Wisconsin Appeals Court upholds voter ID law.

You may be a liberal if........

....if you believe that a requirement to show ID to vote, violates people's right to vote,

...but that a requirement to show ID to buy a gun, and get a background check, and have to pay 100% or more in taxes on the purchase, and be restricted to only certain kinds of gun, and having to wait two weeks to pick up what you bought, does NOT violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms.
Republicans have only won the popular presidential vote one time in the last 20 years.....2004.

So the only way Republicans can win is for the Supreme Court to change the rules on campaign contributions allowing billionaire donors to give hundreds of millions of dollars and then have the states illegally block people's right to vote.

Thank God Illinois, California and New York have exactly the same sway in the electoral process as Montana, Mississippi and West Virginia.

Oddly, the branch of government based on population density, the House of Representatives, remains staunchly republican.

Go figure.
Oddly the American people in the current 50 states are neither so union-intimidated nor as stupid as Dems would like to control-freak to death. :muahaha:

Everyone has access to getting a State Issued ID of some kind.

It's a matter of wanting to get it.

And for that .0001% who were born before birth certificates were common.. It's easy enough to give them an ID if they don't have one.

Actually, it's probably close to 10% than 1%...but yeah, otherwise, spot on!
Voter ID is no affront to democracy.

The DNC are fucking morons for objecting to it.

Hardly. They object to it because they KNOW it will cost them the graveyard vote, the illegal alien vote, the multiple vote, and the senile-vegetable vote. This is NOT complicated!
The more Voter ID laws the merrier... good on my cheese-head neighbors...
Voter ID is no affront to democracy.

The DNC are fucking morons for objecting to it.

Hardly. They object to it because they KNOW it will cost them the graveyard vote, the illegal alien vote, the multiple vote, and the senile-vegetable vote. This is NOT complicated!

Makes ya think they don't think they can win legitimately, since they fight it so hard... :eusa_whistle:
I wonder: Why don't liberals challenge the federal law that requires showing a photo ID to board a plane? Why not challenge businesses that require a photo ID before they'll process your credit card purchase? Why not challenge laws that require a photo ID to buy cigarettes and alcohol? Why not sue AT&T stores for not letting you make any changes to your cell phone account until you show a photo ID?

Do these people who claim they're "intimidated" by simply being asked to verify their identity with photo ID when they vote--do they never fly on planes, never buy beer or cigarettes, never use a credit card, etc., etc.?
You need a photo I.D. to write a check open a bank account get on pretty much any and every form of government assistance out there yet showing a photo I.D. to vote is to much of a burden that may not be the biggest load of bullshit the left has tried to shovel but it's in the top ten.

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