WINNING: 273k Jobs Added In February, Crushing Expectations Amid Coronavirus Worries

That damned magic wand again.

Yep, that damned magic wand is still broken...we are still never going to get back to where we were....we have gotten too efficient for that...



“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”


“Yea, but (insert bullshit excuse here)”

Golfing Gator will tell us the Kenyan added those jobs....Let the countdown begin...3-2-1

That damned magic wand again.

There is virtually zero impact from the coronavirus in the February jobs report. Let’s see what the jobs report looks like in March and April.

I ask Trumpers this question over and over, but they never seem to have a (economical) reasonable explanation- If the economy is so great, why does the Federal Reserve keep cutting rates and adding QE? Those are tools ALWAYS employed to boost a sluggish economy. I guess all you guys are just smarter than all the central bankers around the world.

That damned magic wand again.

Condolences to USMB lefties. I know you were hoping for bad economic news. Sorry that 273,000 more Americans are able to help feed their families and pay their bills on their own. It’s just terrible, we know.

Run to a safe space and hope people lose their jobs in March.

Wow, just wow! I had to go 7 pages into politics to find this thread. I knew someone would create it, but I suppose BAD news stays on page 1, instead of good news at USMB with the help of Leftists.

How sad!

So what is actually going on, and did Trump really have anything to do with it, or was it all luck?

LET ME HELP YOU with a short video--------------->

A little of topic, but here goes-------------->

Are you called Trumpsters? How about Trumpkins?
Well, that is a term of endearment, if you do not realize it; not an insult! It is akin to being called a Reaganite, a Reagan Democrat, or belonging to the Reagan coalition. The Left wants to convince you that any descriptor with Trump included is an insult. Was it an insult to belong to the Reagan coalition, or being called a Reaganite? A lot of Democrats became Reaganites, didn't they!

BACK ON TOPIC----------> The economy is going to slow, how can it not? The stock market is going to be volatile, how can it not be? How much these things will happen has nothing to do with the President, it has to do with the effects of the virus.

Cutting interest rates is NOT going to fix it. We would all be better off giving instant tax credits to company's and people who lose production or working hours because of this illness, so when we come out the other side of this, the economy doesn't have to struggle to reacquire expendable funds to reignite economic activity.

If, as suggested; the virus mostly disappears through the summer months, this dip will be short lived, only to raise its head again in the 4th quarter until a vaccine is released. The amount of trouble it is going to cause, will be directly related to the % of deaths of those infected it causes in this country.

We will have a good barometer of that from Italy's experience, as this plays out. Let us see what they come up with, and I wish for all of you and your families the very best. Let us all hope our technology can quickly fix this problem!

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