Will you vote for Trump in the 2024 Primaries?

Would you vote for Trump in the 2024 primary, or another GOP candidate?

  • Trump

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • Not Trump

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters
Not Trump. That doesn’t mean I’d vote for another Romney/McCain-esque Liberal sack of shit as an alternative.

Many of us voted for Trump in the 2016 Primaries as a means to show our derision at the Pseudo-Democrat candidates the Republican Party was promoting, not because they really wanted DJT as the candidate. The Republican Party and many others misunderstand what the support for Trump was really about, even to this day.
Thanks for showing everyone you are not only a far right wing extremist, but a slob as well. But thanks for helping to push the republican party further from relevance. Your help is appreciated.
Would I vote for a guy who ran up $8 trillion of debt in just four years? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who lost the House, the Senate, and the White House, being the first to do so since the last businessman president Herbert Hoover? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who started a far left protectionist trade war and got his ass kicked on the trade deficit? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who denied Covid as a hoax and through his inaction allowed hundreds of thousands of Americans to die needlessly? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who thoroughly destroyed the GOP and turned it into his cult of personality? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who promised to repeal and replace Obamacare and then never produced a replacement? Nope.

Would I vote for a guy who cheated on all three wives and then expect him to be faithful to America? Oh hell no.

Would I vote for a guy who stole the retirement nest eggs of the elderly and expect him to be honest with the American people? Fuck no.

Would I vote for a guy who suckles the balls of mass murdering dictators and falls in love with them? Shit no.

Would I vote for the world's worst sore loser whose fragile megalomania can't handle defeat and incited an insurrection? A thousand times no.

But then, I quit the GOP because of this colossal bag of excrement, so I can't vote in the GOP primary.
Yes trump is a stone cold loser.
Biden has a better chance of being challenged in the primary than Trump. Even so, I won't be voting for Trump in the primary because I'm an independent. But I'll definitely vote for him in the general.

Biden will be out of office by 2023 and will not be running.
If Trump runs none of those you listed will run besides maybe Crenshaw. A few what you all call "never Trumpers" might run. But that is it. Nobody else will chance pissing off the Trump faithful.
What people like you fail to understand is that the support for Trump was never about the man, it was about the message, and the way the message was delivered. If someone with less baggage and more humility came along and delivered the same message in the same impassioned way, they would be every bit as supported as Trump, if not more so. And then you and the left would excoriate that person with whatever plausible lies and scandals you could come up with . Jesus Christ Himself could run as a repub, and the left would demonize Him. It really doesn’t matter who the republicans put up, they will be labeled as evil by the left and their state controlled media. Policies don’t matter anymore.
You just can't stop lying can you?
1. Trump did not lose the House, Republicans didn't lose ANY House seats in 2020
Trump had a Republican House and a Republican Senate when he was elected in 2016, goldfish.

He lost both.

2. Voters prefer America First to the Globalists moving jobs and factories overseas. Fair Trade is a good thing.
Trump lost his far left trade war, bigly. The trade deficits with China and Mexico reached record levels under Trump.

3. Trump developed (3) vaccines in record time. More deaths occurred under Xiden than under Trump. Xiden couldn't even make enough tests or therapies to meet demand. Epic fail.
Trump opposed testing which would have tracked and prevented the disease from spreading as much as it did, resulting in the largest death count on the planet.

4. How did Trump steal retirement nest eggs? Liar.
Trump stole the retirement nest eggs of the elderly at his fake "university".

5. Trump killed Solemani, and won the Syrian war against ISIS that Obama fucked around with for years. Xiden takes money from mass murdering dictators.
What people like you fail to understand is that the support for Trump was never about the man, it was about the message, and the way the message was delivered. If someone with less baggage and more humility came along and delivered the same message in the same impassioned way, they would be every bit as supported as Trump, if not more so. And then you and the left would excoriate that person with whatever plausible lies and scandals you could come up with . Jesus Christ Himself could run as a repub, and the left would demonize Him. It really doesn’t matter who the republicans put up, they will be labeled as evil by the left and their state controlled media. Policies don’t matter anymore.
The Dims got all flitted out because of his tweets and his crassness. It hurt their wittle delicate feelings. The great things he accomplished went right over their wittle offended heads.
What people like you fail to understand is that the support for Trump was never about the man, it was about the message, and the way the message was delivered. If someone with less baggage and more humility came along and delivered the same message in the same impassioned way, they would be every bit as supported as Trump, if not more so. And then you and the left would excoriate that person with whatever plausible lies and scandals you could come up with . Jesus Christ Himself could run as a repub, and the left would demonize Him. It really doesn’t matter who the republicans put up, they will be labeled as evil by the left and their state controlled media. Policies don’t matter anymore.

That's why I'm on the DeSantis bandwagon for now.
The Dims got all flitted out because of his tweets and his crassness. It hurt their wittle delicate feelings. The great things he accomplished went right over their wittle offended heads.

And they were galled by the fact he fought back just as hard as the dems fought.
1. My interpretation of your post is that the 2024 election would not be legitimate. Here is your post:
(Would prefer to live in a democratically elected representative republic, based on our constitution. )

2. Trump did not try to overthrow a legitimate election. A few hundred protesters took things too far. The protest was over as soon as the SWAT teams arrived. Trump offered national guard troops to protect the Capital, but Nancy Pelosi refused them. Why did she refuse them after the FBI and DHS warned her trouble was coming?

3. I'm not a Trump fan either. He does not have adequate character for the job. He's too flawed.
You interpret incorrectly. You should have just taken it at face value as plain English.
Yes. He did try to overthrow the election. Easy to understand recounts on close vote, but most weren't even close. The conspiracy crap was disproven. Even his own unscrupulous lawyers would not even make the claim in courts in front of judges (only outside the courts for trumpist consumption). After loosing consistently in the courts, he tried to get states to overrule the elector slate they had already verified. He tried to get them to change the vote totals, in one case asking that he only needed 10,000 votes. He attacked anybody that would not change their state's votes, even republicans. He tried to strong-arm his own Vice President to take unconstitutional action with powers the VP never had. He got people riled up at a fake "stop the steal" rally, marched them on The Capital, where they attacked both houses of congress while in session to finalize receiving the votes of the states. When it turned violent and destructive outside and inside the capital, he refused requests to call off the siege until maximum damage had been done, and it was certain they would fail to stop the election from being finalized. That meet all the criteria of trying to overthrow the vote. I would not vote to give him a second chance to be more successful at taking away our right to free and fair elections, where the votes counted, as opposed to being changed at levels above the polls by political cronies content to overthrow the will of the voting population.
The Dims got all flitted out because of his tweets and his crassness. It hurt their wittle delicate feelings. The great things he accomplished went right over their wittle offended heads.
Great things? Like January 6th, traitor? Because you know that is what trump will be remembered for....January 6th and being impeached twice. Oh almost forgot whining about losing an election while claiming some of the primaries and the general election was rigged. What a loser.
Yeah and the RINOs got real worried too because he was after them just as hard.

Yep, they are going to have to make a choice if it's DeSantis, either just admit it's more they are anti-republican base than anti-trump and move toward us, or just give up and become the Moderate Democrats they have always wanted to be.

I think they will find the fringe in their new party far less workable than they currently experience.
You interpret incorrectly. You should have just taken it at face value as plain English.
Yes. He did try to overthrow the election. Easy to understand recounts on close vote, but most weren't even close. The conspiracy crap was disproven. Even his own unscrupulous lawyers would not even make the claim in courts in front of judges (only outside the courts for trumpist consumption). After loosing consistently in the courts, he tried to get states to overrule the elector slate they had already verified. He tried to get them to change the vote totals, in one case asking that he only needed 10,000 votes. He attacked anybody that would not change their state's votes, even republicans. He tried to strong-arm his own Vice President to take unconstitutional action with powers the VP never had. He got people riled up at a fake "stop the steal" rally, marched them on The Capital, where they attacked both houses of congress while in session to finalize receiving the votes of the states. When it turned violent and destructive outside and inside the capital, he refused requests to call off the siege until maximum damage had been done, and it was certain they would fail to stop the election from being finalized. That meet all the criteria of trying to overthrow the vote. I would not vote to give him a second chance to be more successful at taking away our right to free and fair elections, where the votes counted, as opposed to being changed at levels above the polls by political cronies content to overthrow the will of the voting population.
Well said. This country is finished with trump and the trumpanzees. Flush the waste down the toilet.
If Trump runs none of those you listed will run besides maybe Crenshaw. A few what you all call "never Trumpers" might run. But that is it. Nobody else will chance pissing off the Trump faithful.
You haven't been seeing the phrase "Fortune Favors the Brave"? Crenshaw is brave.
Trump is old he may not be healthy enough to run in 2024? Xiden neither.
Would you run against Kamala Harris? I know I would.



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