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Wingnut Michele backs off on cutting veterans' benefits

Too bad she didn't have the back bone to keep it in, by time they make provisions for every whiner there won't be any of saving as usual.

So you're saying veterans are a bunch of whiners?

Not really. I'm all for supporting the Military on everything, but there is extreme economic times right now, we need to cut everything including benefits as a whole.e Military is a job, they are paid for their service like any other job, benefits are freebies and when times are tough we need to have the balls to pull them back. If I get hurt on the job I won't get paid for life or have open medical for life because its a job hazard.

Umm never been in combat?

I worked with troubled and disabled Iraq vets for a few years, helping them get back to the real world.

I am firmly against the war, but I do support the troops.
We owe those boys and girls.

I tell you what just cut officers benefits that have never seen combat.
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There are 242 Republicans in congress. Why is Bachmann #1 on the leftie hit list? Is it in response to Soros non-stop blogs? Do lefties hate successful women?
There are 242 Republicans in congress. Why is Bachmann #1 on the leftie hit list? Is it in response to Soros non-stop blogs? Do lefties hate successful women?

Umm cause she runs her mouth a lot and spews nonsense?

there were lots of women protesting the war. Why did the right pick on that poor Shehan woman so much?
So you're saying veterans are a bunch of whiners?

Not really. I'm all for supporting the Military on everything, but there is extreme economic times right now, we need to cut everything including benefits as a whole.e Military is a job, they are paid for their service like any other job, benefits are freebies and when times are tough we need to have the balls to pull them back. If I get hurt on the job I won't get paid for life or have open medical for life because its a job hazard.

Umm never been in combat?

I worked with troubled and disabled Iraq vets for a few years, helping them get back to the real world.

I am firmly against the war, but I do support the troops.
We owe those boys and girls.

I tell you what just cut officers benefits that have never seen combat.
I'm not saying cutting it all together, just cutting back in this time of need. I do agree that if someone hasn't seen combat than there is no reason to promise them guaranteed medical for life, the money should be used for those who have been hurt and have need prosthesis and so on..

Although, the right could attack the Obama regime on how he initially called for the vets to pay for 100% of their own private insurance.
Rep. Michele Bachmann took a lot of heat last week from veterans groups that criticized her plan to trim the deficit by cutting back on veterans benefits among other government programs. In a statement on Friday, Bachmann said she has removed those cuts from consideration.

After criticism, Bachmann removes veterans benefit cuts from proposal

Won't be the last time we see Teahadists backtracking, either.

Thats too bad. I'm a veteran and I think they need to be cut along with everything else. Alot of those veteran organisations amount to nothing more than a Union by another name. We dont serve for the benefits. All we ask is that you take care of us when we are injured in service to our country.
Rep. Michele Bachmann took a lot of heat last week from veterans groups that criticized her plan to trim the deficit by cutting back on veterans benefits among other government programs. In a statement on Friday, Bachmann said she has removed those cuts from consideration.

After criticism, Bachmann removes veterans benefit cuts from proposal

Won't be the last time we see Teahadists backtracking, either.

Wish she had the balls to carry through. I know this is a real hot button issue that carries alot of irrational emotions with it, but there is serious fraud in veterans benefits - particularly disability benefits. There are tons of veterans advocacy groups out there who will do basically anything including coaching vets on how to work the system to get disability benefits.

There are many vets who deserve every penny and more of disability and medical benefits they receive. However, there are many others who are shamelessly cheating the system because they feel entitled simply because they served in the military. I have had many conversations with friends about disability benefits and every single one is amazed I haven't filed for benefits. When I tell them there is no reason for me to collect benefits, I'm fully functional both psychologically and physically, they look at me like I'm stupid and tell me to make something up. It's really sad to see otherwise honorable, respectable people cheat their country and fellow soldiers like they do.
Tell the fatcats on Wall St. who were the primary beneficiaries of the Iraq war and others to pony up for vet's benefits. Believe me they earned the paltry sums they may receive.

It is no wonder that Wall St. was attacked. I am starting to wonder if Al Queada wasn't doing us a favor.
Tell the fatcats on Wall St. who were the primary beneficiaries of the Iraq war and others to pony up for vet's benefits. Believe me they earned the paltry sums they may receive.

It is no wonder that Wall St. was attacked. I am starting to wonder if Al Queada wasn't doing us a favor.

I'm sorry but every person who enters the military knows the pay structure up front. Trying to get something extra on the back end with out due cause because you feel entitled is reprehensible. Those who cheat the system dishonor and steal from those who truely deserve the benefits.
Active duty and all service connected injuries are a covenant between those who serve and those who are served,,,, in perpetuity,,, their dependents are another story, government employees should nor expect treatment at a Veterans or military hospital, Bethesda Naval Hospital and the Walter Reed Army hospital in DC have a history of treating high ranking government employees and officials.
Maybe the people who came across the border illegally should not get served in any emergency room as is now the case.
If I get sick in most countries I will have to stay sick, when I traveled internationally I had to carry a letter from my employer or insurance company that indemnifies any treatment needed.
We already have defacto health care for one and all in this country.

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