Winning: More Than 130 Abortion Clinics Have Closed in the Last Five Years

WINNING: More Than 130 Abortion Clinics Have Closed in the Last Five Years

It's good to see, amidst all the bad news we see every day, that once in a while we see good news.
Have you balanced that out incorporating our militarist slaughtering abroad? Happy Holidays, Peace on Earth.
That's a very odd reply to the TOPIC of abortion clinics being aborted
Not really. Some folks just have a very odd concept of what "pro life" is.
WINNING: More Than 130 Abortion Clinics Have Closed in the Last Five Years

It's good to see, amidst all the bad news we see every day, that once in a while we see good news.
Have you balanced that out incorporating our militarist slaughtering abroad? Happy Holidays, Peace on Earth.
That's a very odd reply to the TOPIC of abortion clinics being aborted
Not really. Some folks just have a very odd concept of what "pro life" is.
Shutting down abortion clinics FOR THE CHILDREN?
There's a long waiting list to adopt children, especially newborn babies, so there is never a need for an abortion.
WINNING: More Than 130 Abortion Clinics Have Closed in the Last Five Years

It's good to see, amidst all the bad news we see every day, that once in a while we see good news.
Have you balanced that out incorporating our militarist slaughtering abroad? Happy Holidays, Peace on Earth.
And locking up all those children at the border? I'm sure the OP loves that part of being "pro-life".
Brown kids are vermin, everyone knows that.
WINNING: More Than 130 Abortion Clinics Have Closed in the Last Five Years

It's good to see, amidst all the bad news we see every day, that once in a while we see good news.
Have you balanced that out incorporating our militarist slaughtering abroad? Happy Holidays, Peace on Earth.
And locking up all those children at the border? I'm sure the OP loves that part of being "pro-life".
You mean in Obama's cages?

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