Will you vote for Trump in the 2024 Primaries?

Would you vote for Trump in the 2024 primary, or another GOP candidate?

  • Trump

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • Not Trump

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters
Trump is still making noise like he will run for president again in 2024. The current betting odds are:
View attachment 586535 Biden & Harris look surprisingly strong!

So, I'm wondering what the GOP primaries will look like assuming that the candidates on the stage with Trump will probably include:
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
Dan Crenshaw

Would you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries since he has the best chance of beating Biden or Harris, or would you vote to nominate another GOP candidate since Trump has so much baggage, like January-6th?

President Trump has no actual baggage.
It's fake news.

If trump were running against this guy, I would vote for this guy.

Do you love him?
More than likely yes.

But I'll be honest, after everything the Democrats have done to America and Americans this year I'd vote for macho man Randy Savage if he ran as a republican just to not have another democrat controlled party.

He died in 2011
Would I vote for a guy who ran up $8 trillion of debt in just four years? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who lost the House, the Senate, and the White House, being the first to do so since the last businessman president Herbert Hoover? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who started a far left protectionist trade war and got his ass kicked on the trade deficit? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who denied Covid as a hoax and through his inaction allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die needlessly? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who thoroughly destroyed the GOP and turned it into his cult of personality? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who promised to repeal and replace Obamacare and then never produced a replacement? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who cheated on all three wives and then expect him to be faithful to America? Oh hell no.

Would I vote for a guy who stole the retirement nest eggs of the elderly and expect him to be honest with the American people? Fuck no.

Would I vote for a guy who suckles the balls of mass murdering dictators and falls in love with them? Shit no.

Would I vote for the world's worst sore loser whose fragile megalomania can't handle defeat and incited an insurrection? A thousand times no.

But then, I quit the GOP because of this colossal bag of excrement, so I can't vote in the GOP primary.
That alone improved the party.
Thanks President Trump.
If Trump makes it far enough in the primaries, he’s going to have a very difficult time defending himself in debates when they inevitably discuss his role in Jan 6.
Thanks for showing everyone you are not only a far right wing extremist, but a slob as well. But thanks for helping to push the republican party further from relevance.
John, I’ve never hidden my far right wing, extremist, bigoted beliefs from anyone here. In fact I’m well known for them among a large percentage of the posters here. You are also correct that I am very discriminating in my tastes, political and otherwise.

I have no more use for Republicans than I do for Democrats. They’re two sides of the same, deeply flawed, coin. Neither party has any relevance for me.
If Trump isn’t the Republican nominee, his loyal conspiracy theorist cult members will once again whine baseless claims of fraud.
Trump is still making noise like he will run for president again in 2024. The current betting odds are:
View attachment 586535 Biden & Harris look surprisingly strong!

So, I'm wondering what the GOP primaries will look like assuming that the candidates on the stage with Trump will probably include:
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
Dan Crenshaw

Would you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries since he has the best chance of beating Biden or Harris, or would you vote to nominate another GOP candidate since Trump has so much baggage, like January-6th?
Absolutely not. I love this country too much to put it through that again. That would just be too much, that would be sick beyond belief.
That's not an answer.
How do we keep factories and jobs here in the US?
What happens when China surpasses the US economy, and military, and the US declines severely?
That's above your pay grade. We'll let people that actually know how tariff's work (ie non trumpanzee's) figure that out.
2. Something needs to work to keep factories and jobs here in the US. I support Trump's America First policies. Besides, if tariffs are bad, why do the ones that keep US products out of other countries work?
I have explained countless times what needs to be done. But what needs to be done requires hard work, and the last thing Trump wants to do is hard work. To be fair, very few politicians want to do hard work.

What needs to be done is that we need to educate our children for the jobs of tomorrow, not the jobs of their fathers and grandfathers.

Our education system needs to be completely overhauled and that will take decades and a lot of hard work. The longer we put it off, the more likely we will be surpassed.

Any politician who says they will bring back jobs from overseas is a fucking liar. The fact is, most jobs have been obsoleted by technology. They didn't got to China. They went away permanently.

Any dipshit can point the finger at China and start a retarded trade war. That is beyond stupid, but the rubes eat that shit up.

Auto manufacturing 40 years ago. You can see at least a dozen humans in the photo working on four cars:


Auto manufacturing today. Spot the two humans in this photo. What are they doing?


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