Winter Olympics (South Korea): Globalization Propaganda?


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Should the Winter Games in South Korea generate pro-capitalism folklore, or would such 'modernism idealism' be considered fanaticism?

This mosaic was inspired by Munich and City Hall.

Signing off,



A group of movie-stars and comic book writers experimenting with radical ideas about fantasy-adventure in storytelling in America began wondering if capitalism was the modern 'rendition' of the lavish grandeur of the intricate luxurious calligraphy of Ancient Egypt. These movie-stars and writers formed a secret underground union called the Egyptian Dome (ED). ED was dedicated to the analysis of the norms and designs of mercantilism logic and architectural negotiations from Ancient Egypt (AE). ED was fascinated by AE and decided to meet (secretly) every Easter and make formal discussions about the social impact of trade and commerce in the modern world by comparing today's America (i.e., Wall Street) with the ambitious networking of AE (Ancient Egypt). AE was of course marked by comfortable buildings, so ED designed an AE-like palace, complete with hieroglyphs, gardens, and murals dedicated to commerce, and this palace was...somewhere in Morocco.


ED knew from the scrolls and soothsaying 'messages' of the hieroglyphs from AE that mercantilism was rather blended with metaphysics and etiquette-based civics. Pharaohs were the guiding-hand of civil affairs, and guardsmen ensured that builders/artisans respected the norms/traditions of social contracts. The pyramids/tombs of the great Pharaohs were rather ambitiously-built and solidly-constructed, and the hieroglyphs reflected the meditation on architecture and civil design and artistry of AE. ED understood/appreciated this fact, so the secret ED palace in Morocco also contained beautiful AE hieroglyphs and modern-art renditions of AE hieroglyphs/murals. The mission of ED was to embrace the timeless value of 'capital arrangements' and how these AE 'arrangements' paralleled (arguably) the commercial imagination of modern-day Wall Street(!).


The chief-scroll of ED was a comic book writer named Ajay Satan who was given a special library-den where he composed great orations and treatises on the timeless philosophical bases of capitalism-theory, mercantilism imagination (e.g., Toys 'R Us), networking-intelligence (e.g., CIA), and cultural 'evolution' (e.g., Hollywood). Ajay even wore authentic AE robes and head-pieces sometimes, since his special library-den in the secret ED palace (called Egypt Dome Lair or EDL) was rather authentically decorated/designed as an AE-like 'room.' Ajay's job was to serve as a sort of in-house and club-promoting capitalism 'priest.' As such, he would compare AE pyramid exactness (architectures) with modern-day capitalism-architecture 'logic' (e.g., World Trade Center). Ajay believed that 9/11 was comparable to the general demise of AE itself(!).


Of course, the oddness and uniqueness of AE was something that scholars and laymen from around the modern world were quite familiar with, so ED had to carefully assess how its secret palace in Morocco should respectfully pay homage to all the civilization-based 'intelligence' of AE. One of the members of ED, a prolific Hollywood (USA) movie-star, decided to make a special film about the archaeological metaphysics of AE, since he had already made a film about Wall Street and modern American politics(!). This movie-star even visited an Egyptologist to better understand the inner-workings of the deity-worship and architectural imagination of AE. Soon, all the members of ED began really appreciating the cultural relevance of AE parallels to modern-day capitalism (and all its theories and boldness!).


When the members of ED met at the Moroccan palace every Easter, the women would dress in authentic AE garb and sit in AE-like designed palace-rooms where they would chat about the 'evolution' of gender-roles, comparing the handmaidens of AE queens to modern-day NFL cheerleaders of media-touted and socially-celebrated teams such as the Philadelphia Eagles and the New England Patriots. These women-chats in the ED Moroccan palace reinforced in these modern-day women the notion that AE customs and norms reflected some of the social 'bureaucracy' of modern-day American civilization (e.g., Vanity Fair, Hollywood Insider, Facebook, Human Genome Project, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?, etc., etc., etc.).


Since the ornate and even 'cute' hieroglyph and animalia-designs of AE resembled some of the pedestrianism-accessible modern-day comic book art (e.g., Wonder Woman, Fantastic Four, Plastic Man, Wolverine, Spider-Woman, Mighty Mouse, etc., etc.), Ajay (the ED scroll who was also a comic book writer!) decided to post murals of AE palaces and wall-art alongside modern-day comic book paintings and modern-renditions of AE 'calligraphy.' Ajay's goal was to make the ED palace in Morocco seem and feel as much like a 'new age capitalism think-tank' as was humanly possible. After all, Ajay (like all the members of ED) knew that modern-day comic book characters representing all the splendour of the proverbial 'American Dream' (e.g., Richie Rich, Kingpin, Black Cat, Iron Man, Green Arrow, Black Canary) could and should be referenced in modern-day discussions about 'capitalism-imagination.' After all, wasn't the 'dearth' of such thoughtful capitalism-value meditation the reason the Taliban attacked the World Trade Center on 9/11?


Some of the rooms of the ED palace in Morocco were fashioned to resemble the great rooms of the palaces of the queens of the great AE Pharaohs. The rationale was that to appreciate the development of capitalism ambition, ED should actually immerse itself in some of the socialization comforts and charms of the architectural ornateness of AE. ED did not want to feel like it was merely a group of haphazard idol-worshippers bent on 'deifying capitalism' in the name of 'American honor,' for how would such juvenile idolatry separate America from the anti-civilization terrorists (e.g., ISIS) bent on using violence and hysteria as a means to create general dialogue?


During one meeting of ED at the Moroccan palace, a movie-star playing the role of an AE politician discussed with another ED member (a movie-star playing the role of an AE Pharaoh) the general panic created by anti-globalization terrorism (e.g., Al Qaeda) and how social control may be the new 'face' of networking management. The 'Pharaoh' replied, "Perhaps terrorism is the new face of 'religious shock'." However, the other members of ED quickly refuted and subsided this controversial point by suggesting that AE civilization should serve as a model for reflection rather than regret. Could capitalism be once again 'idealized' after 9/11? ED believed it could!


Remember folks that the intricate hieroglyphs of AE served to provide the people of AE a general roadmap for understanding civilization-base 'goals.' As such, the members of ED understood/appreciated that the Wall Street Journal and Marvel Comics were new age 'versions' of AE hieroglyphs about daily activities regarding farming, justice, governance, and even environmentalism activism. Modern eco-consciousness oriented comic book characters such as Swamp Thing, Poison Ivy, and Captain Planet were representations of AE-like meditations on the relationship between manmade ambitions and Earth's carrying capacity!


Finally, when the Winter Olympics [2018] in PyeongChang (South Korea) arrived, the world was in anticipation of how new age social customs and norms would prevail in the face of anti-civilization fascism and even terrorism, since, after all, South Korea had been embroiled in political troubles with neighboring North Korea. During Labor Day weekend [2017], the U.S. government was dealing with a serious nuclear-missile test crisis involving North Korea. The Winter Games in South Korea, therefore, reflected a modern age 'hope' for networking-based imagination. That's why ED dedicated a special poem to the logic of capitalism as it contoured with some of the governance-based imagination (and even flaws!) of AE.


Ode to the Winter Games,
for though Egypt has passed,
America is new and certainly Giant,
a giant toast to the logic of capital,
for Wall Street and Toys 'R Us;
the new World is the World Bank,
and for all Egypt's labor-demands,
and the Pharaoh's relentless rule,
the Winter Games bring us to the
'modern society' duel!






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The Right Stuff

I'd like to see a terrific TIME magazine spread/feature about the historical legacy of PyeongChang 2018.

Here's a mock-dialogue between American Olympian skier Lindsey Vonn and a fictional AE (Ancient Egypt) maiden about negotiating 'Utopian' decisions in the modern age...


VONN: The 2018 Winter Games will be a triumph for politics.
AE MAIDEN: You can heal the scars of 1972 Munich (Summer Olympics).
VONN: I'm sure there were 'troubles' during your time in Ancient Egypt!
AE MAIDEN: Yes, but we didn't fear nuclear war...
VONN: True. Maybe these Winter Olympics in South Korea will promote optimism.
AE MAIDEN: That's what the U.S. government claims!
VONN: I think the world needs the right dose of 'folk-medicine.'
AE MAIDEN: Surely, that will help people finally get over 9/11.
VONN: If I didn't become an Olympian, I'd have become a doctor.
AE MAIDEN: So you chose the diplomatic 'arena' instead of Johns Hopkins!
VONN: Hail to the Age of Negotiation.


{Olympian Lindsey Vonn & Ancient Egyptian Maiden Drawing}


It's a fact that sports-news brings together people looking to use peace-promoting competitive sports as a bridge for geopolitical customs. This is an achievement for the Age of Media. What will archaeologists make of this?


Legendary German tennis stars Steffi Graf and Boris Becker win the Wimbledon championships.


Iconic German tennis stars Michael Stich and Steffi Graf win the Wimbledon championships.


Finland's men's ice hockey team upend and defeat the German men's ice hockey team in PyeongGhang group-play by a score of 5-2, despite the fact that Germany is leading the pack in total medals at the Winter Olympics this year.




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