Willing To Violate The Constitution To Protect Mueller, Even For Misconduct / Crimes?

What perjury trap? Is this the new thing for trumpanzees to repeat without even knowing what it is or if it even exists?
Multiple persons interviewed and who have been ensnared by them have all told of the same tactic.

Example: Corsi stated the reason he has been indicted is because Mueller and his team asked him about AN (1) e-mail from several years ago. Not remembering it and believing himself to be answering honestly, he stated he did not receive such an e-mail.

He obviously did because Mueller was asking about it. Mueller produced it. BAM - Perjury Trap Snaps Shut.

Before you race to your keyboard to claim that never happened....STOP...because you would be LYING. Democrats sent Scooter Libby to jail using the same tactic...to save face after their witch hunt against Bush that failed to take him down like the way they are trying to take down Trump. Papadopoulos and others independently told their own versions of the same tactic being used against them.

The usual moronic snowflake response is, 'Just Don't Lie'.... when you are asked a question, you think you KNOW the answer, and you want to try to show you are innocent by complying / answering all of their questions, and you offer up what you remember and believe to be the truth....and get F*ed for doing so, your only crime is having trusted the SOBs to begin with. It took them 2 years, but those being targeted by Mueller are finally smartening up. From the very start they should have refused to play his game - SUBPOENA? LAWYER UP, TELL MUELLER TO GO F* HIMSELF, THEN PLEAD THE 5TH!

Mueller's days of bullying, extorting, & blackmailing his victims to obtain LIES FOR LENIENCY are over - the rebellion against his BS has begun, leaving him less evidence to go on than he had before...which was ZERO.

The PERJURY TRAP tactic has been publicly exposed, his victims are fighting back and refuse to play his game, and all you snowflakes can do about it - like Mueller - is bitch and whine about it.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.
Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.
Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation.
Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins

View attachment 231488

Trump is the victim of his own running mouth. Republicans illegally used the House and Senate to run a disinformation campaign called "Benghazi, Benghazi Benghazi" for 5 fucking years, which didn't result in a single charge, a single piece of evidence of wrong doing, or uncovered any lies. You're just going to have to put up with this investigation which has resulted in numerous charges, guilty pleas, cooperating witnesses, and a lot of really good outcomes.

And here's a clue. Every time Trump screams NO COLLUSION, we know he's lying because Trump is always lying. If his mouth is moving, he's lying.

You wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked you on the ass and called you Sally.
Mueller continues to face PERJURY TRAP rebellions as more information regarding his potentially criminal prosecutorial misconduct, falsely claiming his victims are / having violated their plea deal agreements because they refuse to give him what he wants, which, according to Corsi and others, is for them to lie and make false accusations about the President, is reported.

Democrats, in the meantime, continue to scramble to pass legislation that 'protects Mueller' and his witch hunt from being fired / terminated.

Gee, that sounds so justifiable, like such an easy 'call' to make - 'Protect Mueller'. Yeah, not so much when you find out the details, what that exactly means.

While telling you they are attempting to 'Protect Mueller', what the Democrats / snowflakes are NOT telling people is the WAY they are trying to do that....

To 'protect Mueller' the Democrats are attempting to strip both the US AG and the President of their Constitutional powers.

"Currently, the US attorney general can remove the special counsel “for misconduct, dereliction of duty, incapacity, conflict of interest, or for other good cause, including violation of departmental policies.”

THE DEMOCRATS WANT TO STRIP THE US AG OF THAT CONSTITUTIONAL AUTHORITY and would instead establish some oversight with a three-judge panel (made up of two District of Columbia district court judges and one US Court of Appeals judge) that would have the power to overturn the US AG's decision to fire Mueller, even in the case of prosecutorial misconduct or violations of laws / regs / rules.

Such a ruling against a US AG would still most assuredly end up before the USSC, no matter what the legislation designed to protect Mueller says.


"The conservative argument is that Congress can’t infringe on the executive authority; that constitutionally, the president maintains the power to control who serves in the executive branch."

"At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the constitutionality of the two special counsel bills in September, which included testimony from legal scholars and experts, John Duffy of the University of Virginia School of Law said the “transfer of removal authority from the Executive to the Judicial Branch is almost certainly unconstitutional

A Senate committee just approved a bill to protect Robert Mueller


Again you have no clue what you are talking about. What is going on is clear. Trump used the possibility of a pardon as a dog whistle. That is why they refuse to tell the truth. You have no clue what Mueller has.

The trouble is that we have no LEGAL AG. The laws of this country are clear on succession in the DOJ. Only the Deputy AG or the Solicitor General can be Acting AG. To claim this is unconstitutional has no basis in fact. The AG is a office created by Congress not the Constitution. This is what the Constitution says,
"he may require the Opinion, in writing, of the principal Officer in each of the executive Departments, upon any subject relating to the Duties of their respective Offices,". The AG was created by Congress and thus the Congress can put limitations on the AG.

I am sure that Republicans brought these people in because they knew what they said. A challenge to the Independent Counsel was rejected by the Supreme Court in 1988 with Scalia being the lone dissenting vote.
"The conservative constitutional concerns go back to the 1988 Supreme Court case Morrison v. Olson, a 7-1 decision that upheld the Independent Counsel Act — a statute passed in the wake of Nixon’s firing of the Watergate special prosecutor that created an investigator role completely independent of the executive branch. Justice Antonin Scalia was the single dissent on the case, arguing that the independent counsel was a clear disruption of the separation of powers"

"Scalia said that a “governmental investigation and prosecution of crimes is a quintessentially executive function.” Despite the Court’s decision upholding the role of an independent counsel, Congress allowed the act to expire in 1999. In its place, there’s the special counsel, the role Mueller holds, which is largely the same on the merits but is not separate from the administration"

"“The special counsel is the creation of the attorney general or his designated subordinate; as such, the argument could be that any limitations intrude upon executive authority,”

7 other judges disagreed. While Scalia was generally right, he was wrong on the issue. A AG is not even mentioned in the Constitution. The powers of the AG were established by Congress not the Constitution.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.
Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.
Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation.
Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins

View attachment 231488

Trump is the victim of his own running mouth. Republicans illegally used the House and Senate to run a disinformation campaign called "Benghazi, Benghazi Benghazi" for 5 fucking years, which didn't result in a single charge, a single piece of evidence of wrong doing, or uncovered any lies. You're just going to have to put up with this investigation which has resulted in numerous charges, guilty pleas, cooperating witnesses, and a lot of really good outcomes.

And here's a clue. Every time Trump screams NO COLLUSION, we know he's lying because Trump is always lying. If his mouth is moving, he's lying.

You wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked you on the ass and called you Sally.

I don't think that anybody who supports Donald Trump is in any position to tell ANYONE that they can't recognize the truth. This is especially true of Russian troll farmers.

You think we don't see you with 37,000 posts in 18 months? That's 68 posts a day, 7 days a week. I'm retired but I don't have that kind of time. But here you are day in, day out, spewing your pro-Trump, anti-American propaganda.
"when it comes to actually acting, for Republicans, Trump firing Mueller is the only red line."

The entire argument - about the PRESIDENT firing Mueller is pretty much moot as Trump said he has no intention of doing so.

He does not have to - the evidence of crimes perpetrated by Democrats, to include the witch hunters, continues to mount, the PERJURY TRAP REBELLION is torpedoing what is left of Mueller's prosecutorial misconduct-laden investigation, and the appointment of Whitaker means the DOJ in finally LED by a non-member if the witch hunt who will not ignore the evidence of democrat/ conspirator crimes the way Mueller and Rosenstein have....which is why the Democrats are desperate to get this Un-Constitutional 'Protect Mueller' legislation passed, stripping Whitaker from being able to fire Mueller, even for proven prosecutorial misconduct / crimes.

Looney Tunes Back In Action.

We have no AG as Trump is acting illegally. There is no PERJURY TRAP. Trump is dangling pardons and that is why they are lying. There is no misconduct except Trump and Manafort's lawyers who are talking to Trump. There is no mis-conduct to investigate.

I see you got your talking points PUPPET.
Trump can fire Mueller. It's not like he has produced anything worth a fuck within 2 years. So yeah, he is in firing territory.

You don't know what he has. His investigation is clearly being hindered by Republicans. Americans have made it clear. They want Mueller to finish his investigation no matter how long it takes. I wouldn't expect a Trump cult member to understand that.
Democrats wanting to strip the President of his authority to make decisions regarding who works in the EXECUTIVE BRANCH ('Separation If Powers') is like the President claiming the authority to dictate who will be the Speaker of the House to the in-coming Democrats.
Do you not understand that the Constitution REQUIRES that the Senate confirm the AG?
Confirm, not PICK...
OK...and where is the Senate trying to "pick" anyone?

They confirm who they think is qualified.

They have not even been asked to CONSIDER Whitaker...because he is wholly unqualified
They don't have to consider Whitaker.
He is completely qualified to be Acting US AG...and his being named Temp US AG scares the hell out of Mueller and snowflakes....which is the reason thou dost protest so loudly. :p

28 U.S. Code § 508 - Vacancies

In case of a vacancy in the office of Attorney General, or of his absence or disability, the Deputy Attorney General may exercise all the duties of that office, and for the purpose of section 3345 of title 5 the Deputy Attorney General is the first assistant to the Attorney General.
When by reason of absence, disability, or vacancy in office, neither the Attorney General nor the Deputy Attorney General is available to exercise the duties of the office of Attorney General, the Associate Attorney General shall act as Attorney General. The Attorney General may designate the Solicitor General and the Assistant Attorneys General, in further order of succession, to act as Attorney General.

28 U.S. Code § 508 - Vacancies

Can you read?
They don't have to consider Whitaker.
He is completely qualified to be Acting US AG...and his being named Temp US AG scares the hell out of Mueller and snowflakes....which is the reason thou dost protest so loudly

A. They don't have to consider Whitaker? According to the Constitution the AG needs to be confirmed by the Senate. So yea...they do

B.He is "qualified" to be Acting AG (just barely) but then there is ONLY an acting AG because Trump created that opening by firing the CONFIRMED AGO who was not "protecting him" enough.

The last Acting AG served for about 6 days...150 years ago.

Why isn't Trump nominating Whitaker or someone else?

Because he knows Whitaker would never get confirmed even in a Republican Senate because of his biased statements and lack of qualifications (not to mention his other ethical issues). And he won't find anyone else who CAN get confirmed and is willing to operate outside the rule of law.

He was given that position for one reason. To control or eliminate the Mueller investigation
1. Whitaker is not the US AG....he is the ACTING / TEMP US AG...

2. Thank you for admitting he is qualified. He is more qualified going into his new role as acting US AG than Barry was going from Community Organizer to President...

Obama was more qualified than Trump.
Trump is the victim of Obama's abuse of power.
Obama illegally used the FBI to spy upon Trump.
Obama illegally used the DOJ to start a fraudulent investigation.
Democrats = Banana Republic Cretins

View attachment 231488

Trump is the victim of his own running mouth. Republicans illegally used the House and Senate to run a disinformation campaign called "Benghazi, Benghazi Benghazi" for 5 fucking years, which didn't result in a single charge, a single piece of evidence of wrong doing, or uncovered any lies. You're just going to have to put up with this investigation which has resulted in numerous charges, guilty pleas, cooperating witnesses, and a lot of really good outcomes.

And here's a clue. Every time Trump screams NO COLLUSION, we know he's lying because Trump is always lying. If his mouth is moving, he's lying.

You wouldn't recognize the truth if it smacked you on the ass and called you Sally.

I don't think that anybody who supports Donald Trump is in any position to tell ANYONE that they can't recognize the truth. This is especially true of Russian troll farmers.

You think we don't see you with 37,000 posts in 18 months? That's 68 posts a day, 7 days a week. I'm retired but I don't have that kind of time. But here you are day in, day out, spewing your pro-Trump, anti-American propaganda.

Or..I have a good bit of time to kill. :funnyface:
Trump is the victim of his own running mouth. Republicans illegally used the House and Senate to run a disinformation campaign called "Benghazi, Benghazi Benghazi" for 5 fucking years, which didn't result in a single charge, a single piece of evidence of wrong doing, or uncovered any lies.


You have GOT to be the DUMBEST, most BRAINWASHED M*erF*er on the PLANET!

UNDENIABLE Evidence exists, was reported, was documented, showing / proving all of THIS:

1. No one was ever indicted / convicted as a result of the Benghazi hearings BECAUSE IT WAS NEVER A CRIMINAL TRIAL, DUMBASS!

4 Americans needlessly died due to criminal incompetence, if for no other reason.

- Obama (& SoS Clinton) dragged the US into a war to help Al Qaeda - who slaughtered 3,000 Americans - kill a country's leader and take over that country as their own

- Clinton's State Department HIRED AN AL QAEDA-ASSOCIATED MILITIA to help protect Americans in Benghazi ... from attacks from AL QAEDA

*** On 09/11/2012 22 US Embassies and compounds were attacked throughout the Middle East - AS THEY KNEW WERE WARNED WOULD HAPPEN: 2 were overrun, 4 Americans died in all. THEY WERE WARNED AND THOSE DEATHS WERE PREVENTABLE! The Benghazi attack, the only one where Americans died, is the only one Hillary and Barry initially claimed were NOT terrorist attacks but instead PROTESTS OVER A VIDEO.

- Obama, Hillary, & the State Department were also made aware by the mayor of Benghazi that al Al Qaeda leader had put out a call for the assassination of Ambassador Stephens in retaliation for the death of an Al Qaeda leader from Benghazi who had been killed in an Obama Drone Strike a month earlier. AGAIN, THEY WERE WARNED.

- Stephens had submitted over 40 (FORTY) requests for additional security, and Hillary / her State Department DENIED THEM ALL. After the FINAL attack on 09/11/12 in which Stephens and 3 others were killed, when asked by Congress about these requests HILLARY CLINTON LAUGHED AND REMARKED BAOUT STEPHENS' QUIRKY SENSE OF HUMOR, ADDING SHE THOUGHT ALL THOSE REQUESTS WERE PART OF HIS SENSE OF HUMOR -- A JOKE.


In one of his e-mails to Clinton, READ BACK TO HER IN FRONT OF CONGRESS, Stephens informed her that after the 2nd (SECOND) terrorist attack on their compound - that left a 4-foot hole in their wall - IF THEY WERE NOT GIVEN ADDITIONAL SECURITY AND THE 3RD ATTACK EXPECTED ON 9/11/12 OCCURRED HE WOULD DIE! NOT ONLY WAS THIS REQUEST DENIED, HILLARY / THE STATE DEPARTMENT - KNOWING THE 9/11/12 ATTACK WAS STILL COMING - TOOK AWAY MEMBERS OF STEPHENS / THE BENGHAZI COMPOUNDS' SECURITY DETAIL. She later blamed the GOP for not being able to hire enough security on the GOP's BUDGET CUT. She ignored the question that followed: '"F YOU COUL DNOT AFFORD TO ADEQUATELY PROTECT THEM WHY DIDN'T YOU GET THEM OUT OF THERE?"

- The Benghazi compound was attacked 3 (THREE) times. Anyone with any intelligence - leaving Barry and Hillary out - knew these were PROBES - feeling out the security in advance of the final attack on 09/11/12.

EVERY OTHER NATION with people in Benghazi pulled their people out before the final attack on 09/11/2012, citing the same things Stephens was mentioning to the State Department as their reason for pulling out:
- Growing Al Qaeda presence
- New terrorist camps opening up
- Al Qaeda flags flying over Benghazi Govt buildings
- Increased terrorist violence
- Several terrorist attacks......

Every other nation pulled their people out....every other nation lost NO ONE in the attack on 09/11/12

According to Hillary and Barry there were no US military units / Quick Reaction Forces prepared to respond / rescue the Americans in Libya should the final attack they were warned about happen...except for some possible light help from the local Obama-gun-running CIA. EVEN THOUGH STEPHENS TOLD HILLARY IF A 3RD, LARGER ATTACK OCCURRED ON 09/11/12 AND HE WAS NOT GIVEN MORE SECURITY HE WOULD DIE (SHE DIDN'T AND HE DID), They still KNOWINGLY did not have anyone ready to respond and get them the hell out if needed.



Up until the day of the attack Hillary / Obama / The US State Department had EVERY opportunity to provide adequate protection OR to pull them out of harm's way - THEY CHOSE NOT TO!


...whose graves and memories snowflakes like you continue to PISS ON just so you can continue to LIE, DENY, JUSTIFY, AND PROTECT Hillary's and Obama's FAILURES / INCOMPETENCE that got 4 Americans killed!

As always, Democrats rather than Legislate want to Litigate. This is why they want to pack the courts with judges sympathetic to their agenda, instead of those who adhere to The Rule of Law.
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Obama was more qualified than Trump.
The results of their Presidencies to this point prove you are WRONG! :p

If Obama was secure in the knowledge / belief in the strength and success of his time in office, he would not be running across the country trying to take credit for someone else's actions / legacy. :p

I guess that is what happens when a Socialist Democrat Narcissist leaves office and watches his own Legacy wiped off the books.

A Congress of a previous generation, had more moral fortitude.
What would a snowflake / liberal know about 'moral fortitude'? Seriously...

Herman Cain...

Brett Kavanaugh...

Calling for the President's son to be ripped from his mother's arms and raped by pedophiles...

Calling for women associated with Trump to be kidnapped, caged, beaten, and raped...

Posing with faux bloody head of the President in 1 hand and a bloody knife in the other....

Paying thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters AT Trump Rallies...

Inciting assassination attempts against GOP politicians with violent rhetoric...

An Ex-1st Lady/Senator/SoS/DNC Presidential Candidate calling for increased violence and violent intolerance, declaring there will be no civility until the Democrats take back power....


What would a Trump supporter know about moral fortitude.

Dr Ford.

Stormy Daniels.

Paying off hookers to keep quiet.

Attacking a victim of a sexual assault.

Inciting violent attacks against people who tell the truth about Trump.

Using tear gas against women and children.

Denigrating women and minorities.

Dangling pardons to encourage criminals not to talk.

A current President urging violence against peaceful protestors.
What would a Trump supporter know about moral fortitude.
Dr Ford. / Stormy Daniels / Paying off hookers to keep quiet / Attacking a victim of a sexual assault / Inciting violent attacks against people who tell the truth about Trump / Using tear gas against women and children / Denigrating women and minorities / Dangling pardons to encourage criminals not to talk / A current President urging violence against peaceful protestors.

Nice job, parrot - you got almost all of the taking points down...debunked and laughable as they are.

The woman Feinstein and the Democrats despicably USED to try to take down Kavanaugh, the woman the democrats used as a PROP to spew their Anti-American BS about how CONSERVATIEVS are GUILTY until proven innocent and that the burden of proof is on the accused not the accuser'...the woman who had ZERO evidence to back her claims (like ever other accuser against him and Cain), the woman who could not remember what / where / when, and whose own witnesses said 'it never happened'?!

The woman who now says 'My criminal attorney did it all without my knowledge / authorization'?
You want to play 'whose d!ck is bigger', BB? Let's go there - I'll start out by reminding you it was a prominent Democrat who left a woman to die in an overturned car in a water-filled ditch to save his own miserable political career and went on to be one of the Democrats' most beloved alcoholic, misogynist sexual harassers before moving on to the Democrats' Hero - their beloved life/career-long criminal sexual harasser/assaulter, rapist, adulterer, and accused pedophile Impeached ex-President. Bwuhahahaha...you REALLY want to TRY to claim the 'moral high ground' in this category, snowflake?

Another case of pathetic snowflakes / Democrats accusing others of what they have already done....What's the 'score' regarding tear gassing violent illegals? Oh yeah - 'Trump - 1, Obama - 80'! :p I am just surprised snowflakes did not put up a picture of Obama's administration tear gassing Illegals and claim it was Trumps the way they published pictures of Barry's 'concentration camps' yet claimed they were Trump's! Bwuhahaha!

Another case of pathetic snowflakes / Democrats accusing others of what they have already done.... EX-1st Lady / Sect of State / hand-picked DNC Felon 2016 Presidential Nominee was caught PAYING THUGS TO BEAT AND BLOODY AMERICANS - TRUMP SUPPORTERS AT TRUMP RALLIES...Democrats engaged in such violent rhetoric that they incited an assassination attempt against GOP politicians, getting Scalise gunned down on a public ball field.

You continue to embarrass yourself in your pathetic attempts to protect criminals / failures while attempting to attack and undermine the President of the United States.
Upgrading Ellis Island promotes the general welfare and eases pressure on our southern border.

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