Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

As usual the racists pricks here try derailing this thread because they cannot face the truth. This thread is not about Africa, black crime, the so called loss of the black family or any of the off topic shit that has been posted.

It's about this;

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each.

Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs.

Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

So what we see here is that whites are provided entry by a plethora of other preferences they would not qualify for if not for their race. The study shows that Asian admittance is not being stifled or reduced because Harvard must admit blacks and Hispanics that are presumably unqualified. Instead we see that it is white ALDC students who would not qualify under any other circumstance being admitted at more than double the number of Asians, blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans.

This is about unqualified whites being admitted in far higher numbers than everybody else then crying about how unfair AA is.
Work harder, fix the black family.
Don't tell me that racist actually tried quoting Frederick Douglass.
It's more misinformed ignorance and conditioning of the gullible than racism, IMO.

When you really start to dissect what this person states, and fact check it, it becomes clearly obvious what is actually going on.

A confederacy sympathizer who quotes revisionist statements from Frederick Douglas in an attempt to create a fictional group of black confederacy supporters.

Typical and not surprising at all.

I've seen it for decades.

It's nothing new.
I went to schools 98% not white. I’ve been called names based off my physical characteristics almost every day when I was in schools .good bad ugly, my nephew was kicked out of a class because he was white. I wasn’t allowed in a program because I was white. I could write a book how much time do you have? Lol
I went to schools 98% not white. I’ve been called names based off my physical characteristics almost every day when I was in schools .good bad ugly, my nephew was kicked out of a class because he was white. I wasn’t allowed in a program because I was white. I could write a book how much time do you have? Lol
Kids can be cruel to minorities in their environment, I don’t doubt that.
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I’ve been called names based off my physical characteristics almost every day when I was in schools .good bad ugly, my nephew was kicked out of a class because he was white.

So what's your point ?

I wasn’t allowed in a program because I was white.

No. It's because you're dumb.
This is an invalid argument.
It wasn't an argument at all, kid. Just math and logic.
As is any racist argument about welfare. Because people are on TANF because they are poor, not because they want to be.
Incorrect. People are on welfare because they choose to apply for welfare.
So then why are more blacks poor per capita than whites?
Are there? I have neither posted nor researched the numbers. I just suggested that a per capita figure would be much more accurate when comparing two groups of vastly different size.
Racism is the correct answer.
Racism is always the answer for small minded useful idiots. Some of us think deeper than that, though.
It wasn't an argument at all, kid. Just math and logic.

Incorrect. People are on welfare because they choose to apply for welfare.

Are there? I have neither posted nor researched the numbers. I just suggested that a per capita figure would be much more accurate when comparing two groups of vastly different size.

Racism is always the answer for small minded useful idiots. Some of us think deeper than that, though.
You clearly do not think deeply. You can't just choose to apply for welfare, you must qualify to get welfare. Per capita is the out you racists try using when faced with the fact that whites have a larger problem.
It's more misinformed ignorance and conditioning of the gullible than racism, IMO.

When you really start to dissect what this person states, and fact check it, it becomes clearly obvious what is actually going on.

A confederacy sympathizer who quotes revisionist statements from Frederick Douglas in an attempt to create a fictional group of black confederacy supporters.

Typical and not surprising at all.

I've seen it for decades.

It's nothing new.
True. The dude is most certainly ignorant.
Douglass! My god he’s a hero in America

yes, he was. He was wrong about Confederate Soldiers, though. Whether he just had bad information, or if he was stretching the truth to shame the Union into organizing black militias is the question.

Not entirely true. Asians suffered significant persecution in this country from the Chinese exclusion act to the internment of Japanese Americans.
Well, gee, we wanted to keep non-white people out. I am so glad that we have progressed since then...um...well... um...


Never mind.
As far as the internment of Japanese Americans... Um, we were at war with Japan. We removed a population that might have collaborated from a possible invasion zone. when the threat was eliminated, most of them were released within a year.

It just doesn't compare to slavery and Jim Crow. Nowhere even close.
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Well, gee, we want to keep non-white people out. I am so glad that we have progressed since then...um...well... um...

View attachment 598277

Never mind.
As far as the internment of Japanese Americans... Um, we were at war with Japan. We removed a population that might have collaborated from a possible invasion zone. when the threat was eliminated, most of them were released within a year.

It just doesn't compare to slavery and Jim Crow. Nowhere even close.
And your a democrat.. correct?
What’s destroyed the black family as welfare it is backed up by statistics .. Pre-welfare the black family was very strong and solid.. After welfare it immediately started to.. After welfare it immediately started to collapse Over 70% of the people that are incarcerated all say they come from single parent households.. there is really nothing to argue with.. you want another narrative.. that’s cool.. don’t know why.

If you factor in divorce and out of wedlock birth, 70% of American kids grow up in Single Parent households.

The traditional family would have disintegrated without welfare, because the patriarchal institutions have collapsed, and we are better off for it.

The reality is that the welfare state has brought down poverty rates for both whites and blacks.

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If you factor in divorce and out of wedlock birth, 70% of American kids grow up in Single Parent households.

The traditional family would have disintegrated without welfare, because the patriarchal institutions have collapsed, and we are better off for it.

The reality is that the welfare state has brought down poverty rates for both whites and blacks.

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Stats don’t back up your claims 80DA1853-503E-4F64-B400-9AB024A953D0.jpeg
I just provided you the stats. The black poverty rate went from 59% in 1959 to 22% in 2001. Holy fucking shit, are you dense.
There are many towns in America that are high in poverty and they have almost no crime.. I don’t get what your saying. Being poor in America is almost like being a millionaire in the third world country.. lol what’s your point? People in America have a right to be poor.. it’s actually rewarding to work and have food on the table kiss your kids good nite.. it’s not rewarding to get paid for doing absolutely nothing making bad decisions with men. Is that what you’re advocating for?

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