Will you vote for Trump in the 2024 Primaries?

Would you vote for Trump in the 2024 primary, or another GOP candidate?

  • Trump

    Votes: 27 50.9%
  • Not Trump

    Votes: 26 49.1%

  • Total voters
Great things? Like January 6th, traitor? Because you know that is what trump will be remembered for....January 6th and being impeached twice. Oh almost forgot whining about losing an election while claiming some of the primaries and the general election was rigged. What a loser.
Impeachment from a house dominated by worthless leftist traitors don't count.
Protesting also doesn't count.
Trump wins.
Impeachment from a house dominated by worthless leftist traitors don't count.
Protesting also doesn't count.
Trump wins.
Mmmmm actually Trump lost in 2020, traitor. Oh and he caused the repubs to lose the Senate as well. Not to mention less than 50% of trumpanzees trump backs in elections actually win. Trump is a stone cold loser.
Why do you say Biden will be out of office by 2023?

Because I think the DCN will find a reason to get rid of him before then. I made a bet with my wife after the election he would not be the POTUS in 2023
Because I think the DCN will find a reason to get rid of him before then. I made a bet with my wife after the election he would not be the POTUS in 2023
LOL that cant happen. The only way Biden leaves office in 2023 is natural causes, so you may still be right. But lol you thinking he's going to be removed. You're delusional.
Trump had a Republican House and a Republican Senate when he was elected in 2016, goldfish.
He lost both.
Trump lost his far left trade war, bigly. The trade deficits with China and Mexico reached record levels under Trump.
Trump opposed testing which would have tracked and prevented the disease from spreading as much as it did, resulting in the largest death count on the planet.
Trump stole the retirement nest eggs of the elderly at his fake "university".
1. OK, both parties suck. Biden is going to lose the House and Senate in 2022 and the presidency in 2024. That's US politics.

2. It takes years to win trade wars. So you support moving factories and jobs over seas. Most voters don't.

3. More people died under Biden than Trump. Trump gave Biden the vaccines and therapies, and Biden failed to manufacture enough. Trump was better than "poopy pants" at handling Covid, much better. See that rise in infections?

4. Who created the Covid pandemic? That's right democrats. Fau-Chi under the Obama admin hired/paid the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general to do "gain of function" research (aka germ warfare research).
You interpret incorrectly. You should have just taken it at face value as plain English.
Yes. He did try to overthrow the election. Easy to understand recounts on close vote, but most weren't even close. The conspiracy crap was disproven. Even his own unscrupulous lawyers would not even make the claim in courts in front of judges (only outside the courts for trumpist consumption). After loosing consistently in the courts, he tried to get states to overrule the elector slate they had already verified. He tried to get them to change the vote totals, in one case asking that he only needed 10,000 votes. He attacked anybody that would not change their state's votes, even republicans. He tried to strong-arm his own Vice President to take unconstitutional action with powers the VP never had. He got people riled up at a fake "stop the steal" rally, marched them on The Capital, where they attacked both houses of congress while in session to finalize receiving the votes of the states. When it turned violent and destructive outside and inside the capital, he refused requests to call off the siege until maximum damage had been done, and it was certain they would fail to stop the election from being finalized. That meet all the criteria of trying to overthrow the vote. I would not vote to give him a second chance to be more successful at taking away our right to free and fair elections, where the votes counted, as opposed to being changed at levels above the polls by political cronies content to overthrow the will of the voting population.
Ok, thanks for the explanation.
I'm not a Trump fan either.
Your "democratically elected" comment seems to impune election integrity according to my English translator.
1. OK, both parties suck. Biden is going to lose the House and Senate in 2022 and the presidency in 2024. That's US politics.

2. It takes years to win trade wars. So you support moving factories and jobs over seas. Most voters don't.

3. More people died under Biden than Trump. Trump gave Biden the vaccines and therapies, and Biden failed to manufacture enough. Trump was better than "poopy pants" at handling Covid, much better. See that rise in infections?
View attachment 586588

4. Who created the Covid pandemic? That's right democrats. Fau-Chi under the Obama admin hired/paid the Wuhan Lab, run by a Chinese general to do "gain of function" research (aka germ warfare research).
I agree both parties suck. That's why I quit the GOP after Trump was elected, and I had been a lifetime member up to that point, unlike Trump.

It is a well-established economic fact going back over a century that tariff wars do not work. Trump's idiotic war does not need more time. It needs to be terminated. Biden has chosen to continue it, because it's a liberal policy.

The people dying from Covid are unvaccinated. That's not Biden's fault. He has done all he can to get people vaccinated.
LOL that cant happen. The only way Biden leaves office in 2023 is natural causes, so you may still be right. But lol you thinking he's going to be removed. You're delusional.

Of course it can happen. He is old and his memory problems are getting worse, he makes less sense every time you hear him speak.

There will be a medical reasons for it, but I have confidence it will happen.
Fascists are leftists Dimmer....another bit of proof you lean way lefty. And brainwashed works well for you too.
Fascists are leftists Dimmer....another bit of proof you lean way lefty. And brainwashed works well for you too.
Fascism is right wing. One link below. Read it when your sober whenever that will happen.
I agree both parties suck. That's why I quit the GOP after Trump was elected, and I had been a lifetime member up to that point, unlike Trump.
It is a well-established economic fact going back over a century that tariff wars do not work. Trump's idiotic war does not need more time. It needs to be terminated. Biden has chosen to continue it, because it's a liberal policy.
The people dying from Covid are unvaccinated. That's not Biden's fault. He has done all he can to get people vaccinated.
1. LOL! We agree on something! BOTH parties suck.

2. Something needs to work to keep factories and jobs here in the US. I support Trump's America First policies. Besides, if tariffs are bad, why do the ones that keep US products out of other countries work?

3. Actually the Omicron variant prefers to infect vaccinated people.
1. LOL! We agree on something! BOTH parties suck.

2. Something needs to work to keep factories and jobs here in the US. I support Trump's America First policies. Besides, if tariffs are bad, why do the ones that keep US products out of other countries work?

3. Actually the Omicron variant prefers to infect vaccinated people.

Get educated, dum-dum.
More than likely yes.

But I'll be honest, after everything the Democrats have done to America and Americans this year I'd vote for macho man Randy Savage if he ran as a republican just to not have another democrat controlled party.
Trump is still making noise like he will run for president again in 2024. The current betting odds are:
View attachment 586535 Biden & Harris look surprisingly strong!

So, I'm wondering what the GOP primaries will look like assuming that the candidates on the stage with Trump will probably include:
Mike Pence
Ted Cruz
Mike Pompeo
Nikki Haley
Tom Cotton
Jim Jordan
Ron Desantis
Dan Crenshaw

Would you vote for Trump in the GOP primaries since he has the best chance of beating Biden or Harris, or would you vote to nominate another GOP candidate since Trump has so much baggage, like January-6th?
If Trump runs on vaccines, I won't give him the primary vote. If he runs against vaccines, he gets my primary vote. If Trump gets the nomination, he gets my vote either way.

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