!!

So you were republican in name only?

Um. No. I was Republican before it was crazy.

Let's review, shall we. Republicans today in the Cult of the Orange Blob hate John McCain, a war hero that they said should be president a mere 14 years ago. They hate Mitt Romney, a guy they said should have been president 10 years ago. They hate the Bush family. They even hate the guy that was Trump's Vice President for four years. This isn't a political movement, this is a cult.

Ronald Reagan wouldn't be welcome in today's Republican Party. He put merit ahead of ideology on his SCOTUS picks, he gave amnesty to 3 million undocumented aliens, raised taxes after it was clear Supply Side didn't do what they said it would do. So instead, republicans create a "mythical" Reagan of sound bites. Understandable, he's the only Republican since Ike who wasn't impeached, forced to resign, voted out of office or left the country in an economic mess.

Republicans respect the constitution, free speech freedom to protest, limited government. The only military style racial protesters are democrats.. kkk/blm/antifa.
all used indoctrinated, all used fear to get them to attack. DEMOCRATS.. you’re a democrat

Wow, you really are a retard, aren't you?

You can't lock up 2 million people and then claim you respect "Freedom". Usually, when a Republican talks about "liberty", he means the ability of those with privilege to abuse those without.
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I love that question. The obvious answer is through the tax system but if all that has been done to many is make them welfare dependent then it hasn't "helped", has it? The question really should be what help is there that will make a difference? The biggest one I can think of is "by not voting Democrats". I don't know what answer was given but that is the best one imo.

Not being American I can think of a considerable number of things I have done PERSONALLY because I had the opportunity. I am BIG on Education and stuff that works so in the 80s, while working through Uni, I assisted at a "bush kids" College in a part of Oz where there was significant lack of opportunities in isolated communities. There was a large majority of Black kids in attendance and I assisted with After Hours care and Homework for the live-in kids there. I was put in touch with them by an aboriginal friend of mine. Some of their stories are not for a polite thread. Before that I was a volunteer at an alcoholic's shelter in Melbourne with a significant Black clientele? That was also an opener. When I was in a political phase (hack: low level) I was able to assist in the development of some policies for a Political Party relating to Aboriginal land access and ownership but was also a Project "person" designing housing for isolated communities as well as other community projects. Since then I have frequently assisted at Homework centers for Black kids as a volunteer; been doing that for nearly thirty years. Nothing major but always with an education focus. I keep well away from nutty lefty activist morons who mix up a caring society and white guilt; stuff that garbage; it's a money and power grab. But I have had the OPPORTUNITY to assist and have been pleased to do so. I am also aware that the experience here has been different to the US. The Black experience in the US has been one of being held back deliberately by DemoKKKrats in PARTICULAR WHILE HERE THE PROBLEM WAS A HIGH LEVEL OF paternalism; IT WAS THE "POOR BLACKS" AND SO ON. The KEY OF COURSE WAS AND IS education and the Churches were left to provide the means for that and they did a fantastic but ultimately thankless job as the left have tried to hijack the issues. Fortunately they are not as successful at it as they seem to be in the US. The number of successful Blacks here is incredible but you rarely hear about them; the media is far too concerned with the power hungry fringe.

I could go on but that is where I will leave it. I have found lefties big on rhetoric when it comes to Blacks but when it comes to PERSONAL involvement they are busy with platitudes.

Now I would say that many conservatives are in the practical help category while lefties are in it as a means to control. The end result? Real help V keeping the status quo of welfare dependence. !M2 says he is successful and good on him, but what he fails to see is that he is now in the Power games. That is NOT where Blacks can win anything as a whole because the Power and $ will go to only a few; BLM springs to mind. Communities devastated and bleeding while the few buy property in Florida.

No, both parties have been complicit. You are completely wrong but that's the problem. Whites like you won't listen and think you can tell people who have lived the experience that you have not, what has gone on.
black failure NOW is all the we should be discussing
The Black successful small businesses have been attacked by the no good BLM/Antifa rioters and lax drug control measures by DemoKKKrats and their pushers.

There is a huge difference. Japanese Americans were willing immigrants who had built lives in America for generations. They were patriotic Americans. The situation in the Philippines could be summed up in what you called it “a U.S. possession”.

Any Frenchman in 1939 would have called Marshall Petain a "patriotic Frenchman"... until he became a Nazi collaborator.

The fact that so many Filipinos looked at the Japanese, ignored what they were doing in China and said, "Yup, we are going to throw in with these guys" says that a reasonable fear of collaborators is not unwarranted.

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