Windoze 7 Woes ...

All this traces bad to the worst court decision since Plessy V Ferguson in Apple Computer, Inc. v. Microsoft Corporation.

Microsoft STOLE the Mac OS and should have been forces to stick with DOS.
So far, not a single issue with My winders 7. Upgraded from XP just to see if I could to it. A few hoops to jump though, but all in all, it went very smooth.

I'll give it six months before I express an opinion on how buggy it is.
Listening to KK's opinion on Windows is the equivalent to listening to Rush Limbaugh's latest critique of the Obama administration. Spin, spin, spin.
Listening to KK's opinion on Windows is the equivalent to listening to Rush Limbaugh's latest critique of the Obama administration. Spin, spin, spin.

Really, show me one of my points that is a spin ... just one. Shogut failed to show his contention more than once, your turn, nut up or shut up.
Listening to KK's opinion on Windows is the equivalent to listening to Rush Limbaugh's latest critique of the Obama administration. Spin, spin, spin.

Really, show me one of my points that is a spin ... just one. Shogut failed to show his contention more than once, your turn, nut up or shut up.

It's pretty clear who FAILS, koder.


Listening to KK's opinion on Windows is the equivalent to listening to Rush Limbaugh's latest critique of the Obama administration. Spin, spin, spin.

Really, show me one of my points that is a spin ... just one. Shogut failed to show his contention more than once, your turn, nut up or shut up.

It's pretty clear who FAILS, koder.



We already know you failed to show your contention many many times ... so let Jon nut up or shut up, since you seem incapable of either.
Listening to KK's opinion on Windows is the equivalent to listening to Rush Limbaugh's latest critique of the Obama administration. Spin, spin, spin.

Really, show me one of my points that is a spin ... just one. Shogut failed to show his contention more than once, your turn, nut up or shut up.

You admitted yourself you were taking things out of context.
Listening to KK's opinion on Windows is the equivalent to listening to Rush Limbaugh's latest critique of the Obama administration. Spin, spin, spin.

Really, show me one of my points that is a spin ... just one. Shogut failed to show his contention more than once, your turn, nut up or shut up.

You admitted yourself you were taking things out of context.

Aside from the one I admitted to. ;)
I read this today and I know it's a re-print (re-load???) from The Guardian in the UK but I thought it was bloody funny.

If you do decide to read all of it plus the comments please know that I am embarrassed that some of the dickheads who wrote in just didn't get the humour.

Using Windows is like living in a communist bloc nation circa 1981. And don't change it.

I admit it: I'm a bigot. A hopeless bigot at that: I know my particular prejudice is absurd, but I just can't control it. It's Apple. I don't like Apple products. And the better-designed and more ubiquitous they become, the more I dislike them. I blame the customers. Awful people. Awful. Stop showing me your iPhone. Stop stroking your Macbook. Stop telling me to get one.

This is where I cracked up laughing:

I know Windows is awful. Everyone knows Windows is awful. Windows is like the faint smell of piss in a subway: it's there, and there's nothing you can do about it. It's grim, it's slow, everything's badly designed and nothing works properly: using Windows is like living in a communist bloc nation circa 1981. And I wouldn't change it for the world, because I'm an abject bloody idiot and I hate myself, and this is what I deserve: to be sentenced to Windows for life.

Better the broken Windows than life with the Mac monks

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