WINNING: 273k Jobs Added In February, Crushing Expectations Amid Coronavirus Worries


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Economy adds 273K jobs in February,
crushing expectations amid coronavirus worries

'The U.S. added 273,000 jobs in February, according to data released Friday by the Labor Department, blowing past expectations ahead of a feared coronavirus economic slump.

The unemployment rate ticked down 0.1 percentage points to 3.5 percent, while the labor force participation rate held steady at 63.4 percent. February’s job gain comes after an upwardly revised increase of 273,000 jobs in January and 184,000 in December'

Economy adds 273K jobs in February, crushing expectations amid coronavirus worries

Democrats aren't taking the news so well.....

upload_2020-3-6_9-59-1.jpeg upload_2020-3-6_9-59-54.jpeg

Economy adds 273K jobs in February,
crushing expectations amid coronavirus worries

'The U.S. added 273,000 jobs in February, according to data released Friday by the Labor Department, blowing past expectations ahead of a feared coronavirus economic slump.

The unemployment rate ticked down 0.1 percentage points to 3.5 percent, while the labor force participation rate held steady at 63.4 percent. February’s job gain comes after an upwardly revised increase of 273,000 jobs in January and 184,000 in December'

Economy adds 273K jobs in February, crushing expectations amid coronavirus worries

Democrats aren't taking the news so well.....

View attachment 310659 View attachment 310660

That’s terrible news for wetbacks, pole puffers, rug munchers, feminazis, chicks with dicks, weirdos, lowlife degenerates, criminals and other filth...I mean....DEMOCRATS
Trump keeps on winning and nothing ever goes well for these stupid confused Moon Bats, does it?

That shithead Biden had increased poverty, higher unemployment, more debt. lower family income and more dismal economic growth than Trump. I know these Moon Bats are idiots and don't make good choices at the voting polls but how in the hell can anyone believe that Biden deserves to replace Trump as President?

Economy adds 273K jobs in February,
crushing expectations amid coronavirus worries

'The U.S. added 273,000 jobs in February, according to data released Friday by the Labor Department, blowing past expectations ahead of a feared coronavirus economic slump.

The unemployment rate ticked down 0.1 percentage points to 3.5 percent, while the labor force participation rate held steady at 63.4 percent. February’s job gain comes after an upwardly revised increase of 273,000 jobs in January and 184,000 in December'

Economy adds 273K jobs in February, crushing expectations amid coronavirus worries

Democrats aren't taking the news so well.....

View attachment 310659 View attachment 310660


“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”

Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

you are desperate for attention this morning my little loser. I have never, not once, given Obama credit for a single job.

I leave giving the government credit for all the good things the private sector does to big government statist like you and your fellow Trump worshipers.

“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”

Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

you are desperate for attention this morning my little loser. I have never, not once, given Obama credit for a single job.

I leave giving the government credit for all the good things the private sector does to big government statist like you and your fellow Trump worshipers.

You’re not so cleverly disguise your implications..
“Good to see the same positive trajectory has continued from 2010”
There is virtually zero impact from the coronavirus in the February jobs report. Let’s see what the jobs report looks like in March and April.

I ask Trumpers this question over and over, but they never seem to have a (economical) reasonable explanation- If the economy is so great, why does the Federal Reserve keep cutting rates and adding QE? Those are tools ALWAYS employed to boost a sluggish economy. I guess all you guys are just smarter than all the central bankers around the world.

“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”

Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

you are desperate for attention this morning my little loser. I have never, not once, given Obama credit for a single job.

I leave giving the government credit for all the good things the private sector does to big government statist like you and your fellow Trump worshipers.

You’re not so cleverly disguise your implications..
“Good to see the same positive trajectory has continued from 2010”

The implication is that nothing happening now started under Trump, that is all.

Once again, only people of your ilk thinks the government creates these jobs.
There is virtually zero impact from the coronavirus in the February jobs report. Let’s see what the jobs report looks like in March and April.

I ask Trumpers this question over and over, but they never seem to have a (economical) reasonable explanation- If the economy is so great, why does the Federal Reserve keep cutting rates and adding QE? Those are tools ALWAYS employed to boost a sluggish economy. I guess all you guys are just smarter than all the central bankers around the world.

the other fun thing to ask the Trump worshipers is why they do not make these threads when only 150,000 or less jobs are created in a month.
Condolences to USMB lefties. I know you were hoping for bad economic news. Sorry that 273,000 more Americans are able to help feed their families and pay their bills on their own. It’s just terrible, we know.

Run to a safe space and hope people lose their jobs in March.
So far it is pushing the markets out of the deep negatives they started the day in.

We needed a good report like this. With any luck we can get the DJI back to 26,000

“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”

Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

you are desperate for attention this morning my little loser. I have never, not once, given Obama credit for a single job.

I leave giving the government credit for all the good things the private sector does to big government statist like you and your fellow Trump worshipers.

You’re not so cleverly disguise your implications..
“Good to see the same positive trajectory has continued from 2010”

The implication is that nothing happening now started under Trump, that is all.

Once again, only people of your ilk thinks the government creates these jobs.

I think that’s just what weirdo megalomaniacs like to think we think.
See, nobody even half sane thinks the POTUS “creates” jobs...He simply facilitates, creates a vehicle/ platform by way of policy for jobs to be created by job creators.
Simple shit...what else can I teach you?

“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”

Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

you are desperate for attention this morning my little loser. I have never, not once, given Obama credit for a single job.

I leave giving the government credit for all the good things the private sector does to big government statist like you and your fellow Trump worshipers.

You’re not so cleverly disguise your implications..
“Good to see the same positive trajectory has continued from 2010”

The implication is that nothing happening now started under Trump, that is all.

Once again, only people of your ilk thinks the government creates these jobs.

I think that’s just what weirdo megalomaniacs like to think we think.
See, nobody even half sane thinks the POTUS “creates” jobs...He simply facilitates, creates a vehicle/ platform by way of policy for jobs to be created by job creators.
Simple shit...what else can I teach you?

Yet, here all you worshipers are giving Trump credit for creating all these jobs...weird.
Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

you are desperate for attention this morning my little loser. I have never, not once, given Obama credit for a single job.

I leave giving the government credit for all the good things the private sector does to big government statist like you and your fellow Trump worshipers.

You’re not so cleverly disguise your implications..
“Good to see the same positive trajectory has continued from 2010”

The implication is that nothing happening now started under Trump, that is all.

Once again, only people of your ilk thinks the government creates these jobs.

I think that’s just what weirdo megalomaniacs like to think we think.
See, nobody even half sane thinks the POTUS “creates” jobs...He simply facilitates, creates a vehicle/ platform by way of policy for jobs to be created by job creators.
Simple shit...what else can I teach you?

Yet, here all you worshipers are giving Trump credit for creating all these jobs...weird.

We give him credit for acting as a great ambassador for job creators and facilitating....That’s all.

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