Will you vote for Trump in the 2024 Primaries?

Would you vote for Trump in the 2024 primary, or another GOP candidate?

  • Trump

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • Not Trump

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters

If trump were running against this guy, I would vote for this guy.
No one is voting for you, go put your tooth back in.
Because its socialism, and not actual justice?

Just like equity isn't equality, it's favoritism wrapped up in a buzz-word.

So when wingnuts like yourself makeup a term like 'Social Justice Warriors', they don't mean what they say. They mean something else...when it's convenient for it to mean something else because they can't defend what they said.

I understand.
That's not an answer.
How do we keep factories and jobs here in the US?
What happens when China surpasses the US economy, and military, and the US declines severely?

"General Tso's Chicken again!"
Absolutely not. I love this country too much to put it through that again. That would just be too much, that would be sick beyond belief.
1. If Trump won again democrats heads would EXPLODE!!
2. If Trump won again MSM heads would EXPLODE!!
3. If Trump won again Hollywood heads would EXPLODE!!
4. If Trump won again Deep State heads would EXPLODE!!
5. If Trump won again Academia heads would EXPLODE!!
6. If Trump won again Big Tech heads would EXPLODE!!



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Auto manufacturing 40 years ago. You can see at least a dozen humans in the photo working on four cars:

Auto manufacturing today. Spot the two humans in this photo. What are they doing?
True. So why are so many modern plants being built overseas? (cheap labor? fewer regulations? no unions?)
Chip manufacturing?
EV manufacturing?
Battery manufacturing
The 25 amendment has been applied many times to many Presidents. It's never affected them politically.
Because it was temporary, like when a president has a medical procedure done. When the two-five Creepy Joe, it'll be because he's effectively getting kicked out of office.
1. If Trump won again democrats heads would EXPLODE!!
2. If Trump won again MSM heads would EXPLODE!!
3. If Trump won again Hollywood heads would EXPLODE!!
4. If Trump won again Deep State heads would EXPLODE!!
5. If Trump won again Academia heads would EXPLODE!!
6. If Trump won again Big Tech heads would EXPLODE!!

View attachment 586622
A coup will be cool, if Trump wins...lol
i like how you gave it to him in picture form because he's so stupid, like trump.
You must be one of those low IQ democrats. Ever really look at the organization Trump built?
Trump is still making noise like he will run for president again in 2024. The current betting odds are:
View attachment 586535 Biden & Harris look surprisingly strong!

So, I'm wondering what the GOP primaries will look like assuming that the candidates on the stage with Trump will probably include:
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
Dan Crenshaw

Would you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries since he has the best chance of beating Biden or Harris, or would you vote to nominate another GOP candidate since Trump has so much baggage, like January-6th?
Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage?

The only "baggage" in the next election will be the baggage the Democrat lies carry. and right now, Americans are sick of Democrat badmouthing innocent people to death, Democrat secrecy as Pelosi closes out Republican House members from doing their jobs. One of her recent committees that she appointed for a political jab against Republicans at large was her committee that contained 8 Democrats and 2 Rinos who hate President Trump and they themselves have fallen from favor in the Republican states they represent.

President Trump was in the process of diplomatically resolving a five thousand year grudge in the Middle East. That didn't fit in with Nancy's hatred for Republicans and for Jews, many of whom spread her bread with a lot of butter. You think the American people are proud of a coward who had the military withdraw and leave thousands of American citizens and friends at the mercy of Al Queda wannabes?

You keep it up with the baggage crap. It's gonna wind up on top of yo' head, doll. If you want to win the next election, I suggest that you change parties and buy a Maga hat to wear. :muahaha:
True. So why are so many modern plants being built overseas? (cheap labor? fewer regulations? no unions?)
All of the above.

This is why we need to be educating our children for the jobs of the future. We need to stay out on the leading edge of technology.

Manufacturing is no longer where the jobs are. Our country is actually making more stuff than we ever have before. It just takes less people to do it.

At the ratification of our Constitution, 98 percent of Americans were farmers. Everyone down to toddlers worked their asses off 7 days a week from sunup to sundown.

Thanks to mechanization, less than 2 percent of Americans are farmers today.

Do we have 96 percent unemployment as a result?


Now imagine the reaction if some pissant politician promised to "bring back all those lost farming jobs!"

That's how Trump sounds to me. He's an idiot.
So when wingnuts like yourself makeup a term like 'Social Justice Warriors', they don't mean what they say. They mean something else...when it's convenient for it to mean something else because they can't defend what they said.

I understand.

It means a bunch of race/class hustling proto-communists.
Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage? Baggage?

The only "baggage" in the next election will be the baggage the Democrat lies carry. and right now, Americans are sick of Democrat badmouthing innocent people to death, Democrat secrecy as Pelosi closes out Republican House members from doing their jobs. One of her recent committees that she appointed for a political jab against Republicans at large was her committee that contained 8 Democrats and 2 Rinos who hate President Trump and they themselves have fallen from favor in the Republican states they represent.

President Trump was in the process of diplomatically resolving a five thousand year grudge in the Middle East. That didn't fit in with Nancy's hatred for Republicans and for Jews, many of whom spread her bread with a lot of butter. You think the American people are proud of a coward who had the military withdraw and leave thousands of American citizens and friends at the mercy of Al Queda wannabes?

You keep it up with the baggage crap. It's gonna wind up on top of yo' head, doll. If you want to win the next election, I suggest that you change parties and buy a Maga hat to wear. :muahaha:
1. Trump should have won the 2020 election in a landslide.
2. The main reason Trump lost was Trump's ego
3. If Trump would have "acted" more presidential, like in the first debate, where he behaved like he was raised by wolves, voters like my wife might have voted for him.
4. I agree that 2022 and 2024 should be big Republican years, unless we nominate Trump and he starts his stupid shit again.
5. VA showed us how vulnerable democrats are, who do they have in 2024? no one.
6. We Republicans can't afford any mistakes, we need to run the best candidates.
You must be one of those low IQ democrats. Ever really look at the organization Trump built?
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LIke I said, dummy, he started with $250,000,000. He's done pretty bad actually if you take that into consideration over the decades. People like Bill Gates started with absolutely nothing in a garage and built an empire bigger than trumps. THAT is impressive. Hell I'd even expect someone like your dumbass to do pretty well if you started with $250,000,000. You ever stop to think why trump has to constantly borrow money? He's a loser, a grifter, and a slob.

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