Will White Privilege End Affirmative Action?

Yes you like servants not a cohesive country where people have things in common. Commonality is the most important thing that helps poor Americans even poor Hispanics even poor blacks. It’s why the most dangerous in violent places in America are multicultural.. you might not realize this because you’re not the brightest knife.. but not having things in common causes violence in poor neighborhoods.. The poor need identity they need a culture they need a reason to make it in this country they don’t have it.

Yeah, that's probably the most retarded thing you've said yet. We have crime in the poverty stricken areas because THEY ARE POOR. You are another white idiot who has never gone to bed hungry in his life, wondering why those poor people can't be more like you.

We actually had more hospital beds pre expansion of Government run health care.. when I talk about emergency rooms had more hospital beds I mean they had a shit load more room.
You're babbling.

The number of available hospital beds has been declining since the 1980's. We can thank "managed care" for that - the pressure to send women home right after they've had a baby or right after they've had an operation.


it’s still run 1,000 times better the the government.. and that’s your opinion. Hospitals were much better off with less government involvement

Are they, though? let's ignore the fact that the Single Payer Countries beat us in every last metric on health care.

The one thing that cured me of Republican stupidity was my two year fight with Cigna over my busted knee.

If you don’t think we knew how many Latinos were in the country in 1960 you probably shouldn’t be able to drive.. lol you’re about as sharp as a butter knife. Lol Yes after welfare was implemented in America Puerto Ricans started to come here after they applied for public housing in poor American cities, they could get free housing they can get a welfare and sit in American public housing paid for by the United States of America and do nothing all day I grew up around it.. it absolutely destroyed my City

I doubt we even asked the question in 1960, as we saw Mexicans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans as three separate groups, NONE of which we were counting in the Census.
Yeah, that's probably the most retarded thing you've said yet. We have crime in the poverty stricken areas because THEY ARE POOR. You are another white idiot who has never gone to bed hungry in his life, wondering why those poor people can't be more like you
Again The poorest towns in America are in red states and almost no crimes.. don’t you remember Mayberry?
You're babbling.

The number of available hospital beds has been declining since the 1980's. We can thank "managed care" for that - the pressure to send women home right after they've had a baby or right after they've had an operation.
Lol yes more government in health care
Are they, though? let's ignore the fact that the Single Payer Countries beat us in every last metric on health care.

The one thing that cured me of Republican stupidity was my two year fight with Cigna over my busted knee.
Yes our vet hospitals are shit holes. Thanks to government run health care
I doubt we even asked the question in 1960, as we saw Mexicans, Cubans and Puerto Ricans as three separate groups, NONE of which we were counting in the Census.
you believe the shit you say? Lol
In no way would I consider myself an activist; you asked a "gotcha" question: "What have YOU done" sorta thingy and I told you. Do NOT assign a political motive to me when my actions are not motivated by anything other than a simple wanting to assist. You will find that is the overwhelming motivation of most who are giving freely when they see a problem. I leave the political power plays to those who are either after the power and using worthy causes to grease their path or the downright cynical using the "downtrodden masses" to try and change society to their own image. I was in a [position many years ago to be a backroom "political Hack: bottom level" where I was able to actually have input into policy. That was good and I reflect on it with some fondness as well as several Projects in which I was involved. That was thirty years ago. As for "witnessed"; I would say "get involved"; ALL politics worth anything is local!!

Not questioning "what" you have done" at all.

You actually provided that information.

Was just trying to be clear on the extent of your political convictions.

Oftentimes I have observed some who believe that ones political leanings are somehow directly related to a persons morality as an individual, which I do not agree with at all.

There are some good and some bad on both sides, with no side being any better than the other.
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Not questioning "what" you have done" at all.

You actually provided that information.

Was just trying to be clear on the extent of your political convictions.

Oftentimes I have observed some who believe that ones political leanings are somehow directly related to a persons morality as an individual, which I do not agree with at all.

There are some good and some bad on both sides, with no side being any better than the other.
No side is any better than the other? WTF? You believe that?

I wonder if perhaps that statement of yours needs some clarification?
No side is any better than the other? WTF? You believe that?

I wonder if perhaps that statement of yours needs some clarification?
No, It does not need clarification at all, because it is a matter of opinion, based on personal experience.

However, if you do not believe that, it is your choice not to, and has nothing to do with me.

Thanks for asking anyway.
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Not questioning "what" you have done" at all.

You actually provided that information.

Was just trying to be clear on the extent of your political convictions.

Oftentimes I have observed some who believe that ones political leanings are somehow directly related to a persons morality as an individual, which I do not agree with at all.

There are some good and some bad on both sides, with no side being any better than the other.
That is why I look at POLICIES and the likelihood of them being implemented. Character plays a part of course but human frailty also has to be factored in. As an old priest in one of those old Jimmy Cagney movies said: paraphrasing: I walked in with nothing and came away with a sports center for the kids of the parish. Now they have to deliver.

Not questioning "what" you have done" at all.

You actually provided that information.

Was just trying to be clear on the extent of your political convictions.

Oftentimes I have observed some who believe that ones political leanings are somehow directly related to a persons morality as an individual, which I do not agree with at all.

There are some good and some bad on both sides, with no side being any better than the other.
Also; note that there are GOOD on both sides, but good policies seem to be a conservative thing.

Again The poorest towns in America are in red states and almost no crimes.. don’t you remember Mayberry?

Mayberry was fictional. The real red states have some poor cleetus running a meth lab in his garage while he waits for his government relief check.

Lol yes more government in health care

No, more corporate greed in health care... We spend more than any other country on earth and we get the worst results in the advanced world.

Yes our vet hospitals are shit holes. Thanks to government run health care

Veterans Affairs hospitals outperformed civilian hospitals on most measures of quality and patient safety, but scored lower when it came to patient experience, according to Northwestern Medicine research published in JAMA Internal Medicine.
The current study compared data between 129 VA hospitals and 4,010 non-VA hospitals, collected between July 2012 and March 2015, looking at 17 outcome measures — such as mortality, readmissions and patient safety indicators — as well as ten measures of patient experience and nine of behavioral health.

The investigators found that VA hospitals performed better on six out of the nine patient safety indicators, compared to civilian hospitals, with no significant differences in the other three indicators. VA hospitals also showed better outcomes on measures of mortality and readmissions.

Now, keep in mind, the VA has it's challenges... The kind of challenges you have when you fight a pointless war for 20 years with a higher battlefield survival rate.

you believe the shit you say? Lol

Well, that and actual experience... YOu will find the words "Hispanic" and "Latino" rarely used before the 1970's. Growing up in Chicago, the Mexicans and Puerto Ricans really didn't like each other that much. (The PR's kind of looked down on the Mexicans because they were citizens and the Mexicans weren't.)
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Mayberry was fictional.
Many places like Mayberry,, lilly white towns. So loser that is America.. that’s how we look abs act.. heheh 5 Towns That Are Like Mayberry
No, more corporate greed in health care
and government isn’t greedy? Lol
Veterans Affairs hospitals outperformed civilian hospitals
you’re a despicable human being. Do you want our veterans waiting years for a procedure and disgusting conditions with rusty water and rusty surgery equipment?
Well, that and actual experience
my sisters are PR I went to schools 98% not white. No need to waste your breath with shit you know nothing about
you’re a despicable human being. Do you want our veterans waiting years for a procedure and disgusting conditions with rusty water and rusty surgery equipment?

my sisters are PR I went to schools 98% not white. No need to waste your breath with shit you know nothing about

So were you adopted or did they leave you on a doorstep?
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That would likely depend on one's experiences in living with whatever policies that are implemented.
It should depend not on what one’s individual circumstances are in living with the policies - I’m sure, for example, that welfare mothers like the expanded tax ”credit” since they just end up with $1000 or more additional cash from other people - but what is best for the country as a whole. IMO, what is best for the country as a whole is:

1) where those who dissent from the current government policies are allowed to express their opinions freely without fear of repercussion, a key component of freedom now being erased

2) a strong border where illegal entry is halted and where those we admit legally are a benefit to society (excepting those with legitimate asylum claims), a key component to a strong country

3) a country where successful, motivated, and disciplined people are admired, rather than demeaned, a key component to a productive and growing nation

4) strong laws against criminals and priority to the safety of law-abiding citizens, a key complement of a country with decent values

5) an educational system of our young where the focus is on math, science, and other basic academics rather than a false and misguided social justice curriculum convincing whites they are all privileged and blacks the poor oppressed who deserve special favorable policies specific to them

These are NOT found in the far-left Democrat Party today, but rather in the Republican, where my vote has moved in recent years.
“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each. Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs. Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”
This OP is entirely backwards. It is Affirmative Action that ended white privilege, and created black privilege 58 years ago, and it's been that way ever since. This is just more upside down nonsense from the fringe left.
This OP is entirely backwards. It is Affirmative Action that ended white privilege, and created black privilege 58 years ago, and it's been that way ever since. This is just more upside down nonsense from the fringe left.
100% true. Take if from someone who worked in higher ed admissions for six years. Not only do they admit lesser-qualified blacks over higher-qualified whites (and the discrepancy in grades and scores is HUGE), the blacks admitted under the “black standards,” which is about two out of three, then have trouble keeping up with the program and require major tutoring to push them through.
Why are some of these guys scared to talk about the actual topic?

“Using publicly released reports, we examine the preferences Harvard gives for recruited athletes, legacies, those on the dean’s interest list, and children of faculty and staff (ALDCs). Among white admits, over 43% are ALDC. Among admits who are African American, Asian American, and Hispanic, the share is less than 16% each.

Our model of admissions shows that roughly three quarters of white ALDC admits would have been rejected if they had been treated as white non-ALDCs.

Removing preferences for athletes and legacies would significantly alter the racial distribution of admitted students, with the share of white admits falling and all other groups rising or remaining unchanged.”

So what we see here is that whites are provided entry by a plethora of other preferences they would not qualify for if not for their race. The study shows that Asian admittance is not being stifled or reduced because Harvard must admit blacks and Hispanics that are presumably unqualified. Instead we see that it is white ALDC students who would not qualify under any other circumstance being admitted at more than double the number of Asians, blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans.

Unqualified whites are being admitted into Harvard and whining about how unfair Affirmative action is.

*checks SAT scores*



And if you ended affirmative action the white share would go up.....Dumbass
100% true. Take if from someone who worked in higher ed admissions for six years. Not only do they admit lesser-qualified blacks over higher-qualified whites (and the discrepancy in grades and scores is HUGE), the blacks admitted under the “black standards,” which is about two out of three, then have trouble keeping up with the program and require major tutoring to push them through.

What we should do is put a quota on the Jews

That will end affirmative action with all the whining you fucks would do
*checks SAT scores*



And if you ended affirmative action the white share would go up.....Dumbass
Wrong again. But that's what you do.
100% true. Take if from someone who worked in higher ed admissions for six years. Not only do they admit lesser-qualified blacks over higher-qualified whites (and the discrepancy in grades and scores is HUGE), the blacks admitted under the “black standards,” which is about two out of three, then have trouble keeping up with the program and require major tutoring to push them through.
Yup. I worked in higher ed admissions. It was heartbreaking to see bright, studious white students with GPAs of 3.6 and 3.7 and top test score rejected to “make room” for black students with 3.2 and 3.3. scores.

This has gone on for two generations - more than 40 years - and all debts are now paid. Admission should be granted based on merit, with perhaps some slight extra consideration to high-achieving kids from poor backgrounds, but RACE SHOULD BE IRRELEVANT.

Two generations of extra advantage in getting into prestigious educational programs is enough.
As a white woman YOU have been the population who have been given the most from Affirmative action. Understand that whites have been given continuous extra advantage for more than 15 generations.

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