Stolen Elections

Sure. But Democrat fear mongering and Republican fear mongering are in the same category. It's the same game. And it's the reason Trump is a threat. If you all spent less time trying to scare everyone, and actually pushed candidates and policies that have broad appeal, you'd win easily- and yes, that means conceding some things to the half of the nation that isn't on board with your current agenda.

But the thing is, neither side wants consensus. They want to win by the narrowest margin possible. Anything more than 50.1% represents a wasted opportunity. It means you've moved too far to the center (in the eyes of the left/right goons). It means you could have pushed a little harder for advantage in the "culture war'.

That's why these elections are always so close. Democrats could have replaced Biden with a centrist who would pull in enough Republicans to easily defeat Trump. But they don't want to. They want to push as hard as they can for their favored social reforms, and still eek out a victory.

This is all baked into plurality voting and the two-party system. We have to grow a spine, as a nation, and reject it.
Actually the 1980 and 1984 elections weren't close at all. Neither was the 2004 election for that matter.
Actually the 1980 and 1984 elections weren't close at all. Neither was the 2004 election for that matter.
In '84 Reagan was re-elected with 58.5%, you might call that "not close" but in '80 and '04 the winner had 50.7%. Barely a majority.
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Yeah, you dismissed the links by ignoring them.

Just like I ignore your bullshit now.

You're nothing but a dishonest troll.

Idiot, you didn't show me a link to ignore. I dismissed you because you don't have a link to support that bullshit claim.
Idiot, you didn't show me a link to ignore. I dismissed you because you don't have a link to support that bullshit claim.
It's been done many times. Go piss up a rope. I don't waste my time with trolls, like you.
Go Here.


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