Will you vote for Trump in the 2024 Primaries?

Would you vote for Trump in the 2024 primary, or another GOP candidate?

  • Trump

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • Not Trump

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters
Trump is still making noise like he will run for president again in 2024. The current betting odds are:
View attachment 586535 Biden & Harris look surprisingly strong!

So, I'm wondering what the GOP primaries will look like assuming that the candidates on the stage with Trump will probably include:
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
Dan Crenshaw

Would you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries since he has the best chance of beating Biden or Harris, or would you vote to nominate another GOP candidate since Trump has so much baggage, like January-6th?
for decades up until 35 years ago I said I'd never get married, and yet here I am hearing about my daughter planning her wedding ..... so I can't imagine it, but then what if AOC or Red Bernie were the nominee. Naaaaaa. LOL
All of the above.
This is why we need to be educating our children for the jobs of the future. We need to stay out on the leading edge of technology.
Manufacturing is no longer where the jobs are. Our country is actually making more stuff than we ever have before. It just takes less people to do it.
At the ratification of our Constitution, 98 percent of Americans were farmers. Everyone down to toddlers worked their asses off 7 days a week from sunup to sundown.
Thanks to mechanization, less than 2 percent of Americans are farmers today.
Do we have 96 percent unemployment as a result?
Now imagine the reaction if some pissant politician promised to "bring back all those lost farming jobs!"
That's how Trump sounds to me. He's an idiot.
1. The US education system is a disaster, 35th in math. Not on the leading edge of technology.

2. We need to make stuff. Remember when we couldn't get PPE? If we don't manufacture, we lose. Besides, where should average workers find work? Good jobs do not grow on trees.

3. China is buying up US farmland. Wonder who gets the food?

4. Trump's policies benefit the middle class more than the globalist policies of the oligarchs.

4. I agree that 2022 and 2024 should be big Republican years, unless we nominate Trump and he starts his stupid shit again.

That or someone gets through to Trump or he learned from his mistakes and grows up and reinvents himself as Trump 2.0, more of what made Trump a good president and so likable but less of the stuff that only burned him in the ass.
Like I said, dummy, he started with $250,000,000. He's done pretty bad actually if you take that into consideration over the decades. People like Bill Gates started with absolutely nothing in a garage and built an empire bigger than trumps. THAT is impressive. Hell I'd even expect someone like your dumbass to do pretty well if you started with $250,000,000. You ever stop to think why trump has to constantly borrow money? He's a loser, a grifter, and a slob.
Bill Gates stole his "Windows" success from Apple. He's shrewd not smart. He never invented anything.
You are confusing Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs' first PC built in a garage with Bill Gates, duh.

A judge with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Microsoft was within the law when it created derivatives of the Apple-licensed Windows 1.0. In 1988, Apple Inc. filed a landmark lawsuit against Microsoft.
Bill Gates stole his "Windows" success from Apple. He's shrewd not smart. He never invented anything.
You are confusing Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs' first PC built in a garage with Bill Gates, duh.

A judge with the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Microsoft was within the law when it created derivatives of the Apple-licensed Windows 1.0. In 1988, Apple Inc. filed a landmark lawsuit against Microsoft.
Yet you dont address trump starting with $250,000,000 and failing over and over again. His last failure will be the most epic by the way.
for decades up until 35 years ago I said I'd never get married, and yet here I am hearing about my daughter planning her wedding ..... so I can't imagine it, but then what if AOC or Red Bernie were the nominee. Naaaaaa. LOL
Congratulations! Weddings are the best.
The democrats don't have anyone for 2024. I'm hoping its Hillary again.
Congratulations! Weddings are the best.
The democrats don't have anyone for 2024. I'm hoping its Hillary again.
As always, someone will rise to the top for both dems and republicans. Two years and 9 months is a long way off.
Sleepy Joe is going to be running against President Trump regardless of who the GOP nominates.

Huh-Uh-uuh!! The Wall Street Journal TODAY ran an op-ed that it's Hilary Clinton. Used all the arguments I have posted here: she's rested and ready, put her in, Coach!

Who else do they HAVE? Unless someone floats to the top pretty darn fast, or the harris-brandon unholy pair turn around their popularity awfully fast, she's their best option: that's what the op-ed said.

And I would bet she could win, too. If Trump gets ----------- unusually colorful.
Yet you dont address trump starting with $250,000,000 and failing over and over again. His last failure will be the most epic by the way.
I showed you Trump's organization. He was on Forbes' list and his net worth was about $4,000,000,0000 in 2016.
I'm impressed. NY real estate is a dog-eat-dog arena. Ever hear of Silverman before the WTC attack?
You can throw partisan stones, but riddle me this, how did the Xiden's get so wealthy on a Senator's salary?
Imagine Xiden in the fetal position if he was unfairly attacked for 5-years like Trump was.
Elon Musk is the guy who kept plowing his winnings into new amazing companies. Not many people have that much talent. Trump could have given that $250m to a broker and gone golfing every day, but he worked hard every day to make businesses, win or lose.
Democrats are scared shitless of Nikki running against "poopy pants" or "Heels up".
I also like Mike Pompeo. He has the best resume' for the office ever.
Desantis is good too. But Nikki has that girl thing going for her.
So does Hilary -----------------------

Just sayin'.
I showed you Trump's organization. He was on Forbes' list and his net worth was about $4,000,000,0000 in 2016.
I'm impressed. NY real estate is a dog-eat-dog arena. Ever hear of Silverman before the WTC attack?
You can throw partisan stones, but riddle me this, how did the Xiden's get so wealthy on a Senator's salary?
Imagine Xiden in the fetal position if he was unfairly attacked for 5-years like Trump was.
Elon Musk is the guy who kept plowing his winnings into new amazing companies. Not many people have that much talent. Trump could have given that $250m to a broker and gone golfing every day, but he worked hard every day to make businesses, win or lose.
Grifting people, banks, charities and the IRS isnt "hard work". If trump would have given his $250,000,000 to a broker, he'd have way more wealth than he does now. That's just how bad he is at business.

Yeah I saw the picture of bars of soap or whatever trump brand product that was. We get it. You've drank the kool-aid and nobody can help you.
LOL!! Hillary is the most unpopular, unlikable bitch on the planet.

Nikki has very low negatives...has a great record as governor and as UN rep.....just sayin'
I'll tell you what ----------- Hilary is looking better and better the longer this catastrophic Biden administration struggles along!

And she might well get a lot of ------------------ mercy votes.
Grifting people, banks, charities and the IRS isnt "hard work". If trump would have given his $250,000,000 to a broker, he'd have way more wealth than he does now. That's just how bad he is at business.

Yeah I saw the picture of bars of soap or whatever trump brand product that was. We get it. You've drank the kool-aid and nobody can help you.
1. You don't like Trump, I get it.
2. I'm not a fan of his either, I'm in the General Kelly camp saying that he is "a very flawed man".
3. That said, IMHO he did well as president. I like his many "promises kept".
4. But I'm a moderate Republican, so I like those policies.
5. You are a Trump hater, so I assume you're a progressive democrat.

A. Grifting people, banks, and the IRS isn't easy, try it some time.
B. $4b is 16x that $250m that is not a bad return on investment, running the businesses personally
C. I'm not voting for Trump in the 2024 primary, but will in the general election if he's the nominee, not because I like Trump, but because I like his policies, and hate the democrat policies.
I'll tell you what ----------- Hilary is looking better and better the longer this catastrophic Biden administration struggles along!
And she might well get a lot of ------------------ mercy votes.
Can you imagine the gals on "The View" if she was running against Trump again?
I'm sure she would have a 95% probability of winning...again.

Trump is still making noise like he will run for president again in 2024. The current betting odds are:
View attachment 586535 Biden & Harris look surprisingly strong!

So, I'm wondering what the GOP primaries will look like assuming that the candidates on the stage with Trump will probably include:
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
Dan Crenshaw

Would you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries since he has the best chance of beating Biden or Harris, or would you vote to nominate another GOP candidate since Trump has so much baggage, like January-6th?
I hope Cruz shows up so that your Orange Baboon-God can mortally insult Ruz' wife and father again and we can again watch 'Ruz kiss and make up...
I hope Cruz shows up so that your Orange Baboon-God can mortally insult Ruz' wife and father again and we can again watch 'Ruz kiss and make up...
I want to see Xiden shit himself on stage, like in the Vatican.
I'm not voting for Trump in the primary, I hope he retires from politics before 2024.

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