Wisconsin Collective Bargaining Law is Working

you know, I asked him what he paid for a mortgage or rent, after he said what his wife made etc etc. pre goal post movement, he of course never answered because, he cannot figure out it appears that 53K in his area may be like 90K here....Or he has and knows hes screwed if he tells me its say 1000 a mo.
I suspect he's run for the hills. but we are talking about someone not smart enough to do this.

I did tease the 25% death benefit out of him, UC gives that too. my wife will if she survives me get 25% of my monthly pension pay till she dies....what a sweet heart deal huh? and I just now ( or that is our union) have started to pay.......wait for it....

2% to our defined pension plan...unreal. ( we also got a 4.5% raise every year for the next 5 years too, fucking highway robbery of the state, period).

So? I get a defined benefit pension too. She's paid into it and deserves it. What's your point?

Talk about misconstruing your entire argument. They are getting a far better deal than damn near the entire public sector and you're claiming they're unfairly having their pay cut!

Moving the goalposts isn't enough anymore, you gotta change stadiums and sports?

I make more money and get better benefits than my wife and all I have is a HS diploma and work a blue collar job.

Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

Most likely because me and the job I do are worth more.

I make more money and get better benefits than my wife and all I have is a HS diploma and work a blue collar job.

Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

Most likely because me and the job I do are worth more.

That did not answer the question. Do you take ANY deductions on your taxes?
Awww.....I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. But you posted how rough you had it while slamming my wife who you seem to think has it made. But the difference is that she worked for it and you didn't.


I NEVER slammed your wife, show me, please excerpt and post it....thx.

When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.

No one is slamming teachers. We are trashing the public worker unions.
When are you people going to realize this is not personal. It's taxpayers trying to figure out why their tax bills continue to rise with every revaluation yet their services are not improving. As a matter of fact, the frustration level with public services is rising. It has come to a head. People are just pissed off with having to fork over more money to public worker unions so their members can get raises, inexpensive health insurance and nice pensions while taxpayers wages stagnate and their home values depreciate. Folks are now thinking it is unjust to have public servants do better than the people they serve.
Government keeps demanding tax increases and refuses to acknowledge the concept of fiscal responsibility.
Yes but I'm unsure how much it is, perhaps 25%? But she does pay a hefty sum into her retirement benefits.


whoooa what?

she; your wife as a teacher for the state contributed 25% of her pay per paycheck to her defined pension plan?

Tell me that one more time please, you must have mistyped.

whats her retirement per year %?? 2% 2.5, 3?

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.

Most private sector employees get nothing. They have to invest in 401k's or IRA's....At their expense.
Public employees get defined pensions paid by the taxpayers. So not only are those in the private sector taking care of theirs, they take care of the public employees as well. See where we are going here.
Public employee unions have created this "us vs them" system.
The smart thing to do would be to vote for the party that would help ALL workers to that level, the Dems, instead of falling for the Pub strategy of divide and conquer. Stop pandering to the rich. And the unions in Wis. had already agreed to cuts, just not losing collectve bargaining
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The smart thing to do would be to vote for the party that would help ALL workers to that level, the Dems, instead of falling for the Pub strategy of divide and conquer. Stop pandering to the rich. And the unions in Wis. had already agreed to cuts, just not losing collectve bargaining
No..The right thing to do is vote for politicians that will practice fiscal responsibility.
Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

Most likely because me and the job I do are worth more.

That did not answer the question. Do you take ANY deductions on your taxes?

I file the short form every year. Is that what you want to know? I don't have enough deductions to file long.

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I NEVER slammed your wife, show me, please excerpt and post it....thx.

When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.

No one is slamming teachers. We are trashing the public worker unions.
When are you people going to realize this is not personal. It's taxpayers trying to figure out why their tax bills continue to rise with every revaluation yet their services are not improving. As a matter of fact, the frustration level with public services is rising. It has come to a head. People are just pissed off with having to fork over more money to public worker unions so their members can get raises, inexpensive health insurance and nice pensions while taxpayers wages stagnate and their home values depreciate. Folks are now thinking it is unjust to have public servants do better than the people they serve.
Government keeps demanding tax increases and refuses to acknowledge the concept of fiscal responsibility.

whoooa what?

she; your wife as a teacher for the state contributed 25% of her pay per paycheck to her defined pension plan?

Tell me that one more time please, you must have mistyped.

whats her retirement per year %?? 2% 2.5, 3?

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.

Most private sector employees get nothing. They have to invest in 401k's or IRA's....At their expense.
Public employees get defined pensions paid by the taxpayers. So not only are those in the private sector taking care of theirs, they take care of the public employees as well. See where we are going here.
Public employee unions have created this "us vs them" system.

Most major employers around here (CAT, Coal Mines, Power Plants, etc.) and I suspect nationwide still have defined benefit plans. I know that most industries are moving toward 401k plans (I have both a good 401k and defined benefit). So public union employees are not out of line getting them and would be foolish to turn them down, if offered.

Instead of slamming the public union employees why not go after the ones who put them in place? I mean, wouldn't YOU take advantage of one if it was offered? If not then you'd be stupid and if so how can you slam them?

And, IMO, the people creating this "us versus them" mentality are rabble rousing GOP politicians. Most people don't give a shit. But don't take my word for it. I think a good measuring stick will be to see how the Wisconsin recall plays out.

When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.

No one is slamming teachers. We are trashing the public worker unions.
When are you people going to realize this is not personal. It's taxpayers trying to figure out why their tax bills continue to rise with every revaluation yet their services are not improving. As a matter of fact, the frustration level with public services is rising. It has come to a head. People are just pissed off with having to fork over more money to public worker unions so their members can get raises, inexpensive health insurance and nice pensions while taxpayers wages stagnate and their home values depreciate. Folks are now thinking it is unjust to have public servants do better than the people they serve.
Government keeps demanding tax increases and refuses to acknowledge the concept of fiscal responsibility.

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.

Most private sector employees get nothing. They have to invest in 401k's or IRA's....At their expense.
Public employees get defined pensions paid by the taxpayers. So not only are those in the private sector taking care of theirs, they take care of the public employees as well. See where we are going here.
Public employee unions have created this "us vs them" system.

Most major employers around here (CAT, Coal Mines, Power Plants, etc.) and I suspect nationwide still have defined benefit plans. I know that most industries are moving toward 401k plans (I have both a good 401k and defined benefit). So public union employees are not out of line getting them and would be foolish to turn them down, if offered.

Instead of slamming the public union employees why not go after the ones who put them in place? I mean, wouldn't YOU take advantage of one if it was offered? If not then you'd be stupid and if so how can you slam them?

And, IMO, the people creating this "us versus them" mentality are rabble rousing GOP politicians. Most people don't give a shit. But don't take my word for it. I think a good measuring stick will be to see how the Wisconsin recall plays out.

90% of private employers no longer or will in the near future not offer pensions.
Public employee wages and benefits are way out of line with the private sector. That is the point of this movement to rein in their unions.
Yes, throughout history, those who sought to peel back the layers of the proverbial onion were always looked upon as troublemakers by those who wanted to keep the status quo.
Ya know what? Every so often the old apple cart needs to be turned over so we can put in new fruit.
What Wisconsin recall? The one you people keep wishing for?
So a few thousand union thugs don't like the way things went so now they want a do over. Ok....And you people have the fucking nerve to bitch about how the will of the people is usurped.
When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.

No one is slamming teachers. We are trashing the public worker unions.
When are you people going to realize this is not personal. It's taxpayers trying to figure out why their tax bills continue to rise with every revaluation yet their services are not improving. As a matter of fact, the frustration level with public services is rising. It has come to a head. People are just pissed off with having to fork over more money to public worker unions so their members can get raises, inexpensive health insurance and nice pensions while taxpayers wages stagnate and their home values depreciate. Folks are now thinking it is unjust to have public servants do better than the people they serve.
Government keeps demanding tax increases and refuses to acknowledge the concept of fiscal responsibility.

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.

Most private sector employees get nothing. They have to invest in 401k's or IRA's....At their expense.
Public employees get defined pensions paid by the taxpayers. So not only are those in the private sector taking care of theirs, they take care of the public employees as well. See where we are going here.
Public employee unions have created this "us vs them" system.

Most major employers around here (CAT, Coal Mines, Power Plants, etc.) and I suspect nationwide still have defined benefit plans. I know that most industries are moving toward 401k plans (I have both a good 401k and defined benefit). So public union employees are not out of line getting them and would be foolish to turn them down, if offered.

Instead of slamming the public union employees why not go after the ones who put them in place? I mean, wouldn't YOU take advantage of one if it was offered? If not then you'd be stupid and if so how can you slam them?

And, IMO, the people creating this "us versus them" mentality are rabble rousing GOP politicians. Most people don't give a shit. But don't take my word for it. I think a good measuring stick will be to see how the Wisconsin recall plays out.

Once again, no one is slamming the workers. It is the unions we are going after.
Stop whining.
All these conservatives who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that paying teachers less will produce better teachers.


All these liberals who think they're genius economists and experts on capitalism, markets, supply and demand, etc.,

and yet they somehow believe that the increase in teachers pay has produced better teachers.


Should we pay military personnel less money so we can get better soldiers?
At what point can we admit that the extra money we've spent on public education over the last 40 years hasn't given us better results?
Obviously you must not deserve it. Perhaps you are the one that your beloved P-BO should be taxing a lot more to help out us poor people.

Tell me, do you take ANY deductions for your taxes? If so, how do you justify that against your ethics of robbing the rich? you're much richer than me and many others then.

you know, I asked him what he paid for a mortgage or rent, after he said what his wife made etc etc. pre goal post movement, he of course never answered because, he cannot figure out it appears that 53K in his area may be like 90K here....Or he has and knows hes screwed if he tells me its say 1000 a mo.

And I answered. My house is paid off.


that is not an answer.
I suspect he's run for the hills. but we are talking about someone not smart enough to do this.

I did tease the 25% death benefit out of him, UC gives that too. my wife will if she survives me get 25% of my monthly pension pay till she dies....what a sweet heart deal huh? and I just now ( or that is our union) have started to pay.......wait for it....

2% to our defined pension plan...unreal. ( we also got a 4.5% raise every year for the next 5 years too, fucking highway robbery of the state, period).

So? I get a defined benefit pension too. She's paid into it and deserves it. What's your point?


you act as if you have not been here posting today, check the posts in the last 3 pages, I asked you a question on defend pension value.
I NEVER slammed your wife, show me, please excerpt and post it....thx.

When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.

No one is slamming teachers. We are trashing the public worker unions.
When are you people going to realize this is not personal. It's taxpayers trying to figure out why their tax bills continue to rise with every revaluation yet their services are not improving. As a matter of fact, the frustration level with public services is rising. It has come to a head. People are just pissed off with having to fork over more money to public worker unions so their members can get raises, inexpensive health insurance and nice pensions while taxpayers wages stagnate and their home values depreciate. Folks are now thinking it is unjust to have public servants do better than the people they serve.
Government keeps demanding tax increases and refuses to acknowledge the concept of fiscal responsibility.

its a play on one of the rules, personalize it, in this case however he personalizes his side so as to cast them as victims. it appeals to those who don't take the time to look at detail and creates a hands off aura.....any critique is classified as a 'personal attack", taking the conversation from fact to emotion.
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When you slam all teachers that includes my wife.

No one is slamming teachers. We are trashing the public worker unions.
When are you people going to realize this is not personal. It's taxpayers trying to figure out why their tax bills continue to rise with every revaluation yet their services are not improving. As a matter of fact, the frustration level with public services is rising. It has come to a head. People are just pissed off with having to fork over more money to public worker unions so their members can get raises, inexpensive health insurance and nice pensions while taxpayers wages stagnate and their home values depreciate. Folks are now thinking it is unjust to have public servants do better than the people they serve.

Government keeps demanding tax increases and refuses to acknowledge the concept of fiscal responsibility.

No. My survivor benefit is 25%. She only gets 28K for a pension plus medical that she has to pay a percentage of. You do the math.

Most private sector employees get nothing. They have to invest in 401k's or IRA's....At their expense.
Public employees get defined pensions paid by the taxpayers. So not only are those in the private sector taking care of theirs, they take care of the public employees as well. See where we are going here.
Public employee unions have created this "us vs them" system.

Most major employers around here (CAT, Coal Mines, Power Plants, etc.) and I suspect nationwide still have defined benefit plans. I know that most industries are moving toward 401k plans (I have both a good 401k and defined benefit). So public union employees are not out of line getting them and would be foolish to turn them down, if offered.

Instead of slamming the public union employees why not go after the ones who put them in place? I mean, wouldn't YOU take advantage of one if it was offered? If not then you'd be stupid and if so how can you slam them?

And, IMO, the people creating this "us versus them" mentality are rabble rousing GOP politicians. Most people don't give a shit. But don't take my word for it. I think a good measuring stick will be to see how the Wisconsin recall plays out.


Most major employers around here (CAT, Coal Mines, Power Plants, etc.) and I suspect nationwide still have defined benefit plans

Links please...and he and I said pension so don't even try that. Links please.

and I am still waiting for the insults I cast at teachers.
The smart thing to do would be to vote for the party that would help ALL workers to that level, the Dems, instead of falling for the Pub strategy of divide and conquer. Stop pandering to the rich. And the unions in Wis. had already agreed to cuts, just not losing collectve bargaining

What is it with liberals thinking they have the moral obligation to define for other people what their best interests are?

Oh, and I'm SURE it's just coincidence that their best interests are to keep liberals in power. :eusa_whistle:

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